Alright, Sup Forums, the time for voting on our strawpoll is over, here are our results:

Alright, Sup Forums, the time for voting on our strawpoll is over, here are our results:

10) Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
9) Tekken 7
8) Night in the Woods
7) Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
6) Destiny 2
5) Cuphead
4) Super Mario Odyssey
3) Nier: Automata
2) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
1) PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Overall, I'm pretty impressed with this list. Sup Forums has good taste.

Other urls found in this thread:

I think that Cuphead should be higher

>Overall, I'm pretty impressed with this list. Sup Forums has good taste.


Dank meme

Anyone who watching Giant Bomb in 2017, soon to be 2018, is a fucking idiot redditor. Not just a redditor, but a fucking idiot too.

Dan's gonna get a meeting with HR on Monday, isn't he?

The boy has been missing his daily mandatory soylent test at work - unacceptable.

Honestly the list is fine.

Abby was shit but nobody took her seriously.

Like at the end even Vinny abandoned her and the rest of them were laughing at her.

I heard Dan beat several homosexuals to death back in Kansas.

this is soooo goood

>If Destiny goes, so do I. *gun cocks*



How many times are you going to make this thread?

>I'm not saying [2B's ass] was a big knock against the game, but [it has made me hate it with a fiery passion and I will shit talk it any time it is brought up at all]

To be fair, this is just the youth of today
They think of themselves all the time, non stop, hence the "I think" x100


lol patrick looks weird

the best part is when he liked visibly and audibly reacted to her saying it should be higher than NieR

>Sup Forums still seething about faggot dad

gift that keeps on giving

It's ironic, funny, and worrying to see how much sjws liberals have created so much fear out of boogeyman nazis and right-wingers to the point they have become the nazis themselves, wanting to control everything everyone says and every aspect of society and casually suggest genocide

hey buddy, Sup Forums here, I'm actually mad about the stupid deliberations not the game itself

Jeff and Vinny are still the best two members of Giant Bomb. They're the only entertaining dudes, even if their taste is shit (PUBG? Dream Daddy? Come on).

more like she's nervous and doesn't want to give weight to any of her opinions so if anyone challenges them she can just go back to the 'well it's what I think' mentality. also you're probably younger than her you little shit.

It was pretty amusing. Vinny laughing with pity at Abby short circuiting and begging for NieR to go down for the five bilionth time.

>Frankly, I don't play videogames to think, I play videogames to have fun

- Dan "our guy" Rykert

I'm actually too old to be here, my man

>and casually suggest genocide
I think you're making this up.

>It's a "Delusional Sup Forumstard forgets to take his meds" episode

that's actually worse

If you think we're cutting Destiny 2 we're gonna be hear all night.

I'll accept PUBG winning in exchange for Automata getting top 3. Persona 5 not getting in over Dream Daddy and/or NitW is bullshit, though.

>Alex: Isn't that objectifying?

holy fucking shit

Damn, you're right. You've changed my whole perspective

To be honest, I dont believe that Robot Butts should be on this list at all because it has robots and butts in it, and thats bad.
Now let me explain why I will kill literally anybody who tries to move Gay Dads: The Video Game any lower than it is now.

>Dream Daddy elevates the genre
>I don't know I don't play dating sims

Is vinny abby's dream daddy?

Nice post, Terry Gilliam.

>people actually watch a dozen faggots argue over which of their shitty taste in video games is better for 200 hours

Get better internet friends you pathetic morons.

>I don't play VNs but this VN is better than the usual garbage VNs

>better internet friends
such as?

You're posting on a Taiwanese spice trading board, what the fuck is wrong with you?

PuBG shouldn't be on the list, let alone #1. But whatever.

Everything else is fine.

Theres only just over a half dozen retard.

Why, what did he do? I really can't be fucked listening to 5 hours of this shit.

GB are the most entertaining e-celebs. No one else posts videos of them tearing each other down for 20 hours as they slowly but surely lose their already damaged fucking minds

I love the GOTY Deliberations, can't wait for next year.

If Dan leaves the site I'm cancelling my subscription renewal. He, Jeff, and Vinny are the only funny people there. West is mostly dead weight aside from Jeff and I can just watch his livestreams if I want entertainment from him. Vinny is good but needs Dan to help counteract how bad Abby is and how bad Alex sometimes is. Dan's the only person keeping that site afloat.

>this is the editor of the Huffington Post

And that relates to Giant Bomb.... how...?
Your meds, Sup Forumstard. Your meds.

Is Dream Daddy a meme game? All of the praise I've heard it receive just makes me about Katawa Shoujo, which did all the same things five years ago.

>no Prey 2017

>two soulless and boring open world games at the top 2

can we all admit 2017 is the worst year for videogames ever?

>It's ironic, funny, and worrying to see how much sjws liberals have created so much fear out of boogeyman nazis and right-wingers to the point they have become the nazis themselves, wanting to control everything everyone says and every aspect of society and casually suggest genocide
>casually suggest genocide
I dunno man, seemed like a casual suggestion of genocide to me


Just why oh why do fictional attractive females trigger 3DPDs so much? It is just fascinating to watch their efforts in spinning this as such a disgusting thing that literally made them shake and could not play the game.

>It's a character and she does not have the power

Literally what is this argument? It's a fucking FICTIONAL CHARACTER.

We're gonna shout it loud even if our words seem meaningless, like Im carrying the weight of the wooooooorld.
I wish that some way some how that I could save every one of us, but the truth is that Im only one giiiiiiiiiiiirl.

trying to get the exact timestamp now

Cool, it's another episode of "Autists of Sup Forums get triggered because an adult woman didn't enjoy a gray-brown, budget RPG with bland game play"

PUBG isn't really an open world game

Rolled his eyes at Abby every fucking time


Tell me, God are you punishing me? Is this the price Im paying for my past mistakes? This is my redemption song. I need you more than ever right now!

Why the hell is Abby the newest and most inexperienced staff member interrupting the most and talking the most with the most redundant things to say?

>her face when
>being told, "you can't critique the game if you haven't at least played some of it"

I highly doubt she was thinking at all while saying this.

>NieR Automata that high
>Night in the woods even on the list
>PUBG even on the list
>Cuphead that low
>Wolfenstein even on the list
>Destiny 2 even on the list


Dan probably likes Abby and doesn't give a shit about this list as anything more than a fun diversion.

Sup Forumstards trying to put drama into this is one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

Everyone on that panel probably likes everyone else on that panel 10,000 times more than they would ever like you. They disagree on some opinions about video games which means zero in the grand scheme of things.

>what is a joke

>hey guys i know i post on Sup Forums but youre all autistic not me

She's trying to prove she has worth to the discussion by contributing, even if she has nothing to say.

I think that Cuphead should be hire, because it's good, and it's fun and cohesive, and also it's very good, and a lot of people like it, and also Dream Daddy, because it moves the genre forward, I haven't played any VNs but it's very cohesive and good, and really I just think that it's fun and an experience, and it's good and I like it!

>just a prank bro


It's honestly a little scary how accurate those lyrics are when put in the context of Alex this year

Thanks for sticking up for me, user!

If i had to make a conservative guess at staff talking time she might be at 35% of the game of the year video. And the fucking booing of Neir at the end of the video when Brad is reading the list... Jesus Christ

honestly you're right, but stop being a no-fun cunt please

My plans for next year:
>Cultivate male friendship
>Band together and rape all women

It's a woman thing

very good post
i like it

Why is Abby so jealous of 2B’s ass

>>Cuphead that low
Would you say it should be higher?

because she has none

You just know that Abby is soon going to start writing articles about misogyny in gaming due to the way she's been treated by GB fans. After leaving GB, she'll probably make a career out of talking about how mistreated she was because no one took her opinions seriously due to her gender, while she fights to have more women taken seriously in games journalism.

Good for her

2B's ass is literally too big

Honestly, I don't think she's smart enough.
You have to be a really adept manipulator like Zoe Quin to do that

Why do american liberals think nazis are coming back? Did trump say something?

I hope in writing these articles she finds clarity in whatever demons she is struggling with in regards to video game misogyny. There is no reason for a sane person to be that upset over a digital robot having a big ass.

Get your T levels checked. Y'all are probably too young to get all fussy and cranky about shit like this.

I wouldn't mind the stupid comment here and there but is it just me or has Abby just flat out spoken more than anyone else in all of the podcasts despite barely playing anything? It is complete insanity.

Makes you think doesn't it?

Cool insights, my man
Really accomplished something there

They see someone more attractive than them and they instantly hate it because their instincts tell them it's competition even though they don't even exist. It doesn't help that the character is also typically more competent and capable than they are since they're some kind of super robot from the future or powerful deity or whatever. That's why they can't ever even explain why they don't like someone like 2B or Bayonetta beyond meaningless accusations of sexism even though the character they're complaining about fights and kills gods and saves the world singlehandedly. This is also why someone like Peach or Zelda, who is attractive royalty, makes them mad because no one is going to invade and fight an entire continent just to rescue them, so they'll just say it's objectification or something equally nonsensical, as if fighting an evil king and laying waste to his country just to grab some artifact or a shitload of gold is the same thing as trying to save the magical and holy ruler of your kingdom.

>an hour of talking about wolfenstien 2
what the fuck is this shit?

yes. dan, jeff and brad barely said anything. ben spoke up, alex said his piece, and vinny had to defend abby.

Probably overcompensating since she's the youngest and least experienced outta the whole crew. She's annoying as fuck but I'll give her credit for trying.

to them anyone who isnt an ugly blue haired tranny communist is a nazi

You're talking about people with mental disorders.

>tfw you've been thinking about gbpastafag more and more as you continue to consume GB content, slowly realizing he's actually correct about at least some things