>1993: video games make kids dumb
>2003: video games make kids violent
>2013: video games make kids murderers
>2018: video games are a mental disorder
How do you feel about this Sup Forums?
>1993: video games make kids dumb
>2003: video games make kids violent
>2013: video games make kids murderers
>2018: video games are a mental disorder
How do you feel about this Sup Forums?
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I feel like you're retarded and didn't read the article
(((World Health Organization)))
Does this mean I can get disability pay for playing video games?
The thing about crazy people is that they don't know that they are insane. Think about it, most of us here will spend the new years alone playing video games thinking it's more fun that social interaction with real people.
Aren't these the same fucks who 180'd their stance on trannys and shit once it was mainstream and "Needs normalized" ?
I feel like you're retarded and dont see the long terms of this.
Came here to post this lets get on the gravy train boys.
I feel great actually. if it is seen as a disorder, then the SJWs, the failure of a journalist who became "video game journalists" and tranny game developers will steer clear from video games and will look for another prey to latch on to. and we will once have our hobby back again
If you spend so much time playing video games where it impacts your daily life then you do have a problem. Many people can't even leave their computer to make food.
WHO is full of shit, I literally turn off/stop reading whatever if I see their name included as a source.
Maybe I can use this to get additional welfare from my government because I don't live in a capitalist society known as America
When will they classify binge watching YouTube or twitch as a mental disorder? The comments and chat rot your brain.
Leftism should be recognized as a mental health disorder.
How many threads does this make now?
So what you are saying is I can now get away with any crime and claim that I have a disorder to get off scot-free
Sounds exactly like how masturbation used to be demonized in burgerland
Ohh that will be next. Then they'll move onto sports, once everyone has their own (((mental disorder))) the snowflakes can finally be happy that everyone has issues.
>Think about it, most of us here will spend the new years alone playing video games thinking it's more fun that social interaction with real people.
I thought about it and you're a retard. most of us here will spend the new years alone playing videogames wishing we could be making social interactions with real people. The only one deluded is you. So it fits, crazy people don't know they're insane, have you considered seeking help for your retardation?
yeah no shit dude
if you read the article to the end there is an argument that it singles out gaming and should be used to implement a generalized guideline with any compulsive/addictive behaviour that disrupts a healthy lifestyle.
Yet far-right isn't? Most of the modern problems with politics are directly linked to the far-right. While conservatives are forced to associate with them.
>wishing we could be making social interactions with real people.
And there you have it, you are a social retard, you are not sane.
>WHO to recognize [GAMING] disorder as mental healt condition in 2018.
>Image is a woman holding two phones, one displaying a bunch of social apps and the other a website advertising said phone.
it makes me feel like if I disagree you'd just say i have anti autority disorder, ie, you are making shit up now.
tl:dr; psychology isn't science
Why a mental disorder and not an addiction? Is it because they don't want to sell less video games or something?
CNN is trash but you just sound like a retard pointing it out in this situation. Objective information is objective information regardless of who or where it's coming from.
((())) XD
Better than being a complete moron like you. Have you looked for help yet? Remember it will only get worse if you don't get it treated, retard.
Get help for what? You are projecting here.
They're trying to attack alt sports at the moment, skateboading, scootering, snowboarding, inline skating. Thing is, when you go to comps, you can't politically correct your way through it. If someone thinks you suck, word gets around.
>1993 video games make kids dumb
*studies show it improves problem solving abilities*
>qu-quick change it
>2003 video ganes make kids violent
*studies show kids that play video games are more likely to have higher patience and its the parenting thats the issue*
>shit change it again
>2013 video games make kids murderers
*studies show that video games suppress murderous desires and tendencies*
>dammit okay next time for sure
>2018 video games are a mental disorder
*studies pending*
>Be schizoid
>think everyone else is mentally ill
>Want to cut my cock off, inject myself with hormones and live my life as a woman
>Completely normal
>Want to play video games all day instead of be a wage slave
Yeah WHO, it's called being an ADDICT you fucking idiots
Just relabel dopamine disorders 50 million times and try to shame every activity along the way
>Why a mental disorder and not an addiction?
Addiction is a mental disorder.
If you are unable to take part in everyday life and only play video games you do have a mental disorder.
NEET is not ok.
Literally who
>do literally anything too much and its called an addiction
>playing too many games is a mental illness
>2013: video games make kids murderers
Should be "make kids sexist." See me after class.
That's generally how that works. Just don't say anything user. Watch the insanity play out, take advantage of all the broken pieces when everything falls apart around the people you're observing. You'll come out a winner every time.
Except for when it's a physical addiction?
Can I claim autismbucks for it? I'm tired of working for the Jew.
>In 2018, playing video games obsessively might lead to a diagnosis of a mental health disorder
Even drinking too much water is harmful, why would gaming be any different?
>directly linking to CNN
>far right
nice memes
>movies, tv, music, books
>video games
>mental illness
Ignorant old fucks should never have this much power in the world.
>playing video games too much is a mental illness
>chopping your penis off, wearing girl clothes and replacing the hormones in your body is not
the latter is still considered a mental illness you retard
being addicted to books so much that it gets in the way of you eating, going to the bathroom, etc. is REALLY fucking rare
Jews actually hate WHO, and WHO hates Jews.
>gaming is a mental disorder
>but wanting to get fucked in the butt and spread aids isn't
>but wanting to mutilate your genitals and change 'gender' isn't
>but wanting to watch a bbc fuck ur wife isn't
I wonder (((who))) is deciding these disorders
I believe the WHO is not part of CNN you dumb fuck
Bump because this user is a dumbass
WHO still considers gender dysphoria to be a mental illness, actually.
why would society normalize a mental illness then?
>doesn't read article
>still spergs out
hmmm maybe they're onto something
like the long terms of "games make you violent" that went absolutely nowhere?
Tell me, why does society not like videogames and wants so hard to pressure you into not liking them?
science iterates based on better understanding.
it's not about normalizing the mental illness though
stop acting like you're 12 trying to gain acceptance from your father you retard
>I wonder (((who))) is deciding these disorders
It's the Musdslimes this time, not the Kikes.
I'll spend them playing vidya with my gf, warm and cozy. I don't really need anything else.
>playing video games
You got that last part wrong.
The bigger the lie the more people will believe it. This targets the parents anyway to keep them from letting their kids play. I feel like its all a scam by big media to hold onto what little power they have left
WHO is joke dude.
>cite them for everything at school
feels weird to spout information everyday, getting pats on the head and A grades, but not believing fundamentally anything you're writing/saying. Just smiling and nodding. Trainspotting type shit.
>the last part of that article
wew fucking kikes man
It's literally true, I am convinced after years of reading depressed nerd shitposts and rising cases of social awkwardness and autism that people are becoming angsty, anti-social faggots because they play video games which are known sources of dopamine abuse. You literally should not play more than like 5 hours of vidya per week or your fucking brain gets fried and you become an overall worse person for it. It has been proven that regularly playing vidya and spending a shitload of time on the internet/social has similar effects to alcoholism and people who do it tend to answer test questions pessimistically. It turns you into a sadboi fucking moron. Women too. Sup Forums itself is a prime example of this phenomenon: the board culture here is to shit on everything and be an obnoxious fucktard. Since I stopped playing vidya and looking at e-bullshit so much, I have noticed some positive changes.
The christfags were right for the wrong reasons. There's a fine line to walk here between "Maybe you shouldn't play video games constantly like you shouldn't smoke crack every day, maybe just smoke crack like once a week" and "hurr vidya is destroying our future! It will make kids satanic!" The latter is too generalized. There needs to be a conscious effort to discover exactly how one moderates their usage of vidya and the internet rather than blanket condemnation, because it is an extremely valuable medium that obviously opens entire new worlds and can't easily be dismissed. A lot of it also probably has to do with how video games are designed to abuse dopamine loops with shit like gambling in order to make the most money. Yes, this means your precious hobby is bad for you the way you use it, but you won't change shit so just remember when you're a 40 year old man looking at MS paint memes about feeling suicidal, that maybe the research was right and you could have just considered what you are doing with yourself instead of kneejerking.
Read the fucking article before posting about it
>Almost all disorders are defined by their dysfunctionality, he explained. When it comes to addictions, the DSM doesn't ask how much you do something, such as drinking alcohol.
>"It's about doing it in a way that damages your life," said Gentile. While some people can drink most of the time with no problems, others can drink rarely, yet do so in a way that causes a lot of damage. They get "so far out of balance, they need external help to get back into balance."
Sup Forums is always right though.
you solved the mystery congratulations retard
(((you have to be over 18 to post)))
>medically treating a mental illness is normalizing it
This is why no one takes Sup Forums seriously
>media, those who sell the games, wants fewer people playing them
Get out WHO
Are you talking about say a caffeine addiction? because that is also a mental disorder, most people seem to recoil when they hear mental disorders because of how stigmatized it has been made by attributing it to drug taking/psychological defects but anything that causes your behaviour to change and impairs your ability to function is a mental disorder.
Yeah sure
>Yes, this means your precious hobby is bad for you the way you use it, but you won't change shit so just remember when you're a 40 year old man looking at MS paint memes about feeling suicidal, that maybe the research was right and you could have just considered what you are doing with yourself instead of kneejerking.
Couldn't have said it better.
>getting men to cut off their dick and stick rods in the wound so it stays open is "medically treating" the mental illness
but im not depressed
This, fuck the medium. Fuck the Internet.
Work as a mental disorder when? I'm tired of sifting through little bits of metal 6 days a week.
>Just as medieval Europe once accused the Jews of poisoning the wells
Jesus fucking christ stop reaffirming everything negative about yourselves.
It's not a matter of "normalizing" it. It's that road to hell being paved with good intentions folly the left engages in regularly. Everyone knows it's a mental illness, the left included, but the left thinks being nice to and making the rightfully condemned of society feel all warm and fuzzy and like nothing is actually wrong with them is more important than helping that person overcome their problem. "Don't listen to them, you're BEAUTIFUL! It's not you, it's everyone else!"
See also "fat shaming", "slut shaming", "islamophobia", "abelism", etc.
I did days ago, and that doesn't change anything I said. Vidya does increase dysfunctionality for a lot of people.
Work on its own isn't. The feeling that it's absolutely necessary is.
Eh, 200 years ago most cultures had the tendency of cutting the dicks and balls of children so they could serve in the courts of the big cheeses and not fuck their wives.
The media is one company?
>user on Sup Forums is more knowledgeable about medical and mental conditions than doctors and therapist.
Who says by playing video games I am not social? I call at least 600 people a day a nigger I guarentee thats more people then the average normie talks to or calls a nigger.
>video games are a mental disorder
>Wanting to be a tranny is not
Ah yes
You forgot when people said video games make people sexist.
>"Just as medieval Europe once accused the Jews of poisoning the wells"
Or so that they could hit higher notes as a vocalist.
>Cutting the balls off of kids before the reach puberty
>Hope their voice doesn't change
>If it does you're shit out a job and your balls.