Xenoblade Thread: Non-Shitposting Edition

The other thread is hot garbage, so rather than getting into a fight about liking it or not, let's just talk about it. Finished the game not long ago, fucking great. Looking at powering through the Superbosses while I wait for NG+.

What's the best one to start with? Orion is the lowest level, but the way I've seen people talk about him, he sounds like the hardest.

And, what's the best setup for Morag? I've got Poppi pretty well setup now but I'd love to use Morag too. I can get her up to 80% Block with Electra, so that seems like a good start.

Otherwise, where're you up to at the moment? How're you liking it so far?

Did you get KOS-MOS yet?

Other urls found in this thread:



I assume the DLC is going to be playing as Addam, but I kind'a want it to be postgame, especially the idea of playing an older Rex some years later, after settling down with Pyra and Mythra and Nia?

I want to drink Nia's bloody hell period blood.


Remember when threads like this would be deleted on site and now Sup Forums just lets ""edition"" threads slide? How the quality of this board has fallen

>The only threads about a game that're okay are the clear shitposting and bait ones, any attempt at actual discussion needs to go to /vg/

Imagine having an opinion this terrible.

Never post that picture again

>> Did you get KOS-MOS yet?
Literally rolled her an hour ago. Feels good, man.

>but I kind'a want it to be postgame
So does everyone who played Tiger Tiger

> remember when Sup Forums deleted threads like this
No and I v been her for 10 years.

baited you you little bitch

>any reply or acknowledgement of this post admits you were cucked by me

God forbid people actually talk about video games on Sup Forums: video games instead of posting frogs, wojaks and Asian cocks. kys, 2bh family.

>Xenoblade Thread: Non-Shitposting Edition
Oh so now we can be honest and admit the game is pretty bad or mediocre at best?

Fewww, finally.

She looks like a classic Monter Hunter character.

I finished the story even though I wanted to get all the blades first at about 130 hours in. I'm still trying to get the last 3-4 blades (including Kos-Mos) and probably won't drop the game for another good 2 weeks. This satisfied all the itches I had from Zelda lacking story, completely.

Game is okay.
Nia is best girl.

>Remember when threads like this
I literally don't and I've been here since 2009.

Is there a guide to post game min-maxing?

>admit the game is pretty bad or mediocre at best?
The story was the worst part of this game. Other than that it's pretty good.

/vg/ is where edition threads belong bitch boy, i bet you're the type of cuck that only brought this game to fit in and can't enjoy a game without discussions like a retard. This is how I know you never game'd before the internet was widespread

>chapter 8 and still haven't used blade nia yet
I like her as my normal healer already and I don't want to change.

I want my own Thunderloli

Happy new year, you won-eyed monstahs

Ok so I'm right after getting Nia's delicious Kitsune form and decided to teleport back into lower Tantalan just to be greeted with the most nightmarish visions, lv80-90 giant flying squids, some standing in their tentacles, some othets flying around while I'm lv 55 ... What the fuck? And this is all the map, they are everywhere ... I teleported back and now they are gone, I'm sad I didn't take a screenshot, how do you trigger them again?

Takahashi said the scenario has been done for a while but the amount of content is pretty large which is why they set it as a late 2018 release.
He also said you don't need to beat the game to do it but it helps(?).

Random weather.

Pretty sure it's weather related.

What a shitty kusoge design.

Someone draw Nia wearing Mizutsune armor. Dunno which set. But someone do it.

Happy new year, kitty-no-mate

>It's the same amount of content as a full chapter

Can you imagine?

Still 24 hours here but happy new year user

>No kirin armor

Ok that makes sense, thanks

Wish I could pick her. Ponytails are the ultimate in patrician hairstyles.

Cloudy or clear weather effects I believe.

Fucking hell, congrats.

I sat down to autistically grind out Tiger Tiger for those Master Strike Mods and I actually somehow ended up having fun.

I didn't like it at all, I dreaded playing just enough of it to keep Tora relevant, and getting a perfect lv1 for the affinity bonus... But yeah, somehow getting really good at Stage 5 and farming it actually somehow became enjoyable.

I'm sure my Poppis are nowhere near optimal, but they're pretty good.

Not gonna lie, I thought of that right after I posted. Mizutsune fits her aesthetic and element and stuff, but hell; gimme that Kirin!Nia.

just started chapter 5 and now have morag, should I be using her over tora as my tank?

You need foggy weather. Weather changes when you travel to and from different Titans or sleep at a inn

She outclasses Tora for a bit, but Tora becomes superior when you get Poppi QT pi

Literally the last few Xenoblade threads have been nothing but people trying to scream at anyone who enjoyed it and the people who enjoyed it defending themselves/it, so the only discussion is about that and comparing it to 1 or X.

Just a few days ago we had plenty of full threads talking about the game, or at least talking about Nia, I'd much rather go back to that.

Not anything specific I've seen, outside of people doing some insane stuff on Poppi. Rex/Tora/Zeke seems to be considered the best party, pretty much because of QTpi.

Try it user, it's honestly much better when you get used to it.

She's an incredibly strong blade, she's got handy specials, Redemption is literally amazing and She gets a paired special with Pyra if they both have full affinity, making either of their Level 4 Specials more powerful and giving you a cute cutscene

Fuck yeah man, Pneuma was top tier. Theory was also a cutie though.

That is the first full body pneuma fanart ever

>She gets a paired special with Pyra
There's two specials with both of them, actually. Initiate with Nia to use Nexus Force, initiate with Pyra to use Union Sword.

But then who heals?


the autumn DLC is elysium/morytha, who knows what the January quest DLC is

I watched most of GB's Mario Party Parties while grinding and I never got a Master evasive mod. Not like I need it when I use her dps instead and let crit healing do the work for all three of my characters.


You don't actually need a full healer, and Blade Nia alone can carry all the healing duties.

Is this supposed to be good or bad? That sounds short as fuck for 30 bucks

Niaposting is great.

People might not think it but the OP does matter to set the mood for the rest of the thread.

Alright I'm trying that then

>one of the best Nomura designs ever
>god tier VA
>entertaining and threatening
>bro mode with Jin
>most badass artifice design

what went right?

They're both absolutely fine, you can clear any content with either of them. It goes kind'a like this:

>Tora is better with zero setup because he gets all his blades defualt.
>But if you get Morag with a good blade/chip setup then she's better
>Yes, even when you get QTpi
>However, if you play Tiger Tiger and have some good luck, then you can do ridiculous things with Poppi and she becomes much better

You've gott'a farm Stage 5 for Master Mods though, so we're talking post-game. For normal content it doesn't matter, use whichever one you prefer, or swap between them as you want.

I'll give you some advice that would have saved me some headaches though:

You'll get another DPS character joining you soon, which won't easily fit into your party, since you'd have to either replace Rex with him (dangerous thing to do to the MC in a JRPG, and especially given how good Mythra/Pyra are) or you'd have to break the Tank/Healer/DPS triangle.

Don't worry about forcing it and don't worry too much about using him straight off. In Ch7 the game will give you the option to play Tank/DPS/DPS(Healing Blade) and that's where things will make a LOT more sense.

Use your Overdrives to give this character DPS blades, or to give Morag 1(one) tanking Blade, anything else is a waste.

Also go Salvaging at the point right by the docks in Changsam Wastes, you can get a pretty damn cute Tank Blade from there

Why does Hikari seem so embarrassed here?

Do you have that wip ofmPyra's incoming doujin?

>Nomura did the best designs in the game

What went well_?

That's not all you're getting for 30 bucks though.

Tora won't be getting his third blade for quite a while so go ahead.

>Them all die

what gmod vid is this?

>unironically still talking about the DLC and believing it will be anything special

I wish people like you would get lung cancer. I just don't want to live in a world with this much stupidity.

Don't forget that for the thing in the spoiler to work you actually have to buy a rumor from one of those rumormongers.

vandam and morag are better than the non-malos characters though

Because she got wrecked by Mórags nofun allowed.

It's because it's a dance of shame. Kora challenged her to find out which of them has the most Girl Power, and they annoyed the entire party enough asking about this that everyone declared they both lost and had to do the dance.


Nomura was allowed to design the edgiest, most ridiculous characters without any of them being a main character.

His main characters come out very similar to each other in attitude and appearance, his side-characters can often be really interesting.

>Make a character design for a guy who can go as fast as light
>Make a design for a guy who is an evil counterpart to the main-girl who is super strong
>design a smug, two-sword guy who can stop everyone else's abilities
>design a playboy who uses two giant arms to attack
>design a vicious hunter woman who uses a bazooka in this fantasy world

such a cutie pie

>the autumn DLC is elysium/morytha

As in, postgame? So we're gonna be rocking around with Rex in the new world?

Well I'm cool with that.

I really, really hope they let him Dual Wield both Pyra and Mythra together. That would be fantastic.

Equally, I really hope they don't pussy out and undo the Threesome ending. It was unique and fun, turning it into a Pyra only ending would be a shame. And I say that as a Pyra fan.

Yeah, one for each, I should'a been more clear, but either way, it's cool.

Rex does with Nia as his blade.

Redemption is practically a full heal if you've levelled it up even a little, and her other skill puts healing potions everywhere.

Then her 1, 3 and 4 specials are all heals too.

So basically you'll be swapping to her for emergency Redemptions, or to throw out a lv3 Special, or preferably a lv4 one. It feels a little strange at first when you're getting used to having to watch everyone's HP bars, but it's really, really damn powerful.

Mythra and Kora make a great pair.

I don't know how it'll be postgame if they confirmed you don't need to have beaten the game to play that DLC

>As in, postgame
no, it's gonna be the past. Takahashi confirmed you don't need to play the main game to enjoy it (but it helps like playing XC1 before 2)

Malos's uniform really should've changed after he regains his Aegis powers, maybe with the Japanese style stuff falling away and becoming more jagged.

>His main characters come out very similar to each other in attitude and appearance, his side-characters can often be really interesting.
This. The Kingdom Hearts mobile game literately has the best character design in the series.

How do I get this heart to heart to show up?

me on the left

So... Where's the webm from?

As someone has been a fan of the franchise since Xenogears, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is fucking trash and the Switch hardware is pure garbage

>Round eye pupils and oval pupils in the same frame

God damn, it really is weird as fuck how different they look. I like it, but it's still fucking weird lol

>That subtle difference in their dancing expressing how into it Kora is and how ashamed Mythra is

So good.

It's a shame that non of them become permanent party members.

That's pretty funny actually, nice edit.

I liked Malos, and I kind'a liked Jin and Mikhail but I couldn't stand the rest of the Torna team. Akhos was a cunt and Petronka was worse.

Nia literally saves Jin's life and she's still acting like a bitch "I won't thank you!" Fucking hell.

Honestly Jin is just... Everything terrible about Nomura's design. He worked as a character, but I can't help but dislike his incredibly typical bishonen invincible warrior design.

He was so strong he practically broke the plot for half the game and there never seemed to be a good reason why he was almost as strong as an Aegis. He just... Was.


Bard Bot. There's a topless version too:


If Jin wasn't strong, what exactly was going to stand in the main party's way? He was still hampered by his declining health, remember?

So wait what happened to the Monado after the first game? Is it just gone?

Jin was the strongest Blade in Torna and got a power boost from becoming a Flesh Eater




What power would Brighid get if she ate Mórag's ass?

I'm so glad he got over his belt/zipper obsession

Shulk and Alvis combined his, Zanza's, and Mayneth's Monados together and Alvis recreated the world in the image that Shulk wanted it. The second Monado/Aegis, Malos, died and faded into the ether. The third Monado/Aegis, Pneuma, split into two separate Blade forms for whatever reason and still live on.

what if your mom walks in while you are watching this?

I kind'a feel like Malos could have taken up the role instead. I dunno.

He only regained his strength though, he never brought out his full power. Ultimately he was just a Driverless Blade, he couldn't ascend to Logos.

It's actually something I liked about the plot, after we finally got the full power of the Aegis and brought out Pneuma, Rex stomps both Jin and Malos. Malos literally isn't even a threat anymore, which is why he has to get the Aion to stand up to us. It's a funny thing to make the MC feel stronger than the villain, to the point where you're almost hunting him down.

Ultimately a Blade needs a driver. Hell, that's even true for the Flesh Eaters; to steal a quote:

>They don't technically need Drivers, but as blades by origin they rely on their drivers to give them direction and purpose in life. Every single driverless flesh eater blade we've seen has become a vagabond, looking for their purpose in life now that their original purpose is gone. Jin found his with Malos, and gave the others theirs.

>The only exception is Nia, who found her purpose elsewhere with Rex and really wanted a driver to trust instead of being alone.

"Beltan zipper" was one of Sup Forums's best memes though.

100 hours in, finished extensively exploring each area (though I'm probably still missing a few areas, boggles my mind how many locations I kept finding on Gormott). focusing on side quests/superbosses now, by the time I'm done January DLC should be out

Some random trivia for anyone interested. In the Eng version Poppi goes from Poppi-alpha, to Poppi QT, then Poppi QTpi. Pretty cool translation, keeps the same tone while being fitting for the character.

However in Japan, it's more clearly about her age.

>First is Hana JS (Jet Spark Mode)

JS Is Japanese shorthand for elementary school girl.

>Second is Hana JK (Justice Knight Mode)

JK is Japanese shorthand for high school girl.

>Last is Hana JD (Judgement Day Mode)

JD is Japanese shorthand for college/university girl.

So there you go, if you were wondering why you have a whole mission around having Poppi attend a day of University, now you know. Also, while Tora is a bit of a pervert/creep and JK did start as a term about wanting to date/fuck underaged girls, here it's got nothing do to with that, it's common slang. It's wholesome.