>what are input shortcuts
Perfect example of inputs that put off so many potential new players. Fighting games need to do away with controls like this and just have simple button inputs like a special button with a single directional input to change which move is done. Smash is the only fighting game series that I've seen do this, and it bottles the mind why more don't follow its example.
>waahh I can't do a """hard""" input
>it should be as easy as a kid's party game
There's literally an input shortcut post right before yours. Oh wait I bet you didn't even know there was such a thing as input shortcuts.
get lost
crying about srk inputs is no different from crying about how bad the guns are at the beginning of stalker:soc
I was never aware that people found this hard to do until I came to Sup Forums, I'm still convinced it's just a running gag on here
It's /fgg/ shitposting.
>bottles the mind
And somehow that isn't even the stupidest thing you wrote.
something only some games have, but you wouldnt know that would you 0'16er
and the easier shortcut is 6236 anyway
Sup Forums is awful at FGs because Sup Forums is too casual to gitgud
If the motion is 623 how the fuck is 6236 a shortcut?
dont do this it creates mustard gas
implying anyone is playing the older games without shortcuts
I mean, it's not as problematic as many inputs found in the KoF series, but my point still stands. I'm so, so glad that mainstream fighting games have been moving away from complicated inputs, but they aren't going nearly far enough.
>sf4 babbs calling other people babbs
It's time to stop roleplaying, kiddo. Anyway, going to dump some of my favorite kiddo screencaps. They're always good for a laugh.
You can't use that one since it wasn't a genuine post.
t. poster who posted that post
>ignore fighting game related post on Sup Forums
>do not respond to fighting game related post on Sup Forums
Nah, you were serious.
some people have brain problems and can't just do Shoryu inputs on command, so they pretend that the input is (6)236 instead so they can just do a fireball motion instead of trying to nail just the 623. It's easier mentally to think "walk forward/forward+fireball motion" than it is "shoryu motion" for some people for whatever reason despite extra inputs.
The actual motion is 626. Diagonals don't actually exist, arcade sticks only have 4 switches. 623 itself is a shortcut. 6 236 is generally going to be the easiest for someone to learn because chances are they learned to throw a fireball before learning the DP. While 623 might seem difficult to a beginner, "walk forward, then throw a fireball" will seem like the simplest shit ever.
That doesn't make it a fucking shortcut.
or you know, just forward down-forward forward
this saves frames and comes out quicker so it makes it better for AA
232 is better for AA because you stay low.
Story checks out
I mean 323, whatevs.
fix'd ur fix
>Sup Forums is one entity hurrrrrrrrr
me on the right
Well, if it looks genuine, then I guess I did a pretty good job copying smashbabies. I guess I'll give you my permission to repost that whenever you feel like, then.
Arcade sticks having only 4 switches has nothing to do how software's input readers work you absolute brainlet
Didn't need your permission, kiddo, and I certainly didn't ask for it. You've joined the "Sup Forums roleplays about fightan gaymes" folder. Enjoy that embarrassed feeling and the pit in your stomach every time you see your larping reposted, anonymous or not.
I feel like I've seen that exact post this year.
>The actual motion is 626
>Fighting games need to do away with controls like this and just have simple button inputs like a special button
While I don't agree overall, Rising Thunder did this really well, and I miss that game to death. Fuck Riot, fuck their Chinese overlords, fuck League of Legends for destroying this game.
I know you didn't need my permission, but I'm giving it to you anyways because you honor me by saving my work. It's the only way I can thank you.
>Sup Forums
>Fighting games discussion
You can still play it though.
>it should be as easy as a kid's party game
it really should though
No need to thank me, you larping shitter. I should be thanking you for giving me more comedy gold to add to the collection. Trying to play it off like you were just pretending to be retarded is the icing on the cake, though. That's the kind of embarrassed damage control I live for.
Anyway, be on the lookout for reposts, here and occasionally at /r/Kappa, SRK, etc. I like to spread the cringy love around.
Have you never tried playing a fighting game on a pad or a keyboard? You can go straight from 2 to 6 and on a pad at least it's the most efficient method without question. You can do it on a stick too but it's awfully slow in comparison to 623.
Should've known, you don't even play fighting games.
Never play Tekken. A DP motion is tutorial level shit compared to consistently doing EWGF's.
Neither do you, apparently.
3 3 > 6 2 6
Wait, I was just messing around, but now I can't tell if you are too or not. If you are, then that's going a little too far bringing up reddit.
When the Community Edition comes out next month, yes. It still fucking sucks that Riot absorbed a promising FGC dev and basically used them for fuck all.
They're releasing the final build they had for people to play.
>le reppit boogerman le damage control
Christmas is over, boys. You don't have to keep giving me presents. Thank you, though.
>implying I'm the same guy
>this sends the casual to the shadow realm
>implying you're not
Now show me that inspect element, bby.
i used to play in tournaments in t5dr and t6 days. ask me something if it pleases you. mostly tekken but i also played 3rd strike for 10 years.
Lmao, try the just frame one
>I'm going to keep acting like a retard, that will show them
Why do you participate in the unequivocal retardation that are these threads?
Damn, I was actually pretending to be retarded, but it seems you're the real deal.
What game is this? Those are some sexy inputs.
Okay, champ. Since you've been reduced to samefag spamming image macros I'll leave you to soothe your asshurt. Thanks for the new screencap, though.
Capcom Fighting All-Stars, it's a game that never actually came out. The Ingrid one is supposed to be a pentagram.
I don't think I've ever seen something like that last input before actually, where the hell does it want you to start there
What the fuck kind of retard screencaps bait posted by his autistic circlejerk so they can masturbate to it later?
Start at down-forward
i dont know, really. most of the posters in these threads really dont know much about fighters. when i try to explain why something isnt overpowered or why a move/strategy isnt good -- despite their favourite streamer saying it is -- im just met with utter nonsense. and the whole
>the motions are too hard and artificial difficulty and anyone that practices and learns something is an autist
really just makes me tired and sad.
I'm glad you're leaving. Hopefully you go back to r/whatever and realize that that place is your true home and decide to stay there.
ITT: retards get destroyed.
>redditor thinks his opinion holds weight here
The second you outed yourself as a redditor your opinion became worthless sorry bub time to head on back
anyone in aus/nz want to play some tekken on pc? internets not good enough to play other regions.
steam id: milkycha
>fighting game
I bet you play 'competitive' smash brothers too
>Press forward
>Then do a fireball motion
I've never understood how anyone could find this difficult. Newer fighting games have implemented shortcuts like pressing downforward twice to make it even easier.
>I've never understood how anyone could find this difficult.
It's not. It's just that millennials have learned that it's better to whine and cry to get something changed rather than put forth any amount of effort at all to learn something. The problem with this strategy is that it hasn't, and probably won't ever, work with fighting games. Why do you think they all flock to Smash and whinge on about it being a "real fighting game" to anyone who will listen?
>another 'tekken is just juggles' post.
what is movement, frame data, and punishes anyway? fucking gay shit for retards, man.
Why is this in your 'scrub quotes' folder?
Nothing he is saying is wrong, he's just saying not to respect scrubs because they don't play by high level rules, and not to get salty when you lose because getting salty is part of learning
Also he's right, most people just aren't top 8 material and shouldn't get upset with themselves for not being able to perform at that level, out of context this post might seem sort of like a scrub just bitching I guess, but I'm sure he was just replying to some Gold/Plat level dude that was salty as fuck after losing to a bronze and losing like 1,000 points
Melee is really fast and requires a high level of technical skill to play at a high level, though. It's just very easy to get into.
God, British English is so unbearably obnoxious.
>Smash bros doesn't have frame data, movement or punishes
>Melee is really fast and requires a high level of technical skill to play at a high level, though.
Then why are they all apparently too stupid to learn the "artificially difficult" inputs for an actual fighting game? It's what they obviously want to be playing instead of Smash, otherwise why the fuck can't they ever shut up about it?
Protip: I'm actually a Burger.
>what is movement, frame data, and punishes anyway?
Things in literally every fighting game ever?
>i'm pretending that i can't read
Are you that retard from earlier who got screencapped?
>tfw smash gets more entrants than most other fightan games combined at supermajors
so tekken isn't a "real" fighter then? what do you play? sf5?
>he thinks Tekken isn't a party game
>calls other people stupid
game makers make intentionally complicated inputs like the DP so they can force people to buy sticks, which they secretly have stock in so they can profit off game sales and stick sales simultaneously
Why would you use British words, then? Do you not love America?
the absolute state of your reading comprehension
Yeah, there's apparently a lot of retards who can't do "hard" inputs.
Where did I say, or even imply, that?
>Yeah, there's apparently a lot of retards who can't do "hard" inputs.
Well yeah, thats why Tekken is so popular
Are you genuinely retarded, or just baiting? Saying that Tekken "has" frame data, movement, and punishes doesn't mean shit because the entire genre does. It's a given
Stop pretending to be me you hooligan
hard inputs =/= deep and complex game. smash will always be better
If Smash can do so well, why don't they bring in Mario Kart or other fun games instead of boring Street Fighter or Marvel? With the new Catherine game/remake coming out, they should try to get a scene going for that, too.