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Video Games #4017
Video Games
"BoTW is overrated!!!!"
How do we redeem the Super Smash Brothers series?
Hey user, come take a seat!
Where should it be set bros?
"user, you aren't going to spend new years eve all alone on your computer, are you?"
Why aren't you bigger than this Sup Forums?
So who won?
Game knows when you're cheating
What's your greatest vidya achievement of 2017 Sup Forums?
Who was in the wrong here?
Nice run you've got there, kid. It'd be a shame if something happened to it
Battlestation thread
It's ok when nintendo does it
Tfw it's -20°C outside
Who was in the right?
You are literally a fucking weirdo if you don't believe this is the greatest RPG of all time
Pascal the dog is here
There's a reason why I'm special inquisitor
Which Hemisphere is better at Character design?
Xenoblade 2
Next gen
Guys when and where is the NYE Kung Pow stream gonna happen? I don't wanna miss out
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Does it make sense to buy this in 2018? it's only $5
How good is it ?
Name a more OP character
Unskippable tutorial
Do mods fix fallout 4?
You didn't actually choose Yennefer, right Sup Forums?
Filename thread?
Are you going to find a boyfriend in 2018, Sup Forums?
Who was in the wrong here?
Is this the best video game girl ass of 2017?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Entry team to Talk, SWAT4 thread spotted
What the fuck is up with this game...
He's sitting at home alone playing video games on New Year's Eve
Well how the fuck am I supposed to react then?
Shameful Vidya Faps
game is fun with friends
Parasite Eve
How the hell do I get out of this hellhole
What Switch games are you most looking forward to in 2018?
Pass the controller bro
Life is Strange is a good game
Just got a new console after 20 years - the SWITCH! What games are good for it, Sup Forums?
So how's that Ryzen chip runnin?
ITT: Nobu
Do you know any game similar to Night in the Woods? It felt like being young and having friends
He plays scout
Have you ever skipped class to play vidya?
And, once my dark project is realized, they shall know again to fear and love their Lord
Dragon Ball FighterZ
OpenXCOM Thread
What is up with Snake's thighs?
What's next, Sup Forums?
ITT: good characters and designs stuck in shitty games
New Darkest Dungeon thread
Does Bowser make a good villain?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Get senran kagura peach beach splash
"Men become demons."
Playing old game set in New York
Will you still be playing video games once you hit Thirty(30)?
Why do games have such a hard-on for lesbians?
Got this on Steam sale
Today I will remind them
ITT: we force a meme that will replace soyposting and brainlet wojakposting
Let's take a moment to realize that Kingdom Hearts 3 is releasing in 2018. It feels surreal
Should i play Jade Empire? I have a feeling that it's some kind of gem
Make embarrassing username for account as a kid
That thing on your wrist - it's a New Vegas Thread . It tells you where to go, what to do, dulls your brain
Play against Rogue deck entirely built around weapons
What addon would you add to this robot?
Honey its new years eve do you want to come down and have a drink with us?
Will we finally get a second good exclusive next year?
Which fanbase is worse?
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a direct course for impact with Earth y'all just hate xbox here or
Let's close off the year, Sup Forums
Version 20.17 was terrible. What are the patch notes for 20.18?
I am so upset this game didn't make it even close to GOTY on Sup Forums's list and even prey got in
Last prescription this year, hope it helps
Zero Time Dilemma takes place during New Year's Eve, so let's have one final ZTD thread this year
Bloody hell
Name a vidya scene more kino than this
Let's laugh at the shit games of the year that tried so hard and still sucked
Who was girl of the year 2017?
2018 is almost here. Let's celebrate by commenting on the objectively correct list of the 10 best games of 2017
People who deserve a game based on their life
When will we get a Zelda game where it feels like you're exploring a rich, mysterious, detailed, historical world?
Bloodborne 2
3D Platformers
Well Sup Forums i made it to your board despite your directions
Which is the best Fire Emblem?
There are people who unironically like this game
Replaying silent hill 1 and holy shit, i did not remember it having so many shitty jumpscares
What could this be?
Let's have's have a thread about those. Why did they get so little love? They were pretty good
Games that Sup Forums meme's you in to thinking they are hard
Would you buy it if they nerfed Cloud & Bayo?
I have been threatened by devs for negatively reviewing their game
The last day of the year wouldn't be good without some
Why is Blighttown so hated? It wasn't even that bad
Oh no, look at what you've fucked up and done! Now you have to take responsibility. What will you do now, Sup Forums?
Hi, police? Yeah, I'd like to order the execution of an innocent father of two, in Kansas
Point out objective flaws in game
Mfw 2018 will be an amazing year for vidya
W.H.O report
So is Sony done with the handheld market after this huge flop...
Any girls online tonight? What games are you playing
Poorfag thread
What is the stinkiest weapon or item in vidya?
Mfw playing the Switch on new year
It's 2018. Can we agree that 60fps is the new 30fps and that anything below it is unacceptable
What games have you purchased/ are you planing to purchase this sale?
Sup Forums's 2017 GOTY list
Why do dialog trees reset if I speak to someone with a different party member?
Westerners can't make good looking fe
Reminder that 2B weighs 328,8lbs
Better than 3
Best videogame music thread
Just bought this RPG, what am I in for?
Its out
January Switch Event
Long link
What vidya are you currently playing, Sup Forums?
Itt overrated games
Healers should DPS
Game makes you feel
How did we go from this
Why does everyone hate this game??
Daily reminder that if you don't buy Dragon Ball FighterZ you're a piece of shit that will let the fgc die
Will this ruin your gaming life?
Knockoff version of a videogame becomes more popular than the original one
Why did this franchise turn to shit so hard starting with Xillia? And dont start with Berseria...
Kill him for killing everyone at Tenpenny
Digital Foundry's top 5 games of 2017
Tell me everything wrong with this photo
Can we have a Monster Hunter World thread without fighting?
Bloody hell
What is it, Sup Forums?
In philosophy
Thoughts on this game?
What are some vidya girls that have a healthy body type?
So, uh, what the hell is this supposed to be? Blue Mokou?
Eternal Bloodborne thread #1
Mega Man just kicked your sorry ass. What weapon did he get?
Which Link is the greatest for you?
Which Splinter Cell games do I buy on Steam? I've only ever played the original game long, long ago on PS2...
Shadow of War is $30.99 + DLCs
Why are you here on new year's
Tfw 28
How many platinums did you get in 2017?
What would you want out of P5 Crimson?
Sup Forums will defend this
General MMO thread. what are you playing? what do you look forward to? pic related for me
And the Sup Forums meme of the year award goes to
Post cool Monster hunter webms
What does it taste like?
ITT: post a game without actually posting it
It's not geniuses that change the world. It's ordinary people who make every Danganronpa thread they can
Night raid
How do you go from this
Bought bloodborne a few days ago; first time playing any from software game...
Fluffy goat feet
I’m here to leak some unannounced games coming to Switch in 2018...
What does Sup Forums think of YU-NO?
Rate the X series
Just got a Switch what games do you recommend?
Best games where you can play as a beast race
Why can't Obsidian make RPGs that sell?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What was his fucking problem?
Games that capture the wonder of childhood/ teenage life
Dark Souls 1 vs Dark Souls 2
Why aren't you playing trap of the wild?
Why is this allowed?
It's the last day of 2017 so you have to post your top 5 of the year. Mine is:
Subtle vidya tattoos
Game of the Year 2017
What are some games with fitness mechanics
Is it worth 100 bucks Sup Forums?
Sup Forums will defend this
You have 30 seconds to prove you're more hardcore than me. Protip: you can't
Local Co-op on PC
ITT: We pretend it's new years eve 2007
Holy shit, new direct coming soon
Are games objectively shit now?
Why does melee cause so much anal devastation?
Game has characters
K Sup Forums who is the most hated game creator on Sup Forums?
Well someone finally got killed because of SWATTING
He's browsing Sup Forums and playing videogames during New Year's Eve
Dont forget
Release fate / extella on PS4 / PS vita
Guess the Game
Dragonball Fighterz
Tfw no good jannu vidya
January Direct
Video Games are Now a Disorder
This is the ideal portable console. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Tommrow you will wake up not owning the best system since snes
Sup Forums this is the most fun I've had with a video game since halo 3 came out...
Game has toxin clouds
Stop Dark Souls Invasions
What is your favourite incoming mechanism in RTS?
Post the most enjoyable edgelord games you've played
Rick and Morty PS4
This is pyra. her game is on the nintendo switch
10 Years of SSBB
Monika thread?
This one is cool because it's an owl, and owls are cool
Make up a spinoff for your favorite game, any genre BUT that of the original game in question, details appreciated
This game is unironically better than Galaxy, Sunshine and Oddysey
It's 2018
GTA in 2017. Discuss
Rust in 2017? Should i get it, Sup Forums?
Watch out, best Zelda coming through!
Its here bros
Is this the best area of any Soulsborne game?
WEBM Thread
Is a Magic build actually viable in this game? I've never seen anyone do it
Who's the hottest video game character
Legit alternative to CoC it seems
Lets have a conversation about one of the most debated game in the Final Fantasy series. Liked it? Hate it...
I got an SSD-drive now
Yoko taro said sales of nier automata is nearly 2.5m copies now
I have tried to give this "masterpiece" a shot, it's shit
ITT: underrated best girls
Thanks for beta testing Nintendo bros, this is actually a fun game
What went wrong?
Shouldn't a genre have some successful games before calling itself a genre? Like RTSes had Starcraft and MOBAs had DOTA
Let's have a buyer's remorse thread
Ottomans are the good guys
Find a flaw
What game you will be playing at 12 AM?
Why can't Obsidian make RPGs that sell?
Surprise, another hidden cap has been discovered in DESTINY 2. This time...
Giantbomb's Game of the Year List
FFXIII is meh, I get it, but why does she gets all the hate though?
My first ever Morrowind character
Is there a more based streamer out there? Who do you guys watch?
Post your headset
Filename Thread
If only treasure could staunch the flow of Darkest dungeon thread
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
It should be forbidden for a persona to be this perfect
Why is she so perfect?
Tfw just finished my 6th playthrough of the main story, and 4th of both DLCs
What are some good games for this?
Nintendo's social conservatism & their apolitical veneer of 'fun' are such BS
Now that i think about it,what's the whole point of runescape ?
Games can't be ki-
Clicking through Steam queue
People born in 2000 will be able to post here tomorrow
Remember me?
What is your most anticipated release of 2018?
Happy New Year!
What are some games about descend into utter madness?
Bloody hell
Switch hacked just 9 months after release
Don't mind me, just gonna pirate these swords
Today is Yumi's birthday. Everyone better wish her happy birthday if you want more Senran Kagura
Just played pic related or the first time, holy hell that combat was amazingly fun...
It's nearly the new year, Sup Forums. How are you holding up?
Killing floor
Anyone ever wonder about how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor
Vietnamese level
What are some good games for this?
Have a job where I use a crowbar
It's up
What was his endgame?
Which video games have the best writing?
Persona 5
The great debate
How do we get rid of arrogant shitters who think they're too good for "tank tanks, DPS DPSs, and healers heal"?
Who was in the wrong here?
Not changing to literally any DnD edition other than 3.0
Can AE save SFV or will it make shit even worse like what AE did to SF4?
How did adventure games go from this
No Okami thread?
How are you holding up, Sup Forums?
Where were you when nintendo died
An important message to all video-game developers in the world
Are PC gamers ready for this masterpiece?
Start game
Now that the rust has settled, what is the Sup Forumserdict on Nier Autismata?
Rising Storm 2 thread. Do you prefer to play as the Yankees or the forces of G.O.O.K.? Fav class?
It's been over four years since its release date on November 15, 2013
Can I buy one copy of World of Warcraft please
ITT: The worst game you have ever played in your life so far
Fallout 4 factions
Name a better video game villain
How would you fix it?
What color should I get?
Don't mind me, officer. I'm just PIRATING this book!
What games let me delete threads I don't like?
Was anyone hyped for this before it got cut off?
Daily reminder that this is the current state of Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums mods
The most cancerous release of the last 20 years
What are games with pervasive atmospheres of loneliness? Either intentional or unintentional is fine
Look down
Best platinum game
Why was he so fucked up although he wasn't a remnant of despair but just a prankster which organization prohibited...
Fun FPS?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Why is it bad?
Why aren't you making one Sup Forums?
He doesnt lan with his best buds and family
What game will you be playing as the clock strikes midnight?
What difficulty level do you start off at Sup Forums?
Vidya died in 2007
SMT/Persona is just Pokémon for adults. Prove me wrong
Cmon dude
It's time again boys
You faggots will argue about anything
Skyrim belongs to the NORDS!
Whats wrong with Floris?
Thanks for the beta-testing guys!
3ds piracy has been perfected
Gachimuchi 2017
Listening to a catchy vidya tune
It aged like fine milk
Thoughts on the best selling game on pc in history?
Im dead serious how does this fucking muscled bad bitch NOT have her own video game? She is perfect for it...
E.Y.ÆŽ Divine Cybermancy
Convince me Sup Forums
20 years later, and it's still the best Xenoblade game
Come on guys be better
Xenoblade 2 thread
Post your worst video game purchase of 2017
Can we have a city building thread?
Almost 2018
This didn't deserve the bad reviews it got
Anyone else here make girl characters in video games because they want to be a girl in real life?
"Happy New Years, user"
I miss it bros
He's a much more hostile, but lovable C-3P0
These are screenshots from pokemon switch
Replaying this masterpiece
No-Laughing Batsu Game 2017 with Sup Forums
"Not again, Jesus, not again!"
Is nier fine on pc yet or is it still bad
The Walking Dead, fuck Javi edition
Why do they do this shit?
Now that the dust has settled, which game had the best music/OST of 2017?
What am I in for Sup Forums?
This guy is about to slay you, he gives you a chance to say your last words, but they have to be a vidya quote...
Unironically goty
Post you worse 2017 purchase
Simple ideas that would make a lot of money
Recall hearing constant whining about this game removing white people from history
No ga
Turn on PC
This is the best looking of the year
Hitman: Blood Money
What are the best games to play while high?
How many games have the 'carry the princess' mechanic?
The human eye can literally not see more than 60fps
Alright, we need to talk about the big one. Markers on maps, mini maps and compasses...
What are some ps4 games?
Here's your prescription for 2018
Which CoD is your favorite and why is it Black Ops?
The other thread is filled with politics garbage. Let's talk about the best video games of 2017
Should I really skip this and go straight to episode 3...
Alright, so which is the best?
Could you beat Chun in a fight?
Dad walks in
So what is Sup Forums's opinion on Resident evil revelations? Since it came out on the switch i want to try it
How do you personally rank it in the whole Resident Evil series?
The translation isn't that bad. Why do you guys keep saying it's shit...
Patrician gamer fuel only may enter here
No jumpscares
How do I git gud
What can save Marvel v Capcom Infinite?
Binding Of Isaac
I listened to you retards for a couple months and avoided PUBG. Then I decided to bite the bullet and buy it...
Is there any final fantasy as good as this one? IMO final fantasy went to shit starting with 13
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Uh oh! The boss of the dungeon has surrounded himself with a worthless mob!
How do I get past the Lilith boss fight?
Are anime games not popular in the west?
Is this game actually good? Or is it something I'll get bored of after a week or so?
Game has an insanely hard minigame that has nothing to do with the plot but you have to beat to 100% the game
This is Nias board now you poofs
Meanwhile in the Sup Forums arcade
Best character dies in the middle of the game
Fallout 4 dlc
It aged like milk
Metroid Thread
'Doom clone' eventually became 'FPS' when there were a bunch of them
What is the best class and why is it monk?
ITT : Pathetic pieces of shit
How do we save Castlevania?
Steam Sale thread. Post your haul and recommend games to other fag losers
ITT: Your taunt animations
Is there a reason to get a Switch?
Ultimately, what went wrong?
Why don't you use ReShade, Sup Forums?
He cries over JRPGS
Alright bros, it's time to stop thinking Nintendo is a joke
What would you like to see in future Warhammer 40k games?
Switch Hackers Declare That a Homebrew Launcher Will Be Available 'Soon'
There are people on Sup Forums -Vidya that think Undertale is anything less than a brilliant homage to the RPG genre...
Fuck this bullshit
Game gives you an upgrade/powerful weapon to fight exclusively for the final boss
Xenoblade Thread: Non-Shitposting Edition
Can't figure out first "puzzle"
Why did this series die?
ITT: Vaporware that breaks you heart the most
These games suck total ass. Were they only popular since playstation kids didn't have mario or sonic?
Why did rewards programs die out?
What a great time to be alive knowing kawaii boku will forever stand true on the front page
So it was all just a dream? What a fucking cop-out
This is someone's favorite Dark Souls. Mind blowing
What went wrong?
Can someone please explain what the FUCK is their problem?
Halo 6 Leak
Alright, Sup Forums, the time for voting on our strawpoll is over, here are our results:
Fear of God > Everything else
Will he get the remake that he deserves, Sup Forums?
Leave Persona to me
What the hell?
I like webm threads. Can we have one?
How do you become good at this?
Dubs names the knife
Now that the dust has settled, which was the better game?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Many years have passed us by, old friends. Do you miss old Sup Forums...
Why the hell did Game Grumps make a gay dating sim? I don't get it, it's so random and stupid
Did you buy any vidya magazines?
Was this the best yugioh vidya, Sup Forums?
Steam game recomendation thread
I'll take one copy of breath of the wild, splatoon 2 and 14 burgers please!
GTAV nostalgia
MMO Thread
There are people on this fucking board who paid 50 motherfucking dollarydoos for tetris mixed with some mediocre tetris...
Va11 Hall-A
I'm trying to get good at fighting games. Which ones out of these are likely to stay strong?
This better be fucking good
Why are games pandering to yurifags when they barely even buy games to begin with?
I have $30 on my ps4 and wanted to know if yakuza 0 was worth getting or if i should spend it on some cheaper games
Why was it so good, and why cant it be replicated?
It's up
Dark Souls with a nostalgia bonus > Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Demon Souls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls 2...
Tfw friend bought 8700k and a 1080 to play on 1080p
It has been over five years since the first season of Telltale's The Walking Dead concluded...
Video Gaem Mysteries
Alright, I've been craving a new fantasy rpg. though it feels like I've played most of the good ones...
Not having a bedstation
What are some games where I can score like this?
Now that all of the edgelords forgot about the game, what does Sup Forums think of The Legend of Zelda: Soyjora's Mask?
Shoot kid in game
Forget about horror. How in the FUCK do we save the stealth genre?
Just got this knowing nothing about it, is it any good?
THE FUCKING WINE PILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What will be the last videogame you play before 2017 ends tonight Sup Forums?
Boss' HP is displayed as ??? instead of a numerical value like all the other bosses in the game
Mega Man
How do shitpost against Idorts?
I installed Morrowind and i want 1920x1080p how do i achieve this by best?
How do we fix horror genre?
Why is Overwatch so popular even if TF2 is F2P?
La La La La LA LA LA
Do westerners suffer from constant constipation? why do they need to always be entertained when taking a shit...
How do you normally clean your mouse Sup Forums?
Bloody hell
Vidya YLYL thread
Top 10 games of 2017
What are some Soy-core games?
So, Sega accidentally leaked Daytona 3. If you download the update from their website...
What's the best Fire Emblem?
My switch (in the dock) just fell off my TV stand about six inches onto the hardwood floor...
What did you received this Christmas?
I want to get a vita. What do I get besides this?
Elder Scrolls Shitposting (Nirnposting)
"Hey user, whatcha playin?"
Why don't you make games based off of dreams you have had?
Post vrchat webms like this pls
What happened
How did google do?
You did buy Skyrim on the Switch r-right?
This is the writer for star wars battlefront 2. Say something nice about her
Starting pic related for first time. what am i in for? should i download any mods?
What the point of even playing Nier when DMC 4 SE has a way way way better gameplay system and crazier combos?
Damn,this game is actually good
Created from modified Mew DNA, Mewtwo was designed to be the ultimate Pokémon...
Why did CDPR let this happen?
Freedom Planet
I have a vita and wanna play more VN's but they're all shit and the only ones I liked were Saya no Uta and LovePlus...
Which current gen console should I get?
Name a more iconic duo
Yeah sex is cool but have you ever clicked on a circle
Dragon Ball FighterZ
I want to buy her game, and her console
Throwing away already establish diehard player base for 'western audience' that does not give a fuck about Monster...
What killed video games Sup Forums?
Is there any worthwhile mobile games that isn't gacha shit?
Why haven't you gotten KOS-MOS yet?
Gimme a hug, man
Would a limited ammo supply fix this game?
I just want to play some fucking video games. Why is this taking so long? This is the longest update I've ever had...
Persona 5
Sonic Heroes 14th anniversary thread
Who will replace him now that he’s left?
Ds2 is so shit they had to make it artificially difficult to make it actually feel like a Souls game
Am I crazy, or is this game not as good as everyone is making it out to be...
Low on HP, no items
Nintendo ALWAYS Wins!
Friend plays a game i like
Smash 4xM Thread
Why is japanese TV so degenerate lately? same with anime and gaimu
Soon 2018
Is there a better girl in fighting games than Kira Daidouji?
People hate Nightmare in Dreamland now
What happened to him?
Why didn't it happen Sup Forums?
*ruins your online game*
Be me
Star Fox
Runescape thread?
Helium tank arrives today
Today I Learned: Shamblers are no joke
What is your favorite gaming drink?
Am 28 years old
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
Name ONE game everyone on Sup Forums likes!
I really, really hate Southerners
Have you ever been attracted to characters in games that weren't human, not just fucking animals...
Any anime that should get vidya adaptions?
Reminder that 2B weighs 328lbs
Are there any types of games that allow me to progressively improve my character's look over time like pic related?
Buy your son a Switch
The top 10 best games of 2017 have been determined, they are as follows:
Give the series a second chance on PS4, their most popular system
She sees your penis
You have one open slot for your last party member, both of them have the same class. Which one do you pick?
Name one flaw. Oh wait, you can't
ITT: impressive Vidya Details
Cyberpunk thread
Is Bloodborne art?
Vidya Cringe
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...