What the fuck is up with this game...

What the fuck is up with this game? I remembered thinking it was great when I was young and it gets glowing reviews whenever it's mentioned here. I've been laboring through it so far and it's just the most tedious game I've ever played. It's like
>hey, spend 5 minutes walking to this place
>now spend another 5 minutes to go to this place
>ok, at least one more trip now and you'll get to fight a bad guy
>he just summons viruses that you've already fought
>it repeats this cycle endlessly
I mean the battle system is great but Jesus Christ, there's only 8 areas in the entire game and they still stretch it out to a 50+ hour campaign. Not to mention it's practically impossible without a strategy guide, they expect you to find shit in places you would never think to look and give the most vague hints for other shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


The battle system and enemy/boss design.
That's all it has going for it.

1 is less tedious but far less refined and has the terrible internet maps, 2 is also less refined but far more comparable and has way better scenario design, 4 is a fucking mess, 5 is unfocused, and 6 has great scenario design but really lacks content.

The postgame and multiplayer are godly.
Probably worth suffereing through opening the navicust to shuffle the press program around 3 dozen times.

Most of the main story is a lot weaker than most people remember, hence I still put 2 ahead of it despite no navicust and weaker postgame
>forgetting flags

You can say the same about any old gem. Just Replayed breath of fire 4, and the flaws jump at me like snakes.

If you like battle nertwork, you should try this
Still beta, but there are 4 chapters done and is in full english, seriously, try it.

The overworld bits suck shit, and the Net map designs are dark souls-tier (i.e. not great but they pepper it with useful item drops so whatever). You play BN for the battle system, bossfights, and endgame shit. It's a glorified trading card game.

People usually only remember the good parts about a game and ignore the bad parts(unless those parts are tremendously shitty). Whenever we have BN threads, everyone talks about how cool the boss fights and chips were, and nobody brings up the fact that even BN3 had a stupid amount of wandering around, looking for the right place to jack in and all that

Just be carefull with Carrie, she spams FUCKING PAs like no tomorrow.

No, it's always 4 anons dick-riding BN3 while one patrician user insists 6 is better, and then we always enumeate the flaws of 3:

>Style changes that take forever
>Style changes that are pointless because the only two worth using are Cust and Team for the V4 chips
>S-ranking an enemy to get fucking Zenny
>Punk, bizarrely, does not appear in White

Seconding this.
To any anons who are turned off by the Touhou aspect, you can just ignore it. They're only character designs and names. It's pure Battle Network otherwise.

Ok niggas, which is the best VS navi music and why is this one?

Delete that. It's a huge spoiler that you shouldn't ruin for new players.

>Generic net navi
>teleporting into your field
>using PAs like nobody business
What the fucking fuck?

*blocks your path*

But if you know touhou, is more funny!

Seriously what the fuck was that? It's only in the second wave of request that opens up. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised since the SP viruses are also bullshit.

>>teleporting into your field
>what is StepSwrd

The best part is that it's an early game request.
The SP virus hunting missions can also be fucking ridiculous too if you don't know what you're doing.
The last one in is a Crimson Dragon wannabe and has 5000 HP.Mitigated by it being a huge virus with three hit boxes that piercing attacks can cause triple damage with.

>MFW i just an addon make S ranked battles gives you random chips with the starforce 3 noise effect.
Man, starforce 3 was so good.

hell, the addon is even called "crimson noise"

I honestly couldn't finish this. I loved the first one but the second was just the first game with gimped endgame chips and artificially difficult robot masters. I think I made it to the end of the tournament before I totally lost interest in playing the same game again with mechanics that weren't different enough to feel new but just different enough to make me change the playstyle I had got accustomed to.

Also really annoying how they pushed the 2 versions thing. It was hard enough trying to find another kid who had a link cable and the opposite version for the original Pokemon games, nobody was ever going to trade their Mega Mans on the playground

>this localization

I'm waiting for it to be finished first.

I've heard that will happen within the next 1.5 to 2 years based on how long it takes the dev to make chapters.

come on user, it has loads of things to do, like bullying lolis

I couldn't go any farther than the 7 star post-game gauntlet. Those viruses are too crazy.

they should have added some sort of new game plus, where you can restart with everything you got just to see the story (until where it is) again.

come on, post webms of crazy chip combos.

there are several things that become even better if you know touhou, like why only cirno.EXE was the only navi deleted while all the other "villains" found ways to avoid death, is because she is a fairy, who respawn so hard that you can even kill them for fun and not one bats an eye. This goes perfect with battlenetwork "deleted navi data becomes a ghost that respawns in an area".

At least you can backup your save file before doing hard mode.

I don't know how to make videos yet.

is this a jojo's reference?

nice, i didn't know that PA, i was too busy trying to get a magbomb M for marisa's PA.

Well, ZUN did admitted that Sakuya is a walking Jojo's reference.


holy shit, fuck those bastards with aura, FUCK THEM

>can't have a discussion about MMBN without touhoufags shilling and hijacking the thread
Every time. This is why we can't have nice the things.

Nigga, who the fuck is stopping you? just do it, have some showcase of bullshit BN6 combos

Shanghai EXE is the closest thing to a new mainline battlenetwork game we're ever going to get.
Capcom sure as shit can't be expected to do anything right.

This is Battle Network fuck you.

I beat this as an 8 year old. How the fuck did you have troubles with it?

I can understand creating a male OC based on a theme of the touhou (tankman for Rika and bettleman for that bug girl touhou) but a full original Male OC? THAT IS BLASPHEMY

Suck my dick you viruses.

I'm dead again.
This was the 9th in a 10 battle gauntlet, which is the 3rd hardest post-game challenge.
The deadliest part is probably the hermit crab.

BN3 is heavily overrated, you have now seen the light.

Well fuck.

GroundMan and NapalmMan were literally the only two bosses i could never S rank under 10 seconds

The flaws it has are pretty much all present in the whole series. If 3 is overrated, so is the whole BN franchise.

BN6 is best battlenetwork.

6 is usually considered up there with 3, or at least second best tho, it's not like the game is underrated or anything

Is Youmu in the game?


Picked up.

where i can get water sword S?

This is a good source for reaction images.
I imagine all the BNs are. I really need to find some roms of them and do playthroughs.

Not really hit the nail on the head for its flaws, and these aren't present in all the games, plus there are flaws that I would add to that list as well like
>Bass as a mandatory fight and he isn't toned down at all
>Multiple bosses are incredibly annoying without the piercing buster shot custom part

I've never understood why people sucked 3's dick so much, and now in this thread I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Complete guide. Note that some information, namely chip codes, is outdated.

>Bass as a mandatory fight and he isn't toned down at all
>this is somehow a bad thing

>using break buster instead of any breaking chip
If you're talking about kingman specifically then yeah he's a bitch but I can't think of anyone else

>>Bass as a mandatory fight and he isn't toned down at all
Bass was too weak in that encounter if anything.
He should have at least had his moveset from 2's WWW area fight.

Ok, this is insane, those EX viruses are pure bullshit

I actually find post 3 (2 is my favorite) to get too far away from the core battle system by making massive fusion systems where styles are less just flavors and more playing an entirely different navi, which I feel like negates a lot of the more interesting deck making aspects. Granted, all but 1 and 4 are great games.

Bass is ridiculously hard for me personally, and having to stock nothing but 100+ chips to be able to break his barrier is annoying as hell too, really that's the best summary of my BN3 experience; annoying.

After Kingman I kept break buster on and while fighting Drillman I couldn't imagine how stupid the fight would have been without break buster.
Also on a side note, I somehow had more trouble with Kingman after I obtained break buster than I had before, I beat him first try before the tourney, but in the tournament I died like 10-12 times.

How was he too weak? I've only ever fought him as a superboss in BN6, but in 3 as a mandatory boss he gave me just as much shit as he did as a superboss in 6.

Keep at it and collect those bounties.

I won and is thanks to this doll, may ZUN bless her poison panels.

>battle network thread oh bo-
>it's a touhou network thread instead

I don't know what to feel.

I can't really agree with the exclusion of 4 and not 3, personally I had a better time with 4.

is both.

You think I'm blind to what's going on here?
Think you can pull the old bait and switch on me? Think I'll try out this shitty ROM hack just because you hijack the thread? Well let me tell you something you little shit you're probably right but I don't want to give you satisfaction over it.

2 was better anyway.

Don't be another eric

Which is fine; you're entitled to your opinions, however shit they are. 4 is considered a mar on the series because it was rushed, extremely buggy, required multiple playthroughs that locked the player out of prior content, had a terrible translation, and dark chips could permanently cripple your character with a single use since it took away max HP.

>drillman without break buster
I just did it last night, let me tell you how bad it was. Fucking terrible. I was so not prepared at all for rubber awful fight.
>HiCannon is no good
>dash is no good
>totem is no good
>shockwave is no good
>any variation of Roll is no good
Eventually I just used aquashot charge to bring him down but that entire fight is pretty much just guessing.

2 navi battle music is silly, i am not saying is bad but feels a little put of place.

I just wanted to share this gem with fellow BN fans.

This game is nearly 10 years old, holy shit.

yukkuri were a mistake.

Shanghai.EXE is already so shady that she can use dark chips without the HP bug thing, she can't full synchro until she uses the chip, though.

That is ficking depressing.

Just like Geo Stellar in the first game.

Starforce 2 has the best boss music.

>extremely buggy
Where? I never encountered any bugs via GBA nor emulation.
>required multiple playthroughs that locked the player out of prior content
BN4 doesn't require multiple playthroughs at all unless you're trying to 100% it.
>had a terrible translation
Okay, that's pretty true.
>dark chips could permanently cripple your character with a single use since it took away max HP
Then don't use them, this isn't a flaw at all, the whole point is for those to be dangerous chips, if anything its a flaw for them to only be taking away 1HP instead of 5 or 10, considering how OP they are.

I like how much he changed by starforce 3.
>nobody would blame you if you fall into despair
>FUCK NO! And you fat and nerd get a hold of yourselves!
Starforce 3 was seetong the route for better games...

Woodman's scenario can permanantly softlock your game.
I suppose it's not a true softlock since you still get 1 frame every second or so, but it's basically over unless you reset.

Is that "the bitch maiden of paradise"? At first i thought the "Rei..." the random netnavi was talking about was hee only to actually be Chaud Reisen.

>Just cleared BN6 the other day
Great game, the lack of chip drops meant that I had to fight the final boss using nothing but freaking early game chips which meant that it took forever.

>tfw SF3 has little to no obtuse bullshit you have to wade through like BN

>vilified by it's predecessors

It had to make it up for the shitty encounter rate.

Here's the real question though, did you play Falzar or Gregar

These games had the best character development I swear. Literally everything is better in Starforce but the battle system.


Oh sorry, by "require" I meant "able to access all of the content and chips." And it isn't just a matter of NewGame+ once. It's an extremely flawed system, along with the Darkchips.
>Just don't use them
Isn't a defense because basically you are given two choices as a player (three if you savescum): Access content within the game and forever have a character that gets gimped the more you access the content... or never use the content at all. Yes, great design.

Why is it guessing? You're making the Drillman fight a lot harder than it needs to be. Anything with Widesword range can hit him consistently. ESPECIALLY in his Version 1 form where he moves slow as fuck. And since Drillman is on the second half of the game you should have a hundred chips with Widesword range including the elemental swords. Which if you if Woodsword you can combo with another chip.

But if you don't have that then Longswords will also consistently hit him although this is a bit more dangerous than Wideswords. Also Magnum chips break his Drills. Navi chips like Plantman, Flashman, and Flameman all hit Drillman. And guess what? All of these chips are available by the time you get to Drillman. Also Firearm from any Heat style will kill him. Wood style should be able to hit him if you can predict where he's going to be but I've never tried this. But the point is that Drillman is so late in the game that you have a shitload of tools you can use to fight him. By that point you should be equipped to fight him and if you're not that's on you.


>waaah bosses are too hard

Jesus, stop crying

>starforce 3 postgame ends with the crazy black hole faggot inserting the mu metal in geo so he can't ever befriend rogue and be force to fight him to death one day
And we will never see the outcome of this, fuck crapcom.

Dark Chips were a fairly solid morality mechanic, though underdeveloped and stuck in a poor game. The HP penalty never meant much to me at the time considering I didn't get hit very much and had a lot of HP regardless.

Ah, the Sup Forums classic of as long as its difficult, its good design, no matter how annoying and/or bullshit.

Why you reply that to me?

>Not getting based Aqua Beast
A shame but I remember Gregar having pretty fun crosses as well

Become proficient.

Dark chips feel so good to use in this game.
I was disappointed when that dark mind hindering addon didn't lead to something like a dark chip version of Bug Style.