/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Day After Christmas EditionĀ®
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Day After Christmas EditionĀ®
First for intelly
drawfag here
what do you want this week?
POJ switch sleeping in a present box
can you do Saturn as Nemissa from Soul Hackers
Vita and U are CUTE! CUTE!!!
K Loli Switch throwing cappy at milf bot
Looks like we have a slow /ctt/ today.
Happy Boxing Day everyone!
I love my vita!
Happy Boxing Day!
How's everyones' holidays been?
Pretty good and comfy
I love fat tits
I hope you faggots had a fun christmas
Here's hoping for new years CD-i
I love shield's package.
Videogames are being played in the comfiest of manners
A'ght anons.
Now lets all have good new year next.
this package is about to get well-wrapped
Oh no what's happening to that poor little game boy?
Merry christmas ctt. Did your favorite console get any games for christmas?
reminder that she is canon
hey guys whats going on in this thread
Hopefully, hopefully.
Can't stop thinking about shield's package after the last thread I see.
fingers crossed.
Canon explanation on why there are no Sega consoles anymore
Which Xbox One X design is the "canon" one?
don't start.
XOX, the greatest Christmas present was looking on the booru to see that scorpio was gone for good
just goes to show that the best designs win out
So its like the Switch that has 3 or so designs?
>xbox one x eating a burger
Scorp obviously.
they car crashed and died?
here's to a comfy new year.
Pretty fun
I have to work today but it's probably going to be dead and them I'm off tomorrow so i can play games all day and post here tonight.
Man that was great thread. Makes me want to learn to draw.
I require more Hypnotized consoles! MORE!
well a toodledoo to you user.
If only, not enough drawfags seem to be into that sorta thing. Hypnotized wii might be fun. Or GBA.
Can't complain. I gifted a lot of vidya and Pokemon stuff to friends and family, including a N2DSXL to a nephew.
What's it like in PS4's s ass?
like glory long gone.
There should be a cock vore version of that.
Scorp is obviously the best and only one that matters
well not quite as problematic as the switch fiasco, but there since those were mostly the fault of outsiders. the drawfags just concluded to draw what you want.
It's tuesday? fucking christmas! I thought it was monday!
full of dicks
I want to lick scorp's abs.
Hacked 3ds
Got close
And my brother gave Be a sonic forces thing he made
he made it before the game came out so it the thought that counts
why doesn't vita have a body that make more sense for hikikomoris like her?
oh man time flies I haven't even started on my drawing do you guys still wanna see futa Gameboy Advance?
>a sonic forces thing he made
What exactly is it?
absolutely, but make a dickless version please
I second this
don't mind if i do
I need fresh Vita, Ouya or K-switch porn for a new years fap.
Don't ever let the narcoleptic girl take the wheel
Where's twinposter when you need him
Is there a gba sp tan?
Twins are fine too. I'm non-discriminating pedophile.
there's a male version but I dont have him
Scorpio. The "most powerful console" deserves a tomboyish, mean girl, not a loli
master system is winning this one.
I see what you did there
If any drawfag sees this, how about christmas elf switch twins? And a busty switch milf santa.
sorry if I made her too buff
No such thing.
she is just as buff as she needs to be, perfect user!
is there any loss edit with console tans?
Where's the bulge?
I just noticed she has a great resemblance to Lotte from Little Witch academia.
Switch Twins are so cute.
10/10 user, finally got new GBA armpit material, thank you