DSP won his second game ever without firing a bullet

>DSP won his second game ever without firing a bullet

Time to uninstall I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:


The game's all about camping, you have to literally intend not to win a match if you are intentionally seeking out other players to kill. It's about hiding and sneaking around until the non-death zone is so small you have to be within sight range of other players. It makes no sense to accuse people of camping in this game, camping IS the game.

Alright lads, what can we do to ruin these threads on Sup Forums?


you accidentally replied to thread instead of making your own, didn't you? Close the thread out of shame.


make me mutt

That's not bad, good for him. My first solo WWCD was similar but I had to carve victory out of two corpses despite going far out of my way to avoid others



The problem with this game is you have to get gud at shooting with practice, but the firefights are so infrequent its grossly inefficient practicing in the game itself.

So basically i have to install another pvp fps to get my aim and reactions back on point. Which i dont feel like doing.


says the retarded amerimutt

DSP's second PUBG match which he also won was pure luck, the death zone was guarding his back most of the time 70% of players were already dead and the play zone was pretty small by then. I mean he did play pretty smart making the most out of the situation, but if he didn't get so lucky with the random zone placements and actually had to move, he wouldn't have won.

XD what a come back b/ro
Brohoof OwO/)x (\UwU XDD
Le haters gonna le hate amarite bros uwu


only an american could make this post
americans everyone

are you sure you even want to play an FPS?

leave my thread

Is he playing the Xbone version? Holy shit what a unoptimized piece of shit. The chinks weren't even trying.

>bud and i crash out of the game at the exact same time w/ 50 people left
>load back in
>crash at the exact same time again within seconds
>load back in
>arrive just in time to die to play zone

I'm glad i didn't spend any money on it

The whole Royale genre is popular because it simulates the fun of playing gang up tag/hide and seek, but provides a context where you can do this as an adult while being able to soot people.

It's time for the "DSP is bad at video games" meme to end

reminder that DSP has won Evo

And then your other shooter practice is useless since each one has variations in how it handles things that will put your aim off just enough to fuck you
These games need a practice shooting range

he didnt win, he just was the highest placing North American 1 year, even beating JWong, I think he was 5th or something.

yes, but CS has meme shooting mechanics and siege is garbage.
COD/BF is a ripoff.
Rising Storm is dead half the time.

no he won Hyper SF2 at Evo 2006


he's shit, watch him play, he's awful, I dont care if he won evo. He is so lucky, I remember he beat TWO invaders from /vg/ in bloodborne,