>they didn't join the swamp camp
>they didn't spend all game chilling in a swamp and getting stoned
>they didn't praise the sleeper
Lmao @ y'all
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there a way to play this game without crushing my pinkie holding Left-alt? Also is Mud going to follow me forever now? Why is he even there?
Why are you holding Left-alt?
Just beat him up and he's going to piss off. If you really hate him then go somewhere into the wilds, beat him up and murder him.
Mud is gay and exists only to annoy you.
The sooner you get rid of him the better.
It's the action key. You have to hold left-alt and a direction to do anything in this game.
Dang, okay.
>not playing with a mouse
Did you fall for the keyboard only meme made by autists who played Gothic in 2001 and couldn't afford a mouse?
I don't recall the control schemes entirely but wasn't left-alt the action button you needed to press all the time to interact with objects/people?
> couldn't afford mouse in 2001
Fucking al-Quaida
Use the mouse. Its alot fucking easier.
Daily reminder that Elex is really good
Is it?
How fun is it?
Old camp
>badass shadow
>badass fire-mage
New Camp
>gay bandit
>badass water-mage
Swamp Camp
Kill yourself OP
also youtube.com
> joining gay mages
> not based guards
U gay user
Guards are objectively the worse choice in terms of endgame skills but hey, whatever floats your boat.
You are "supposed" to have both hands on the keyboard. Right hand on Arrow keys and left hand on spacebar, ctrl and alt. Mouse support was added just some weeks before release.
>Guards are objectively the worse choice
Its not like G1 is any difficult
you can freely pick the faction you like
But muh based Thorus...
I feel that the first few acts are so strong and the last few are weak as fuck. I lost all the will to play the game after shit hit the fan in Old Camp . Lost are the feelings of you being a nobody, trying to navigate the camp, surviving monsters and colony politics. Instead it's just you killing monsters in long ass dungeons.
I found it really great if you like exploring. Since my last PB was Risen 2, and it was godawful, I was pleasantly surprised of how well this game turns out to be. Great environments that are interesting to explore, enjoyable quests that can be connected with each other with some decent dialogues here and there, and good atmosphere. Combat is still fucking sucks, there are some bugs, and the whole thing can still be frustrating tho.
No it's not, it's fucking shit
Yeah, the first few chapters are the best and maximum comfy.
Also didn't they kinda run out of money towards the end and had to scrap a lot quests?
Like there's an entire camp filled with bandits but they're all hostile and the area serves no real purpose.
> old camp goes to shit
> can't buy a tier 3 guard amor
To this day I'm sad it's not possible to get that armor without cheats. It looks so badass.
>last PB was Risen 2
Wait wasn't Risen 3 also PB?
Nah, I say it's pretty great. It's jank but that's my boy PB is.
My last PB game was Risen 2 and it left a bad taste in my mouth.
Can I play Gothic 2 without playing 1 first?
yes but you shouldn't
Because it's the sequel
Actually you may very well play 2 before 1, because the main character starts with amnesia (lol, trope). Having played 1 just gives you a slight edge on who to trust and how to play this type of game in general (how and when to spend learning points). If you cannot stand the old graphics or control scheme of 1 then you might as well go for 2 first.
You can but it's recommended to play the first one first.
You'll just feel more familiar to the world and people in it.
I would not say that playing the first gives you knowledge about how to play (spend learning points etc.) the first one is significant easier (especially when you Play G2 with NotR addon) because the increase in LP cost etc.
also how's Gothic 3? I read that it's buggy, but surely after all these years it's been fixed by mods.
>Gothic 3 launch memories resurface
>Gothic 3
>guards no longer wear long tunics like they did in the old camp or Khorinis
>everybody just wears pants
Still sad about this
>OwO what's this? Surely just an entry-level critter.
Pls no mr porky...stahp
>it's fucking shit
>*shills his shitty youtube channel*
ELEX is unironically the best game PB made since Risen 1
The community patch fixes most of the problems. However the game plays rather differently than the other two and many people prefer 2 over it. It is much more forgiving than 2 and offers a bigger (and mabye more generic) world than its predecessors. It is definitely worth a playthrough, but if you're a die hard fan of 2 you may be disappointed.
I went New Camp because I liked the armour. Would've gone Old Camp. No real reason either way.
Gothic 2 > Gothic 1
Swamp Camp did have the best armor, but I couldn't get over their wacky demon worship so I went with the New Camp. Second best armor plus the most aesthetically pleasing camp, a nice cozy cave camp.
>He'd rather muck about in the swamp sucking Y'Berion's cock in exchange for weed like a crackwhore
>Not joining the fire mages and then switching to based Adanos to uphold the balance
agree, fuck all the woke incels
get sleep
>provide facts and arguments disputing product's quality
>nah bro it's great I enjoy eating shit
And nothing of value was gained from this post.
>they didn't join the swamp camp
>can't even become a guru
Why would I bother with these cucks?
On the other hand, Elex is actually quite decent.
And there is also an important thing about PB's games, as a person who's played every single one of them, the amount of improvement throughout the Risen 2 - Risen 3 - Elex sequence is actually fucking impressive. Shame they scrapped Risen 1 entirely though.
>not joining the old camp
What improvements? It's still a terrible game, is this what the average pb fan eats up to maintain their substyle of a subgenre game? They kept most if not all of the features from risen 3 into elex, which by itself is wrong to begin with.
The environments improvements from Risen 2 to Elex is mad impressive. I love Elex world.
Almost all the bad things about Elex can be applied to Gothic 1 and 2 as well. Now stop being a bitch, stop throwing your embarrassing hissy fits, get your shitty video out of here and leave the thread if you don't like the game.
You literally sound like me before I actually tried out Risen 2 and 3 and ACTUALLY beat them to form an ACTUAL opinion instead of a bunch of worthless whining.
I'm pretty sure I have more experience than you with pb games, I'm not shitposting. Bottom line Elex is not a good game, it's a decent effort but not worth this praise.There's 20 minutes worth of arguments against just the gameplay in the thread that I'm not going to paraphrase already.
>Almost all the bad things about Elex can be applied to Gothic 1 and 2 as well.
Factually wrong. Elex is fundamentally a mismanagement of poor decisions all bundled up together without much sense or cohesion, the complete opposite of Gothic. What's your next argument? "Opinions?"
Art direction is completely up to each person's taste. I personally do not enjoy too much genre mixing like might and magic or thief, but to each their own.