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Video Games #4015
Video Games
Why does Sup Forums love this game so much?
Dokkaebi is cute
It's up
Hey Sup Forums i'm making a game and i need weapon descriptions for swords...
Be younger
Why does it feel like PC gaming is dying a slow death again?
Hey bro, wanna come and play Bloodborne with us?
A guy said he'd get me Persona 5 for christmas. His first idea was to GIVE ME HIS DEBIT CARD INFO...
What was their name again?
Tfw first ever tinder date tonight
Lethal or non-lethal approach lads?
I really loved the scene in Super Mario Odyssey where Mario Bro first uses Cappy to posses a creature, a frog...
Rest in peace literally every green unit
How do I get hired by this guy?
These are your newhou final bosses. Say something nice!
Tell me Amuro, of the Federation is so great. Why are there no good gundam games?
Car crashes into wall at 300km/h
What exactly went wrong?
What video game made you laugh
Tell me an MMO that has better movement and platforming than GW2
I'm playing Super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Loading Screens: The Video Game
Tfw have a job interview tomorrow
Best games to play while tripping?
3.5 years ago
How do I make friends in video games?
No g...a........m
Phil Fish's 2017 Game of the Year
I just bought a Switch. Should I re-buy Zelda on it and start over...
Name a video game starting with the last letter of the previous one. I'll start :
What's her name Sup Forums?
Party member betrays you
One copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 2.. and your number please ( ꒪◞౪◟꒪)
Just bought this. Does it become something more that a bland-half done open world limited RPG?
What is the video game equivalent of this?
Is anyone on Sup Forums still kind of hyped for this...
Squid boys > Squid girls
Dokkan Battle Thread
PS1 had good platforme-
Game has a sewers level
Post your battlestations
What are some of the Sup Forums's most anticipated games for 2018?
Darkest Dungeon
ITT: Franchise killers
Play game set in the near future
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
PS3 comes out
I want 2B to romantically carry me
PlayStation TV
Came out 6 years ago
This is Nia, say something naughty to her
What am I in for?
ITT: Games people say they enjoyed just for board cred, pic related
Where does Breath of the Wild fit into the Zelda Timeline?
Caused a shitstorm for a year before it got released
Stop mating with Visas
Mfw someone praises this game
Can we have a rimworld thread or Sup Forums is not for video games anymore?
3x3 Thread
Started to main this guy and have been having a blast blowing spergs up and making people quit
Achievement unlocked: out of the frying pan
Non-american franchise that has a bunch of games
Got enough tatakau tokens to buy Sakura-chan yet?
Filename thread
Giant Bomb GOTY
Where does the Nier series go from here?
What if they barely announce a thing in January?
No ga
Autistic things you Used to Do
Buy my game, bro
Is it worth learning Moon for vidya anons?
Party member betrays you
Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a videogame?
What made this map so compelling?
What will go wrong?
Buy Kat's game RIGHT NOW. Hurry and collect dusty's shit tokens before it's too late. Kat deserves this
Is he right?
ITT subtle vidya clothing
"yes goyim gaming is a disease now"
What are some games that were directly inspired from movies
Battlefield 2018
Why exactly is Bloodborne GOAT ?
Are you really there user?
Cuphead is going for 8 dollars on xbox, is it worth it for that price?
Thief thread
RESIDENT EVIL 2 revelations
Let's tally up the facts, shall we?
Crash Bandicoot Multiplat
Vidya webm thread
ITT: Predict the main background/storyline for The Elder Scrolls VI. Serious, non serious, doesn't matter
Do you have any hopes for the Borderlands series or did Burch/Randy completely ruin it for you...
Who remembers when you had to map out areas on graph paper for certain video games?
This shit is going to drain my entire life isn't it?
What game let me do this?
Wasn't the Auschwitz level a bit much?
Which video game character has killed the most people?
What are some games with awesome nukes?
Npc faction betrays your alliance
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Bought this two years ago, been in my backlog ever since. Just now installing it
God i wish that were me
Just bought this game called Splatoon 2 for my Nintendo Switch Sup Forums
This game got me through the first (and hardest) days of nicotine withdrawal...
ITT: Games that brainlets can't comprehend
You asked for it, Sup Forums. You asked for it!
What does Sup Forums think about Escape from Tarkov?
Mega man
Itt: the best game you played all 2017
ITT: Acceptable Let's Play videos
Autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing
Mom walks in
Hidden Gems - Steam Sale Edition
Steam sale thread
Game with morality system
What are your favorite Star Wars games?
Now that the pokemon go fad is over, what is next for the pokemon franchise?
Lives on own personal titan
Is this the best handheld ever made?
What are some games with funny walk cycles?
It's good if you install 200 mods
Yoko Taro's top 10 games of 2017
You can now erase one of these from existence, which is it Sup Forums?
95% of video games are shit
Why does everyone on Sup Forums lover her so much
Is Sup Forums excited for Kingdom Come Deliverance?
Could we start a "which dark souls is best and why" thread?
Will you get Jurassic World Evolution?
What junk food do you like during videogames?
What will be their GOTY?
Is this harder than original P4 ?
US Gamer top 20 games of 2017
So why haven't you moved to japan yet Sup Forums?
Are games like Ace Attorney or Danganronpa visual novels?
First Swatting death
Sup Forums memes that need to die
What you bought
Please come play my multiplayer strategy game Sup Forums
Why doesn't Sega enter in the console market again? They have the financial backing and capability
Recommend some video games people with a low IQ can enjoy
What is, artistically, the most beautiful game you've ever seen
How do we stop console wars?
Is it me or did people already forgot about BOTW...
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga: Bowser's Minions
You'll never get that feeling of playing a souls game for the first time again. Why even continue living?
Video games are art
Why haven't you modded your Switch yet?
Why contain it?
The great debate
Risk of Rain Thread
Breath of the Wild is DOOMED!
ITT: Post casino levels in vidya
Do you think VR would help people go to the gym?
I'm legit 12 years old awaiting my global perma ban please
Bungie give me flaming recon please please please i'll do anything for it
Fuck this shit
I want to marry Whisper!
Just another boring as fuck hack and slash game. Dante is a god beating up on low level demons...
What went wrong?
"Free will is a myth! Religion is a joke!"
Itt: franchises with many iterations in which only one of the games is actually good
Touhou 15.5
You ARE pre-ordering his game next month, right Sup Forums?
YO user, we heard you like video games. Wanna come play Call of Duty with us?
A few party members carry the team
What are some games with emotional endings Sup Forums?
Why did Nintendo approve this?
Did they?
Enemies can turn invisible
What card can I actually buy that isnt fucked by miners?
Is there any game that reminds of Akira?
Bloody hell
If you think that BotW is a 7.5 at best, then what is your personal 10? I need to see how irrelevant your opinion is
Fish games
What games did you get for Christmas?
Skeleton boss
What's the best one?
Hey loser, are we gonna team up for volleyball or not?
Is speed running degenerat?
What are some games that allow me to explore the universe and meet and engage other races?
I just beat the Skeleton guy Wolnir. When does DS3 get hard? Seems way easier than the first two so far...
Thoughts on video game themed tattoos?
Online gamers have said in multiple Twitter posts that the shooting of a man Thursday night by Wichita police was the...
Do Asian people make better video games than whites?
I got 13.52 euros on steam. Gimme some good recommendations on what to buy
Oh so mods delete boogie thread...
Bathtub girl boxing molestation sim is out, is anybody here playing it?
Final boss is a party member
Are videogames a good medium to tell romantic stories?
Can we have a Miku thread?
Fallout nv is better than 3
What are the elements that accomunate all these games and made them become so overhyped?
What are your honest thoughts on this game?
How can the Switch compete?
ITT:masterpiece endings only
This game is so horrendously underrated it borders on criminal. What the fuck happened?
Show me a sexier physical game
Going to be playing Bully for the first time this weekend, anything I should know?
A history of women and videogames throughout the years
Why does Dota have less players than League?
Why are they so perfect Sup Forums?
Why did it never get cheap?
Where did her life go so wrong?
The Witcher Netflix series is dead
ITT: vidya fanart that makes you laugh
What's your opinion on Roll's new design?
Fighting micolash
It's over bros. Our dream is dead, just like Iwata
Easiest Souls game
Scalping cereal
Where did it all go wrong?
What am i supposed to do with this useless piece of garbage now?
Do you have a videogame bro?
How do you call video game fans?
Hopes for the PS5
What is the kaguya-luna of games?
Monster Hunter World
Theres been games based off 60s, 70s, and 80s music but what would a 90s game be like?
Ace Attorney
What Vidya is the best for soyboys?
Would Renekton make a good life guard?
What was your favorite indie of this year?
Your thoughts on the new HSG?
Leave tactical shooters to me
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Did you let go, Sup Forums?
Ah, I love the smell of Xenoblade 2 thread
Game that you love but you Sup Forums call shit
Have you ever build you own map/level/mod, Sup Forums?
We did it, reddit!
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Monaca?
Did they intentionally create such a piece of shit...
Claim your weaponfu in this thread
Game has better gameplay but worse story than predecessor
Switch has now outsold the wiiu life time sales in Japan
GOTY 2017 is PUBG
Is this the best RTS campaign ever created?
What are some games set in finlan
Project Zomboid thread?
Something tells me you don't want this to sell well
*is so good that you can easily spend thousands of hours in it leaving you with no time to play any other video game*
Any games where the protagonist actually loses in the end HARD?
If your favorite Pokemon isn't Machamp, you need to re-evaluate your life choices
Obscure game only (you) played
Just bought this game and have to say it's optimization is amazing
I'm so shit at this game but I really like it
The great debate
ITT: your honest-to-god vidya opinions that would get you crucified on Sup Forums...
ITT: Games only you have played
Those two are Lizerietta (flat) and Mefmera (not flat). They are characters from Dungeon Travelers 2...
What are some good games with a time travel mechanic?
What is the easiest game you have ever played?
I-is this t-true?
ITT games Sup Forums said were bad but were actually pretty good
Be american
Never played this, what am I in for ?
Is Sup Forums, dare I say, BTFO?
What are some scary games?
Fuck this manipualtive old bitch
Does anyone want to make a tunngle network for Sup Forums and play this game together...
What Vidya girl would you marry if you could?
What games allow me to have birb as a companion?
Beloved mentor betrays you out of nowhere with no explanation
Whats your guys' gamer phrase
Wake up
Looking at the biggest JRPGs of the current day such as Persona 5, Final Fantasy XV, Xenoblade Chronicles 2...
Will there ever be a PC version?
What is the Black Mirror of video games
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
If given the possibility, would you play as Doomgirl?
Nintendo is do-
Friend won't play a game if the protagonist looks "too gay"
Who is the best Tekken fighter and why is it King?
Did I make a mistake?
He/she/xir hasn't switched from WASD to SZXC
Down to 1hp
Digital Foundry has released a list of the most technically impressive games of 2017...
Why noneone is making curling videogames?
Let's discuss it's games
When making a fighting game, what things do you think I should keep in mind?
And this is our son's room
I think we can all agree that Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Is much better than those old star wars games
Heart to heart in story
What are some games to play when you're really fucking tired?
Playing Yellow as a little kid
Who is the best girl in Fire Emblem?
Is it ok to play videogames in 30 years old?
Computer randomly turns on in the middle of the night
Do you consider this a gorgeous UI?
What the fuck happened to artstyle/atemosphere of dragon quest 11?
Why do people like this blatantly pandering fetishbait prostitute so much?
Married Gamer Thread
Based modders are based
This thing is a piece of shit. I bought a switch 2 weeks ago and the screen is already scratched
How the fuck do I pronounce these symbols
Worst things that developers insist on including in every game
Filename thread
Bloodborne is a good g-
Vidya with GF
What's the best cyberpunk sim and why is it real life?
Sequels really fucked this series up
Why are there people on Sup Forums so upset about this game...
Its actually really good
What do you define as weeb?
"not that user but...."
What's the best Final Fantasy game?
*blocks your path*
Every boss encounter in this game can be summarized to circle strafing. Every fucking boss...
Winter Steam Sale Thread
What the fucking is happening with PS4?
Gun to your head
And this is my son's room, he's quite the gamer
Who was in the wrong here?
What are the best mods for this?
Why didn't I spend more time on Sup Forums arguing with strangers about inane bullshit?
RPG games
ITT: games that exist for the sole purpose of getting as much money from their playerbase as possible
This is a webm thread, please feel free to hide out here until all the awful shit posters go to bed
Ever Oasis
Ignoring online and Rockstar business practices, is GTAV a good game?
Waiting for this January direct is torture...
Daily Dose
What do your friends think of your choice in vidya
This is Aoko's game. Why didn't you play it yet? Check out the comfy late 80's Japan atmosphere
Cuphead has more styyyyyyyyle over Persona 5
How do we save sonic?
Well, here it is
Porn thread
I finally got a PC. What do I play?
*starts being passive aggressive when Dream Daddy doesn't win*
What are the best easter eggs in BotW Sup Forums ?
Sup Forums is making fun of us again
Oh no no no no!
Is Breath Of The Wild the first mainline Zelda game where the Triforce has no significant role in the story?
Do cards games require talent, skills, and superior intellect?
Well Sup Forums, we're all sick here
Finally sold off this shit game
What went wrong?
Why did they fuck up chris in RE7? its the only bad thing about the game i can think of
Tfw Nintendo is the king of video games again
Oh shit, they're making a new Metal Max game for PS4 / Vita. Why isn't Sup Forums talking about this?
Will we see The Division 2 at E3 2018?
What is the videogame equivalent of this?
What is the vidya equivalent of dad rock?
Do you openly admit to playing video games? i'm ashamed to say I lie about it!
Useless, but cute characters
How about this, itt games only you DIDN'T play
Release a shitty PC port with occasionally game breaking bugs
How do Japs make these mind-blowingly amazing video games? Why can’t any other country do it?
Spending an extra $30 for a pair of women's underwear
New Touhou Character
If this wasn't your soundtrack to san andreas you're a pleb
Digital Foundry has released a list of the most technically impressive games of 2017...
What's the point of life
7 years old when the Wii was released
Just bought one of these to replace my failing 360 gamepad and holy fuck why does it feel so cheap compared to the 360...
What games make you go like pic related?
ITT fix a game by making 1 change
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Gardevoir?
How did the terminals still work after 200 years?
This man is the greatest game designer of all time
What would you do to her, Sup Forums?
The ideal setting for TES 6
Massive patch just went live. They added maps, a couple new enemies, and significant buffs to energy weapons...
Why doesn't Capcom release MHXX for the west?
Buyer's remorse thread
What are some games where you can be a real human bean?
110 Japanese Hinokucks
Okami HD
Are the NOLF games worth playing through?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Leave Persona to me
How many kids got burned by this game with their new PS4 for Christmas? It's extremely hard for a kids game
"Mr Bubbles!... Come onnnnnnnnn!"
Redpill me on this game, just became an idort
Get in, Sup Forums
Play game
Can someone explain how this game got so fucking popular? It's complete shit
Tfw brought a wii u
Now that the dust has settled, how do you feel about the whole SWBF:II fiasco? Is it a good game?
Is this Sup Forums's greatest moment?
Let it Die
What makes the world of Dark Souls so appealing?
ITT: Prove you're actually a gamer
Why do people dislike Hideo Kojima?
Iris enemies
Any platformers with movement like Super Meat Boy meatwad but less punishing than SMB...
Ni no Kuni
Mfw 2017 had no good games
Hi Sup Forums. I have a question that I want answered really fucking bad
Is this REALLY worth playing?
Why is she so much better than Pyra?
How much is your Steam account worth, Sup Forums?
Are pacifist runs the superior form of gaming?
Spin off its leagues better than the original
GPD win 2
Oh shit it's out
Time to worship your goddess, Sup Forums
Was it good?
Do you drink any energy drinks before or while gaming?
I'm aware this game is fundamentally different than its predecessors. But is it still worth a play-through?
Way I see it there's two kinds of gamers on Sup Forums. Those who like Dead Money and those who don't like Dead Money...
Worst enemies
Your gonna start learning Japanese next year as your resolution right user? Its not that hard
Whats the best way to play vidya in bed?
The Vita is a dead platform it has no gam-
File Name Thread
Fightstick recommendations
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What's it gonna take to get you to resub, faggot?
The dualshock 2 is the best ever. No one else post, you know I'm right
Which stat are you grinding in 2018, bros?
The starting weapon is the best weapon in the entire game
72.3 giga fucking bytes
Rescue kaidan or ashley
It's such a shame this series died on the xbox...
Did you feel ashamed for your words and deeds?
My wife sent me a video of her on "vacation" with my boss
What would a Rouge game play like?
Don't mind me, just posting the greatest handheld RPG to ever be made
You're in the Varrock general store at combat level 3 when this guy comes up to you and hits you for 3 hp
Go to
Did they ever post a "Merry Christmas" tweet?
Who is your favorite unit in any strategy game?
Is it good or is it just the nostalgia?
Is this the best trailer of all time?
Man, I was on the fence about this game, but I'm glad I caught it on sale...
No Tau Battlesuit game ala Front Mission
Bing bing, wahoo!
What's the wecommended amount of dedotated wam I should have to a survr?
I swear to fucking God It's not even the 4th fucking world and I'm greeted to this shit...
Rank them in terms of:
Switch sales are gonna skyrocket because of pic related right?
Game has romance
Do you miss her Sup Forums?
Post your best team, also Dokkan thread
start playing a game
Omori kickstarter funded in 2014 at $203,000
Let’s play Overwatch user
Bayonetta 3
Why do you hate streamers so much?
Game makes you revisit your starting village near the end of the game
Which one and why
Okay Sup Forums. How the fuck do I get good at this?
What the fuck was his problem?
How many times your steam account has been stolen?
Next From Software title
Why does it feel like him being the main badguy and final boss was a last minute addition
Mom boss
He bought a PRO controller
Did Don lose it?
Bloodborne is a good g-
Now that the PS3 has a modern hackable firmware (4.82), lets discuss PS3 homebrew
Why do people hate the american version of sonic?
Which senran kagura is your favorite gameplay wise?
Objectively, what was Peach's best outfit?
What do you think of gamers who like Japanese games but hate loli?
What will he do with Smash 5?
Elite Dangerous
UNIST Thread
I have a job instead of playing videogames all day
Can we talk about this video game without the mods autosaging or deleting the thread...
Explain this, Atheists
Are American highschools actually like this?
What do you do when you have no working controllers anymore for PS3? I cannot find them new anywhere
Why do we hate this game again?
Switch only
Tomb Raider thread
What am I in for? Never played it
How bad is your video game addiction Sup Forums?
How is it?
Enter the Gungeon
It's an "user wants to make that videogame and instantly gives up before even starting when he remembers how much...
Hello, we ruined Smash 4
Did she think she was the next steve jobs?
Is it shit?
Why haven't you moved to japan yet Sup Forums?
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
Name one game
I get why Mai's tits jiggle
What would Mario look like if he were designed by a western game company?
Anyone here still play this?
Replaying Knights of the old republic
Do you guys think the Switch will ever get a GTA title...
Thoughts on Celes and her struggle?
Nice hobby you have there
What is the best visual novel, Sup Forums?
What games let me rape women and be the President of the United States?
Casuals Make Me Sick
The great debate, what truly is the best Resident Evil game and why?
Xenoblade 2 fanart thread
Good gay characters don't exi-
Redpill me
These threads are legitimately fucking funny. It's hard to describe...
Game has a secret underground water level
First good RTS in literally a decade
Never played Mega Man before what is the best one?
It’s a litte over a year old, but I only just now played it. Anyone here that liked it?
Holy shit
I know everyone is pissed about how Dream Daddy got a best character nomination over plenty of other better (and...
ITT:Embarrassing vidya faps
What non-horror game do you refuse to play because it looks scary to you?
Awaken ancient evil
Whoops! Sorry janitor, I guess you'll have to clean up my mess :)
I will post this everyday until E3
Is this the best LoZ?
Atlus has tweeted that Rin from their upcoming Catherin remake is a "newhalf" which is basically the japanese term for...
Thread about the best game of the Souls serie
What compels people to be port beggars?
ITT: Silent protagonists that only speak once during the game
I'm not a shortcake... I'm Chiaki
Why would devs not want to get the extra sales from porting to PC when every game is developed on PC!?
Is this game even good?
Fun fact: studies show that gamers have 10 times less testosterone than regular subjects, 15 when compared to athletes
If you have the chance to pick your own class what is your usual go to class...
You did beat it, didn't you, Sup Forums?
Good God, this game is awful. Should I just stick to mainline from now on?
DSP won his second game ever without firing a bullet
ITT: Stupid shit Sup Forums says
There are people browsing this board RIGHT NOW that unironically think Goldeneye is a better FPS than Doom
What factors can ruin him and his streams, as he is the only streamer that Sup Forums actually likes?
Life is Strange thread. Should I replay the 1st one, Sup Forums?
Do you think we'll be getting Elder Dragons as interesting as Nakarkos in Monster Hunter World?
Make $70k year
Switch Homebrew is coming - RetroArch already running on the system
This is not racist
Never ever
What store do you guys usually buy your games from ?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is it right?
Find a flaw
This confuses and enrages the average gamer
Recommend some good operator/spy games, something that gives you that 24 feel
What does this mean for the industry?
How do we fix the modern MMO?
This is not a what
*sniffs your seat*
Steam Sale Thread
You can impregnate the villain
What are some games where I can play as futa or which have futas? Excluding Skyrim (pic related)...
Soulcalibur 6
What does Sup Forums think of Granblue Fantasy?
What are some must-play PS4 exclusives?
Did your favorite game franchise go to shit? What happened?
ITT: ludonarrative dissonance
Switch: EOY Discussion
Xenoblade Chronicles
*deletes your save*
Just got this game after being interested in it for a while. What am I in for? Any tips for just starting out?
2 years later
Holy fuck
Radio silence since December 2015. Is it dead?
Dragon Quest X has the most consistent subscriber base ever. Why won't SE give it to us?
Star Wars is dead
DayZ is a joke
Western female NPC's
Shigeru Miyamoto Spent A Lot Of Time Climbing Trees In Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Find a flaw
Did you get a switch for Christmas too Sup Forums?
Is it worth it?
Why haven't you moved to japan yet Sup Forums?
What mouse do you use for gaming? Looking for a new one
Star wars is literally the worst setting for FPS games...
Is it just me or is MH world trying to bring back realism to an extent to the series
This image will be five years old in 4 months. Whats a good mouse to buy today?
I'm still mad that this shit was GOTY
Has there ever been a good video game about King Arthur, rightful king of the Britons?
Who is ready for the complete autism fest at AGDQ in the next two weeks?
Leaving Sup Forums - Sup Forums edition
What are some non pornographic games where the protag clearly has or had sex...
What went wrong?
Want to play a male character
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...