ITT: impressive Vidya Details

ITT: impressive Vidya Details

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>while his feet clip through the fucking box

Why does the cloth look like it's running at sub 30 fps?


please kill yourself fgt

Relatively poor cloth physics does it for you?


Pre-made animation that only appears in one level does it for you?


is the 15fps cloth the impressive part?

>that REmake nude mod
REmake holds up so well graphically it's insane

Its not premade, it picks up rocks that are already on the slope, and isn't just a 2d texture. I'm just sayin, there are better cloth physics out there than gta.


No, it's his foot clipping through the box that's impressive.

You can see rocks spawning if you watch closely enough, it's a premade animeme.

The whole game is detailed. The fact that they had to use that much autism to dirty up every single god damn alleyway in that game is absurd. Just imagine having to be the guy who adds props to the world.

plebs can say whatever they want, but gtav is still has by far the best open world out of any game.

It's prob a combo of both. Cause there are rocks you can see before he shoots that get picked up by the slide, but you can also see some rocks vanish or spawn part way through. Either way it's a nice detail.

But heres the detailiest detail to ever detail.

This basic shit was in Ghosthunter on PS2 from 2003, it's not impressive anymore

gta5 autism that normies will never appreciate

The game did take 5 years to develop

Damn what game is this? Must need a supercomputer to run that. This is honestly amazing



the single lamp flickering transforms this from a game to real life

what is so impressive here?
looks like uncharted 4

>90% empty desert
>best open world


they have like 200 employees no?


lost my shit

inb4 Uncharted/Horizon webms that cause Sup Forums to go apeshit

% empty desert
literally what the desert is like 1/10th of the map



Now someone post the webm. It looks awful at better quality.







please do I would like to see it

Just the blood splat after on the rock

Shadow Warrior 2

god i wish that were me


kakiro village has a dedicated night texture when looking down from death mountain. There are only a few spots you can see this

the game is Zelda Orcaria of Time

Couldn't find the webm, but here's a video
It's literally just static physic objects that activate when it detects collision, with a moving texture underneath it...



Honestly that would be fun. I like making maps and decorating them.


I remember cloth interaction better than that in Splinter Cell from 2002

it's a neat effect tho, I think it fits perfectly well into this thread

yeah it's simple and all but it does look pretty cool

Now imagine how awesome this game would be if they dedicated all that autism to make a game that actually feels enjoyable once you finish the main campaign and had true replayability like GTA San Andreas?

It's a nice effect, but it's not executed that well IMO. The texture clipping through things really kills the illusion.

yeah I dont know how I feel about the moving texture underneath either

The blood from his weapon splattered onto the rock
I think

a classic TECHNOLOGY webm at this point.

This beamng?

Just Cause 2 is the only good open world, now fuck off

Now see, It'd be alot more apparent if this person didn't make this webm against a dark area so you could actually see it better.

what PS2 game is this?

JC2 is bland copypaste shit

How come Rockstar are the only ones that can do TECHNOLOGY correct in an open world game? Many people want try to imply that being open world limits a game in this regard, but GTAIV and V obviously prove that wrong.


because no matter how much Sup Forums wants to shit on rockstar or no matter how jewy rockstar may be they are still one of the "better" game developers out there

They probably have some kind of generator to help add props.
I'd hate to be the guy who has to model all that shit. My patience runs thin just modeling one single thing, let alone having to texture it in addition.

Jesus Christ, Rockstar games look like shit.

at least it's filled with shit to destroy unlike GTAV

Yeah. Rockstar has a good attention to detail. If the OP webm was an Ubisoft open world game the cloth would just clip through the player.

>Now imagine how awesome this game would be if they dedicated all that autism to make a game that actually feels enjoyable

They aren't even capable of getting this far, mate.

a mildly impressive detail dwarfed by the list of dozens of details and overall game fixing tweaks the devs forgot to add into GTA 5

The first Splint Cell did this and that was on the xHuge and GC.

Devs have just gotten lazier and lazier since.

Don't have pictures, but in Metal Slug the Arab soldiers actually pull swords out of their mouths.

Hunter Walkers actually turn inside out when flipping upside down. They projectiles they drop on you also happen to be their eyeballs, which they regrow afterwards.

Sol Dae Rokker's blue beam attack (Which also happens to turn you into a pile of coins) actually bursts out and breaks its bottom, at which point it regenerates afterward. Though that one's a bit more obvious.

In Raiden II if you let Blackbird start taking off without destroying it, the left engine overheats and fails, causing it to fly into the side of the runway and crash. If you look closely before the fight, you'll notice they're still working on the engine before it's ignited, and the cooling shroud is incomplete.

Claire and Sherry hold hands if they stand close together in Resident Evil 2.

>look up the nude mod
>Jill's cunny looks like a moldy roast beef sandwich

It's done with simple repeating materials and brushes. It's extremely quick and easy, and most of it was probably done with algorithms.
Check out Substance Painter if you want to get a feeling for modern texturing. It's ridiculously easy.


Y'know, for it's time, RE2 kinda had some pretty impressive textures. I remember playing this on the PSX and being amazed that I could see the features on Leon's face, on my old CRT.

>at least it's filled with shit to destroy unlike GTAV
you have to be older than 12 to post here

He's right tho. GTAV has nothing else in it to do besides the main campaign if you refuse to get sucked up by the Pay-to-win multiplayer mode. In JC2 you can at least act like a damn lunatic and blow stuff up, if you try that shit in GTAV the cops will diddle your bunghole in less than 10 minutes.

People older than 12 don't like GTA games.

>Neo and Agent Smith in the subway.webm

Blowing stuff up is a part of the main campaign in JC2. Once you've done that all that's left is a few races and a broken treasure hunt.

I get some of this but uh
what's the point of showing off the interior layout and the boxes
I don't get the correlation between a lot of these things

oh mu gofd unghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

What mod did you look up user. Sounds great



now if only they could make a good gta game

thats not impressive, that should be commonplace

That shotgun is pretty satisfying to use

>Attention to detail
>no reflection

should i play the PC or GC version?

cool but its a very simple cloth physics

>high impact sexual violence

GTA V is a good game. I am sorry you are too contrarian and too "Sup Forums" to appreciate it.

Hahaha that looks terrible.

Probably to save on performance

PC obviously