Claim your weaponfu in this thread
Claim your weaponfu in this thread
epic. vintage. just like me
is that a famas
I could reload you all day
Looks more like a Deagle.
I call this "y'all need to meet jesus real fast"
I like the squelcher/splatter pro families and blasters with long range.
Fuck you.
The nzap is the biggest crutch
I can't resist this in any game it's in.
poasting best gun. nothing like a bro-ta-to shooter
this used to trigger /k/
For me, it's the Hero Brella Replica
The patriot one of the best weapon in mgs3
>using hero weapons
I love how ridiculous and impractical BB weapons are.
Best range
wtf why is clip in back and trigger on top?
is that photoshop?
>buy a shitty famas airsoft
>the grip looks like it was just fucking glued on and has sharp corners that dig into the knuckle of your thumb
>think its just cause this chinese bullshit is a fucking stupid design
>its actually on the real gun as well
Better range and firepower.
A tie between this from Destiny 2 and the dual spitfires from Killing Floor 2
No other weapon in the game comes close.
I still have yet to see any teammate use this thing effectively. They spend way too much time dying.
Holy ancap.
such a terrible gun. bring back the SLR
Some people can't wrap their heads around it for some reason. It's not that difficult of a gun to use, and it carried be to S+ in Clam Blitz. I've played plenty of console shooters with semi-auto weapons so I guess I'm used to it.
so soy my boy
The best shit ever.
I feel sad that you didn't get any replies, so here's your (you).
Any and all pile bunkers
All you need is fire and pierce
>yfw no deagle brand deagle
fuck this thread i'm out.
here's one back
Step aside, squiddos, best weapon coming through
*thrusts u*
the ultimate casual killer
*hyper armors past ur thrust*
The H-3 is a close second though
It's pretty bad. The only time it really shined was playing the first game on LAN, because burst bombs properly halted anyone you hit and damage up allowed you to finish them off quickly.
Best Weapon for two big reasons
Best "gun"
It's good after the buff, brainless
Outta the way, squibs.
*thrusts u repeatedly*
Loved it in Bad Company 2
Rip and Tear
nothing more satisfying.
any game with an over-under is a good game
>See antag running around with esaber out
>Stun him with taser then start approaching to bash/cuff
>He instantly gets back up because he was hopped up on meth
>Get a bunch of clams near the enemies base
>Manages to make a run for it thanks to the brush
Then there's no stopping him. Call the shuttle.
Is there a more satisfying reload?
>He's already destroyed the comm consoles AND the extra boards to build more
>playing perfect dark with the mouselook hack
>cyclone becomes the best gun in the game because it has just enough spread
love the mauler too desu
Superior taste
send in the death squad and god help them
Still has a garbage TTK and it doesn't paint.
The ttk is fine now, thanks to the buff, and it doesn't need to paint with that range. It's one of the best zoning and long range pressure weapons in the game
80 kilometer holes ftw
Inkbrush finally has a mode where it isn't absolute shit! but if you're not using it in every mode, you are not my nigger at all
To me it looks more like a .44 Automag, Luger, and Ruger .22 pistol combined.
c l a i m e d
Any game with an M16/M4 and just an acog WILL be used.
Can Sup Forums even compete?
Did we just become friends?
Man I got accused of hacking with that thing because it was so good.
Is that a Klobb?