Are anime games not popular in the west?

Looking at the failure of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and how western audiences cringe looking at something like pic related, is it safe to say that anime style games are dead in the west?

>Are anime games not popular in the west?
MGS, Final Fantasy and Pokemon are some of the best selling games out there. Then you have stuff like Zelda, Dragon Quest, Chrono, Harvest Moon, Tales and a wave of Atlus licenced stuff. And anime style games are flooding Steam/PSN. Its actually quite amazing how we're getting more anime games than before.

>lol Xenoblade speaks for all anime games
Nah. Kill yourself.

ur just nitpicking sjw garbage there are plenty of anime games that had success here

anime games has literally never been normie shit, hand a guy who plays call of duty and nba 2k17 anything to do with anime and they’ll just laugh
it’s always had its own niche group, shit like final fantasy is the only jrpg that does very well in the West


honestly, I don't mind the designs. The game just looks super tedious and filled with the worst JRPG shit

I wish anime style g ames were dead. They've been an active detriment to the industry as bad, if not worse than, politics driven western movie shooters.

>Are anime games not popular in the west?
They are, they just have to have more than underage sluts in revealing clothing.

Japs and weebs buy anime games solely because they have big-titted whores with tight uncomfortable-looking clothing that shows more than it hides.

Anime games can be good, but fanservice is just not as strong of a pull in the west as it is in the east. Like shit like X-Blades and Heavenly Sword proved, having half-naked sluts in the game isn't enough.

>the failure of Xenoblade Chronicles 2


XB2 is mediocre, certainly not a failure. "Anime style" games are definitely not losing popularity. Ecchi-oriented games are not geared towards mass public appeal. Other jrpgs are fair game for the western market.

Am I Irish if I think OP girl has one hell of a flabby ass?

>"Anime style" games are definitely not losing popularity.
If anything, they are increasing in popularity. Just like anime itself. There's been a consistent rise in western interest in anime since basically the late 1980s. The only decrease was in DVD/BD sales of anime, since you could get all licensed anime online, for free, quicker and in better quality.

I though XB2 looked like flaming dogshit the moment it was announced, literally Vita-tier waifu garbage

I'd pick up the Jameson's already

Not following you here...

can someone identify the ass in the OP's image? reverse search didnt help

pokemon sold more than star wars

whats the point of those categolization

i don't know what an irish feels about asses. you would have to explain

Cause a brit last night just told me his fathers loves his mom huge jiggly ass.

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.

I'm just saying I've never seen such a flabby butt on a slim anime girl before

You're not alone, soldier. Beside the marketer circlejerks, everyone on Sup Forums has consistently hated XB2 since announcement, and now that it's out and we have played and beaten it, we can conclucively say that it's probably the worst game this year. We're not fucking kidding, Tales of Neptuniablade 2 makes Mass Effect Andromeda look like Kino.

Still can't believe shills still try to convince us that that Neptunia abomination is actually good. Literal Fucking damage control after their "game" got fucking universally slammed by people who actually played and beat it. I played it with a group of friends and we could do nothing but laugh at how the plot and characters are literally ripped right from a Tales game and how fucking molasses shit the combat is, or how they somehow managed to make a JRPG protagonist that is lightyears worse than most of the weebtrash that comes out today..

How about the fact that everyone on this board who isn't a marketer and has actually played this "game" has consistently said that it was fucking abysmal and didn't have a single good thing to say about it. Shame, because Xeno series used to be pretty inventive before shitendo bought the rights and fucked it's shit up.

Anime anything isn't popular in the west, especially America.

Blame American feminists and SJWs.


>western audiences cringe looking at a nice butt
western audiences confirmed gay as fuck

that's one fat ass desu

I will play it if it plays something like Tomb Raider, or a shooter like CoD. I don't like playing turn style games and that's what I think of when I see anime or final fantasy.

Anyway call me a norman but I think overwatch is pretty cartoony/anime and thats doing pretty good. I think if they stuck to that more people would play anime styled games.

XBC2 is the only bad Xeno game. The first one on Wii and X are good, fucking retard.

what makes XB2 bad?

>small butt
>"that's one fat ass"

What are Irish standards anyway?

Awful graphics, artstyle, story, and performance.

she is like 8-9 yrs old, give her a break
course she looks pretty much the same at 16 so you might be on to something

More like western games should follow OWs efforts at aesthetics. Japan has no problem at making "cool" character designs.

a small but can still be fat desu

So you have no source

OK, so we can agree she has a small ass. What makes you think it's fat?

>Japs and weebs buy anime games solely because they have big-titted whores with tight uncomfortable-looking clothing that shows more than it hides.
Not true in Japan.

>Anime games can be good, but fanservice is just not as strong of a pull in the west as it is in the east.
It's the other way around. Westerners are obsessed with it.

>Still can't believe shills still try to convince us that that Neptunia abomination is actually good.
It is good. Why are you people so obsessed with this series? You've never even played it and you never will.

Rin was too good for this world.
I'm glad the ending of the manga didn't cheap out and they ended up together.

Dunkey's video convinced me not to buy it. I hate beating a boss but then the boss wins the the cutscene. And the script looks retarded. And the tutorial sounds FFXIII tier.

I enjoy me some anime bullshit and I'm liking what I've played of Xenoblade 2 so far but jesus fuck I hate the voice acting. I just did the fight against Malos right when you first get Pyra and holy shit I can't take it anymore. Rex's VA feels like he's just phoning it in and the only VA I've liked so far was Jin's.

I loved the British voice acting in Chronicles but I'm not feeling it at all here, and I would change over to the JP voice track but I know I'd be thrown off by the name changes like Pyra/Homura too much. Is it worth it to stick around with the english dub?

Based Dunkey converting people to the side of truth and exposing this trash for what it is.

>Is it worth it to stick around with the english dub?
No. Jump ship now if you value good taste.

>And the tutorial sounds FFXIII tier.
Because it is. The whole game is basically FFXIII quality shit, including having basically nonexistent exploration. There's a reason Sup Forums shits on this "game" at all opportunities.

I don't trust Sup Forums
can you recommend me anime like Kaiji? I heard there is a series made by the same author what is the name plz?
can you recommend me anime that arent superviolent ?

>can you recommend me anime that arent superviolent ?
Only a small minority of anime is super violent.