Prior thread is here
Post games that you are interested in and hopefully one or two Sup Forumsmrades will provide some honest feedback. This isn't a thread for being judgy. Post what you genuinely would like to buy regardless of other's thoughts.
Steam Sale Thread
is clear sky worth the skip from the stalker series?
are there any base builder / survival games where i can visibly hoard a bunch of shit?
I'm interested in getting Ms. Splosion Man and Shadow Complex. Are either of them good?
Any rpgs worth?
thats the right idea though
>not a thread to be judgy
well time to put my big boy pants on and be super ultra judgy since op is being a super ultra faggot in this super ultra gay thread
reminder one thread died for this shit
shit game
no and you have shit taste
That's on steam?
Dont listen to the sperg, ms.splosion man is a pretty fun game. didnt even know it was on steam
trails in the sky :)
Oh uh, yeah that's assuredly what I meant.
I'm not buying anything, I've got enough games on my list for many years to come.
can someone buy me a $5.00 game plz?
Your mom is selling her ASS on Steam too
The games currently in my shopping cart include:
Mega Man Legacy 2
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Quantum Conundrum
Jurassic Park
Life is Strange (Season 1)
Earth Defense Force Complete Pack
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy X/X-2
>I know I could emulate the final fantasy games but I enjoy having a copy registered to my steam account
Sounds like someone needs a hug. It's okay. I'm here for you now. Feel free to cry in my arms. I'll hold you tight.
Should I get Fibbage XL or Drawful 2?
clearly you'd rather have an oney plays thread
Unironic helpful Reddit links.
>Hidden Gems/Deals thread
>Day X rec thread
Use these sites in conjunction with Sup Forums threads and
shit game
let me show you the hug
>mega man legacy 2
meme man is shit
>resident evil 5
4 will always be better
>Quantum Conundrum
all games with quantum on the name SUCK
>jurassic park
the movie sucked
>Life is Strange
tumblr game for lgbt people fuck off
shit repetitive game
>marvel vs capcom
wait that's on steam? sweet. either way shit game I am only interested because I like ace attorney and phoenix is there shit shit shit
>meme fantasy
hahahaha turn based cuck
no, you wont even have people to play with
fuck offffffffffffffffff
Cmon guys help me out, should I get Pyre or Hollow Knight?
Shut the fuck up you blabbering 12 year old.
>The movie sucked.
Dammit user that's not a valid argument.
I completely binged on 90s/early 2000s shooters
Doom collection, wolfenstein 3d collection, quake collection, unreal collection, strife, turok, all for like 20 bucks, last time I played most of these games was over 10 years ago, been having a blast
Dead Cells
What is better, stellaris or endless space 2? And why? Please
>meme game vs reddit the game
suck me
then how about dinosaurs suck?
Pyre has a better deal.
it's not bad it's just nowhere near as good as the other ones. my recommendation is to just mod SoC and CoP if you're feeling that STALKER itch
Is Darkest Dungeon worth it?
>dinosaurs suck
ur trolling
they both SUCK
just about decent but not really, shit, shit, meh, shit, shit, all for like 20 bucks, woooo?
if you like RNG yes
Get call of pripyat, with call of chernobyl mod, it comes with a massive amount of new guns, some new anomolies, mutants etc, and every area from every game, and a free start mod so you don't even have an overarching objective, you literally just cruise around surviving in the zone.
>hollow knight
>Hat in Time
>Tokyo Dark
Gibe opinions
k i'll just get all of them trust you user
Is it XCOM or Destiny levels of RNG?
>reddit knight
>Faggot in Time
>Weeb Dark
all shit
it's very heavily based around RNG but if you set up the party and are smart it shouldn't completely fuck you over THAT much
it's fun
I was thinking of just skipping clear sky, and buying the other two.
Fine, whats a good game that everyone should buy from those genres you genius?
forgot to add but i can just mod pripyat right?
I would skip it. It's pretty underwhelming especially if you're paying money for it, and going to buy the other 2.
If it was the case that you could only afford 1 of them I would say CoP without a doubt
But wouldn't I have to get CoP to mod the others?
>good game
how fucking picky can you be there are only like four good games ever, and they are: Ace Attorney, Ghost Trick, Zero Escape (not ZTD though) and Fire Emblem, that last one is not even that good thinking again
now piss off
I heard that Tropico 5 is lacking compared to Tropico 4, but how is it with all DLC included? Or should I still get Tropico 4 complete edition?
>buzzword spouting memester
>actual opinions
I wouldn't hold your breath, user
Yes it is lacking, all DLC is shit, it is sitll shit with all dlc, tropico 4 is shit too>hurr I loove dick waa waa
Going to bite the bullet on the Elite Dangerous bundle.
dark wood: y/n
n for niggerwood
Where did mean bullies touch you, user?
are the shadowrun games any good
Is it good?
Why are some people saying that you should get base Skyrim instead of Special Edition?
its good, id probably wait until release unless you really want something new to play though
>Streets of Tumblr
>are the memerun games any good
because todd wants you to buy it twice, just don't buy
7 days to die
More Games from my list:
Darkest Dungeon
>I love roguelikes and heard great things about this game.
Super Fancy Pants
>I played the shit out of the newgrounds game and thought the controls were pitch perfect.
Risk of Rain
>My favorite rogue-like hands down
Batman Arkham Origins
>Screw the haters. It has the best story and music from the Arkham games.
The Beginner's Guide
>A very personal game that will connect with you if you've ever considered being a creator (art, music, flash, etc)
>Buy this now.
Fable: Lost Chapters
Fucking schweet
Farenheit: Indigo Prophecy
>A game truly unlike any other
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
>God tier game.
Hotline Miami
>Excellent top down game with accessible gameplay and kickass music
>A platformer oozing with content and a genuinely interestesting story and premise.
The Stanley Parable
>A great game for a couple hours. Even better when you get your friends to play it.
Thirty Flights of Loving
>A game you will probably beat in 20 minutes. It's still oozing with style at every turn. I'd still recommend it.
Ben There, Dan That/Time Gentlemen Please
>Favorite Adventure game of all time. Reinstalling meow.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
>Speaking as somone that's played the thief and metal gear series recently, this is still a blast too play. Also loved Conviction but most here probs won't agreee.
Results came back. Unfortunately even with the most competent surgeons we're unable to remove the dick from your mouth. Apologies
Less mod support. I believe the script extender still hasnt been officially released yet and is still in beta.
sup reddit
Darkest Dungeon isn't really a roguelike, it's just dungeon crawling with character perma death but you can't lose the game
hehehe OP what now
you told me not to be judgy well do you like this? I'm an individual gifted with rationality so I will set my own parameters, I will be autonomous and decide how I will act, I will make my own rules, I will not allow external rules to control me, just like Kant said
>Nigger Dungeon
all games with dungeons are bad
>Super Meme Pants
shit flash game
>Risk of Reddit
buggy repetitive mess with 3 hours of play time
>Batman Arkham Memes
Knight is better, the haters are right
>The Reddit's Guide
Stanley Parable is superior
Don't buy this now
Celsius is better
>Guilty Gear XX Meme Core
Meme game
>Hotline Memeami
top dowdn games are shit
this is unrionically bad what the fuck
>The Stanley Parable
The Beginner's Guide is better
>Thirty Flights of Memes
what is this
>Ben There, Faggot That
faggot tumblr game
>Tom Clancy's Splinter Meme
metal gear solid is better
how's this war of mine
Snooze fefst desu
>this meme of mine
awful game
I can afford both, but someone said I can just buy CoP and mod Chernobyl?
What are good FPS/TPS old school games like Max Payne 1/2 and F.E.A.R? Could be new too, i had a bit of fun with Quantum Break (but MP is much better)
if you can afford both then you can also skip both and get a better game
none its a bad genre
Interesting. How steep would you say the learning curve is?
Yep. It's physically impossible to remove the dick from their mouth. Further X-Rays revealed an equally large dick clogging up the asshole resulting in a human being becoming a true human balloon of shit.
Yeah I'd just buy CoP and get the mod
>Farenheit: Indigo Prophecy
Now I must stop you right there mister, people hate on Cage for good reason, funny how you put it as "a game truly unlike any other", I wouldnt recommend it to anyone I know even if its their favorite genre, yes it is unlike any other, by being a complete mess of a story that quickly devolves into something incomprehensible, every answer for the questions that arise only create more questions, if someone wants to watch it on youtube fine by me, the perspective will show how utterly nonsensical everything is. The only redeeming factor its the fact that it was innovative at its time, but if anything, this is game is the precursor to the "cinematic experience" everyone rightfully hates today, game is pretty much a movie, even the game acknowdleges it.
Other games on the list are okay tho.
Thinking of getting Darkest Dungeon, Lobotomy Corporation, or Civ V
Please tell me, do you actually have fun shitting on this thread and peopleĀ“s tastes without actually contributing anything?
just read earlier and you will realize these are awful choices and surely you can make better decisions with your money one of them involving GETTING BETTER TASTE
>none its a bad genre
i guess playing stalker games have drained your last brain cells
i just tried to play stalker with lost alpha mod and game is crap, it's still climatic as ever but shooting mechanics with all seeing cheating ai (even at night with them not having nightvision or flashlights) and lack of ammo from corpses even tho ai have unlimited ammo, makes game awful to play
what games should i get my dude
Guilty Gear Rev 2 or Nioh.
Nioh isn't on sale, but want to play it, Rev 2 looks amazing, but worried community is way dead.
Make up my mind.
stalker also sucks it is a pretentious game for idiots
no one should get any games but if you must I will repeat the four good games that exist:
Ghost Trick
Ace Attorney
Zero Escape (does not include ZTD)
some Fire Emblem ones (except most of them)
now if you noticed only Zero Escape is available for Steam, and besides that, there are not many good games, such is life
Is 20xx worth it? And I asked last thread but I don't think I ever saw if anyone answered me so I'll ask again, which Dungeon Siege is the best?
>Reddit Gear or Niggeroh
nope, and they all suck equally it is amazing how the developer managed to make a bunch of games that just have the exact same amount of shittiness which is at the same time so goddamn big like woah
>some Fire Emblem ones (except most of them)
For all the shit youve been bringing up this particular phrase actually made me laugh, thanks user, now I dont hate you so much.
and get what? if you rec any weeb shit kys.
Elite Dangerous
I hate myself
and i almost forget that enemies always have half broken ass weapons but their guns never jam while if you use their guns they jam every 2-10 bullets.
Great fucking game design, when i was 15 i didn't cared about that shit since i loved how grim and climatic world looked, but when you get older you notice more and more bullshit and it's immersion breaking. Also 3rd quest is bugged as fuck with stealth bullshit, if you go to not scripted pre-approved path mission fails instantly and soldiers start shooting at you even tho nobody have noticed you.
yeah pathetic weeb as i expected
As much as everyone hates It I have to say Starbound, there's so much fucking shit to collect fish, animals, trees, plants, special weapons and armors, and with mods it pretty much quadruples it all
I recommend the game simply for the experience alone. The game shits the bed near the finish line but I'd still recommend it to anyone based on the first half alone. But I totally feel you on the game running out of steam near the end.
>Ace Attorney
Where is this game on discount?
>I hate myself
I wouldn't. In terms of content you couldn't have picked a better game
Buy those $10kk vehicles goyim
Is Cuphead worth it?
What about Insurgency
no lol
so you just don't like shooters, ok what's your fucking point?
I don't like fighters, that doesn't mean I post my opinions about them, because they're fucking invalid because I've literally never played a fighting game I liked, I just don't like the genre
oh you fucking brainlets incapable of grasping superior eastern games here are some average games (not good or fun by any means though)
Throne of Lies (this one is almost good if not for the fact it's average)
L.A Noire
it isn't on discount
>Elite Dangerous and GTA V
yeah congratulations you bought the two games that have the most IRL expensive vehicles ever like holy shit you'll pay $200 for in-game vehicleso n GTA V and over $40.000 for in-game vehicles on elite dangerous what the fuck
oh my god fuck off starbound is awful and the cancer of the video game industry
i dont like video games faggot and i dont like op telling me what to do
Meh I guess I haven't played GTAV since PS3 release so maybe I will have more fun.
I played ED it for maybe an hour and refunded. It's just the worst.
I don't plan on playing GTA Online without hacks
yep game is pretty fun
while no new people with shit taste post let me tell you all a story
theres a shadow ban that makes you only able to see posts with pictures attached
i do not remember when or why mods do it though
Grab Painkiller Black and Rainbow Six 3 for more fun times
user Throne of Lies actually looks comfy so i'll add it to my cart, but I'll still get CoP because I can mod it, I've played Noire before. thanks for info
Recommend me some games with a good open world