What made this map so compelling?

What made this map so compelling?

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it was fun

there was't any alternative

that feeling of being watched in single player


I thought I was the only one.

this, it came with the game and 99% of servers ran flatgrass anyway

it was only useful in SP because of its comparatively small size and availability of ramps/actual terrain

I seriously thought I was the only one. Something about this map just has that eerie feeling to it.

>tfw i still try to map for gmod
i dont evne know why, i dont play it anymore and hate video games. i guess i just really love Hammer as a toy and not as a development tool

it's the soundscape. there's birds chirping and stuff but no sounds of people, making it feel lived-in and alive, but there's an eerie lack of "people sounds"

it's seemingly set in a city (there's buildings all around) during the day, so there should be a din of people moving about, but there just isn't. but unlike something like normal HL2, there's no pretext of the town being destroyed or oppressed -- things are bright and cheery, and the buildings look just fine and there's plenty of live greenery and such. it evokes the same feeling of being in a big city at mid-day or very early morning where there's no traffic, it's eerie because there SHOULD be traffic and it's mysteriously absent, or worse, hiding in wait for ambush or because they think you smell bad or something.

>that underground pitch black room

I was scared of playing the Silent Hill map because it felt that something was creeping at me from the mist. Always played it though as I wanted to explore.

you can hit it with the color tool and it'll turn the color you selected iirc. same with the oppressively bright white one.

>can never find people who want to build cool contraptions or make small gmod movies
>its just autists, children, darkRP and TTT

You are literally retarded if you think any of that is true.
>hate video games
Ah, I see now. Why are you here then you fucking peasant? Leave.

wew I used to make gmod videos

one of my irl buddies owns a sandbox server actually, and GGG is still up and has FIVE servers that all run sandbox or spacebuild

Christ, the newer versions of gm_construct are awful.

I still remember when construct didn't even have a 3D skybox.

>Download all those ship models
>Go to the map's skybox
>Make them all fly around each other or just generally place them
>Go back to the regular map to watch their gargantuan size
It always felt so nice

>hear whirring coming from the black room

kys retard you dont know a thing

>have some shit frozen
>go to press E
>press R by mistake
>everything unfreezes

All those words, and not a single one of them makes a lick of sense. Is this the face of true autism?

>go back to gmod after a long time
>can't remember whether E or F is my use key
>only barely remember how anything works
>can't remember any expression stuff
>give up and go back to a plebby braindead normie shooter instead

>this is better

ignore mothdan, he's having a metldown in this thread

i still remember when i FINALLY got gmod, it was already on GM9 and I literally gave my parents the money to buy it because i felt bad asking for stuff, but I was always watching build tutorials and server "trailers" on youtube and fantasizing about building stuff

i think my dad just threw me his credit card and told me to keep the ten bucks

>it's the soundscape. there's birds chirping and stuff but no sounds of people, making it feel lived-in and alive, but there's an eerie lack of "people sounds"
>it's seemingly set in a city (there's buildings all around) during the day, so there should be a din of people moving about, but there just isn't. but unlike something like normal HL2, there's no pretext of the town being destroyed or oppressed -- things are bright and cheery, and the buildings look just fine and there's plenty of live greenery and such. it evokes the same feeling of being in a big city at mid-day or very early morning where there's no traffic, it's eerie because there SHOULD be traffic and it's mysteriously absent, or worse, hiding in wait for ambush or because they think you smell bad or something.

Mate, I think you might have autism.

>Played TTT back in the day before it exploded In popularity.
>Played with the same people for years, some being the original modders/mapmakers so they always kept their servers vanilla.
>Slowly everyone drifts away from TTT.
>Decide to try it again a few days ago.
>Every server is 24/7 shitty Minecraft maps or has tons or retarded "wacky" traitor weapons.
>Literally only one vanilla server.

Jesus Christ, fucking kill me.

god tier sound design, this game had

no, it's not, but gmod 8 / 9 construct is way better than current construct with its bloom that's forcefully turned on by the map itself

yep, same issue here, used to play TTT since way back in ~2010, actually used to be an admin in a relatively popular vanilla TTT server
came back to gmod last year, tried hopping into some servers, every single one of them either have abusive admins, admins who dont give a shit, or dozens upon dozens of shitty addons that are either overpowered shit that completely imbalance the game or just wacky randumb stuff that just outright ruin it

>that game mode where you built boats with the money you had and had to shoot down other boats
>that game mode that was basically wario ware
>all those possibilities in sandbox mode
I might have wasted more than a thousand hours in this, but I'm glad I did.

Are you retarded? Serious question.

>when you were apart of a community that ran its own in-house gamemode but now it's dead and the gamemode no longer exists anywhere

Wish i could play Gmod with you faggots, but i am 100% sure someone would try to crash the server.

I wasted a good 5000 hours of my life to this shit back in the day.

yeah because playing games on Sup Forums always goes so right amirite?

i once played gmod with Sup Forums on my shitty home box

it sucked due to lag and only a couple people came, would not recommend over simply choosing a pre-existing server to figuratively crash, as one crashes a party

also modern gmod is pretty hard to crash anyway and a lot of things are fixed/optimized better, and servers are just so much more powerful than they used to be, too so even things that should hang or lag don't have as much of a bad effect as they did a few years ago

I had good times playing with Sup Forums, however, Gmod is so easy to fuck up a server by crashing it.

do you even know how games work? have you ever made a game? fuck off

I'm glad this post is getting torn up as much as it deserves. Go make a shitty, overly-slick, 5-minute video essay on YouTube, buddy.

this is literally Full Sail tier ""design"" posturing from someone who has clearly never been in the industry

>spawn less than 10 chairs inside of eachother
>server immediately freezes and dies

You just went full retard.

Never go full retard.

2008-2011 so many lost communities and plugins for gmod, css, dods and hl2dm.

I used to play regularly TTT on convict gaming servers back in 2010, it was a good time.
Until the power tripping started and the dumbfuck owner mass banned all his regulars.

I have no friends to play with

Should i buy Gmod?

that was definitely the high point of video game social interaction

now we have trash meme games like overwatch that attract nothing but verbal shitposting and everyone just deludes themselves into thinking they're good while blaming everyone but themselves every step of the way

Please go and never return.

>posters 24
>posts 48
Stop sending yourself angry replies

>join sandbox server with high entity limit
>enter the dark room
>spawn 30 trains and 40 of those huge hl2 props with the slamming animation
>rope them all together
>smash them all around with the physics gun
>server plummets to 3 fps
>"what the heck is going on? this lag is crazy..."
>delete it all and hide in the darkness when anyone investigates

>average of two posts per IP
You're a moron, buddy

are you 12?

what a tactless and boring way to crash a server

>Convict Gaming
i had the owner of the server actually add me while i was on duty on the server i was an admin on (ConjointGaming) and literally ask me to leave the server and be an admin on his server because "they didnt deserve me". he then later on admitted to ddosing our server, and i screenshotted it and just sent it to one of our head admins lel
needless to say drama ensued

Don't spread this meme, it's why we haven't had fun in forever

It's the stupidest and most immature way to spend time I could possibly imagine but the joy it brings me is worth every iota of self-respect I lose

then what the fuck is the context of this:

thats not even what he was trying to do tho
i used to do that too but i had a different method, just wield guns onto the ground and the server starts spazzing out

would just have to limit props and whatnot per person but that would just kill the fun

>spacebuild is dead forever

mothdan is a shitposter in /agdg/, a thread on /vg/
he's schizophrenic and has meltdowns over anything made in the source engine, as seen here

another good one is to go on RP servers then stand outside some peoples house/base and slam down a heavy prop over and over so it shakes their screen

Topkek. He was a raging faggot and a manchild. He even got busted hooking up with some underage chicks and is on a sex offenders list. iirc he also banged (or tried to) his head female admin, then made her owner.

Aw man, me and my buddies used to make REALLY shitty gmod short videos back in the day. If I didn't close the channel I would post them here. Imagine Idiot Box but 10x less effort put in. Good times.

but it's not clever or creative at all, there are much better ways to go about it

When I used to play, prop protect mods existed, but none of them logged or limited gm_spawnswep and if you executed gm_spawnswep from console it would spawn the weapon at cursor position. So I went through the trouble of making an aimbot that intentionally tracked behind other player's feet and pushed a bind to spam sweps behind other players in a trail that lagged the shit out of everything. I manged to not only get innocent players banned, but also admins themselves were in a frenzy banning eachother.

>Flood will never get a proper revival
Trying to make a full battleship in 3 minutes was the most fun shit.

seems to be the default for server owners across TTT servers desu
becoming an admin and never abusing your power in any way seriously felt like becoming a cop and not taking bribes. you were like the "pariah". weird as fuck

>gmod is so dead /egg/ doesn't even care about it

I see
thanks user

That's pretty good, user.

>me and a friend join a random server
>some older guys ask us to join their team without explaining anything
>they start yelling and insulting at some other people on the server
>both sides are apparently building large forts and throwing shit at each other
>build a cool fucking fortress to keep the other side out
>one guy on there their side started flooding the map with as many zombies as he could then someone made a bunch of spawners for them
>had to put our bases on stilts so they couldn't climb up our walls
>built air-fences to keep them from prop-gliding in

Was the funnest I had on gmod. I fucking hate TTT, boring ass mode where people do mindless tasks while shitposting verbally in chat.

At least the zombie modes are still fun and the cinemas still relaxing.

Post addons

i honestly want to make maps that themselves have gamemodes built in

The Dream(tm) is to make a Junkyard Wars map that spawns pseudorandom piles of trash so players have to actually dig around for stuff but i fucking hate actually mapping now because of schizophrenia from all angles like

As someone currently taking psychology this is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard.

It's creepy because the map has a lot of open entrances to areas that the player can't see and they're alone so they feel like they don't have pack protection, as such making them paranoid.

>you will never play spacebuild again
>no one will ever make a standalone, non-shitty spacebuild game

>Was the funnest I had on gmod. I fucking hate TTT, boring ass mode where people do mindless tasks while shitposting verbally in chat.
you've never played in a decent TTT server if your actual experience has been that
though i dont really blame people considering thats what most TTT servers are nowadays, basically chat rooms with the occasional gameplay

>>no one will ever make a standalone, non-shitty spacebuild game
Space Engineers is ok.

Space Engineers kind of is. It's getting there in time.

TTT is my favorite gamemode
but now it's ruined by servers having PAGE of rules (like darkRP), by servers not understanding that they have to BALANCE their shit (the shotgun, holy fucking shit, is always the best weapon in any situation because most of TTT is close range combat), by servers not understanding that there is a consistency to be had and that you shouldn't pick any playermodels you want or any map you want nor any weapon or gadget in the workshop that look flashy and random.

Fuck them. They ruined TTT. Also, the hitreg and gunplay in TTT always felt kinda bad for me.

Absolutely during that period you could cycle around a few communities, meet up with other regulars and play on distinct servers. Valve destroyed a bunch of communities in dods and hl2dm when they updated them to supported mac os and broke every mod. The mac os update for css was just as bad but most of the mods returned due to the larger player base. The big gmod update in 2012 had a similar effect on small community servers leaving behind only huge communities to pick up.

It's hard to go back to these games now because they're either dead or the communities changed for the worse.

>join autistic militaryRP with friend
>go through "bootcamp" for 2 hours
>finally get pistol
>suddenly everyone gets called to "briefing
>highest ranking guy sounds like some skinny nerd and is taking it very seriously
>"alright fuck this lets just kill this nerd one time each and take a perm ban"
>at the count of 3
>random guy that never spoke a word takes a step out of line and blasts the generals head off
>perm banned
>me and friend laughs our ass off
>general comes back
>my friend kills him again
>perm banned
>general comes back and sighs and complains that "these fuckers always ruin it"
>kill him again
>perm banned
why do people even play these?

>As someone currently taking psychology

>you've never played in a decent TTT server if your actual experience has been that
Yeah everyone says that and then I play their suggested servers and it's either the same shit with a different smell or it's hyper-strict admins who will ban you the second someone mentions RDM even if you're a traitor.

It's an unfun game mode accented by an even worse engine.

>space engineers

It wasn't an argument you underage chode.

even if you did you really missed the golden age

>Space Engineers

yep, i know exactly what you're talking about. that is indeed the issue with most servers. truckload of rules that dont actually serve the community but rather to inflate the ego of whoever writes them, and often times they hinder the gameplay because they're nonsensical. 9/10 theyre written by someone who has no idea what TTT is actually about. i once played on a relatively popular TTT server which had a rule where the TRAITOR couldnt carry bodies. also the TRAITOR couldnt call KOS on people "because that just leads to RDMing".
and then yeah add on top of that absolutely overpowered/outright broken T/D weapons to that list and basically you have a glorified deathmatch mode instead of TTT

it doesnt scratch the same itch for me. a lot of fun of spacebuild was the life support stuff and making cool shit out of the sbep parts

what the fuck happened? Why is gmod hardcore arma rp?

Is this nigger serious? God forbid if you actually are and you're actually studying psychology.

>tfw nobody ever used maps that were both impeccably designed from a gameplay standpoint and from an aesthetic standpoint
>just used shitty lazy maps because they were quicker to download
>almost no maps used ever had water even

space engineers still wins in clang, gmod was predictable, at least

garrysmod used to be a breeding ground for this kind of shit

Lua_run was an early entity apart of the base gamemode that allowed mappers to put lua code into their maps that executed when they loaded. I used to have a config macro that ran a series of ent_fire commands on a lua_run object to build an uploader script that let me run any script on the server side that I wanted and it only required sv_cheats to be on for a split second. In early gmod10 days it was really easy to take over listen servers ran by kids by convincing them to turn on sv_cheats.

From there you could do any stupid shit you wanted like running a script that dumped huge text files to their data folder that would completely fill their entire hard drive in the span of about 20 minutes.

Psychology is required for law. Maybe you should blame kikes, because they're the ones teaching it.

I for one like this user's insight

I always play singleplayer for hours and hours
It can't be healthy

And this is bullshit too
The map is decidedly "unheimlich," it hearkens back to a primordial comfort and sterility long since buried through the process of systematic repression of choratic drives and impulses. It brings comfort, but simultaneously unearths the terror of development and the brutal patriarchal oppression that breaks us before the harsh realities of existence and molds us into operable beings. It's the same uneasiness you find returning to your childhood bedroom after divorcing yourself from it.

>join darkrp server
>it has a level system
or alternatively
>join darkrp server
>”You must play 3 hours to become *any class other than Citizen/Hobo*”

OR gaming and underdone?