What are some non pornographic games where the protag clearly has or had sex...

What are some non pornographic games where the protag clearly has or had sex? I'm sick of these soyboy games where the best the protag gets is a kiss or a fucking hug. Theyre so unrealistic. Everyone has sex so why not these vidya characters?

P3, P4, and P5


>everyone has sex

>Everyone has sex

>everyone has sex
y-yeah. haha...

>tfw you managed to have sex aleast once so you can atleast say you won't die a virgin.

Lifes all about the mini victories,my dudes. Low expectations, thats the true way to happiness

Fire Emblem


The Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time. Had an actual
>dad walks in
moment with it too

Fire Emblem games where you can have kids

>everyone has sex

PoP2's good end also had one.

>only have sex once in your life
>never get to git gud at it enough to properly enjoy it
>wizard powers lost forever
I pity the fool who had a shot with either life and destroyed both

I never even knew I had this feel until I read this

That wasn't even the only time, Naoto is a massive pervert.

Mass effect
The sims
Gears of war

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

Why is it okay to show violence but if there's a sex scene people flip a tit?

Do you just like bringing people down or something? we're all just trying to enjoy life here, and then this asshole comes in.

Where do you think we are?

Remember that hiring a prostitute is the same as entering a cheat code. You won't unlock the achievement or feel the same sense of gratification. You need to put in the work and earn it.