Game has a sewers level

>game has a sewers level

Other urls found in this thread:

>game has a bird level

>game has an evil level

>game has a "capture an enemy, forcefeed him millet for 12 hours straight, cook him alive, then eat him under a cloth bones and all" level

Fuck yeah it does. Good shit.

>game has a sewer level
>it's actually pretty decent

>game has an excuse to post birds

>Game can be played by birds.

>tfw the sewers have diseased monsters in it and then the planet gets nuked from space

Posting vidya gooses


>game has stealth mechanics

Crash 2 sewer levels were GOAT


> game lets you romance avian ally

> game lets you dress your party members


>game lets you commit murder most fowl

>The enemy isn't drown in cognac.

Shit game.


Best sewer levels

>It's one of the best levels in the game

I want a girl that would kiss a dirty birb.

holy nostalgia. i think i read the book about ten years ago.

No one deserves this game.

Ravens are the niggers of the bird world.

I never read the book, but I've played the game since I was a kid, it might have actually been my first foray into Star Wars.

Uhh, no, that would be the Skua. They rob eggs and throw up at things as a defense mechanism. Ravens are smart as fuck, niggers are dumb as hell.

Ravens and crows are one of the absolute most intelligent creatures on the entire planet.

>game has a underwater level

Well, below quite a few others, humans, dolphins, a few other random assorted apes.

>millions and millions of species
>still falls in the top 10
>not one of the absolute most

t. flying rat

Crows are like top 10, which is still very impressive.

Yeah, although after humans the level falls way down, and then after dolphins it falls again.

>game has a boring maze dungeon

Name 4 games that do this

that is completely wrong


>tfw the diseased monsters survive