
Let's settle it once and for all. What Souls game is the hardest? Including Bloodborne and all DLCs. For me it's Dark Souls 1.

Just the dlc stuff is actually difficult.
That goes for all souls games.

Though, I did struggle with nameless king and some of the cursed chalice bosses.


orphan is the hardest souls boss amd was voted hardest on some fags youtube vid

No, he isn't.

>caring what some underaged jewtube fags think
Orphan isn't even the hardest boss in BB.

And the thread is about the hardest GAME, not boss.

Ludwig was harder than Orphan

This. Ludwig is also the best boss in the Souls series

I always felt Demons Souls was the hardest, but it's tended to be kept out of the spotlight since every game but Demons is on PC and Xbox, and there's a generation shift mid series. It feels most people talking about souls only played one in the series, and with Demons Souls being the only one exclusive to a console from a generation ago, it gets left behind.

The dlc in 2 went out of its way to be bullshit hard.

Yeah. Shame though, great game. Bloodborne > Demon's Souls = Dark Souls 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls 2. Haven't played DS3.

>Let's settle it once and for all.
We have this thread every week.

Dark Souls 3 as a sorcerer is fucking misery to behold.

Archer too.

Or anything other than a straight sword R1 spammer.

I never got the DLC in 2 because I got it at launch and got fucked over by SotFS, just refused to play it after that.
Is it actually worth it? If it's just more of the same DS2 I'll stay happy to pass on it.

Yeah, it's fucking shit like the rest of this joke of a game except for Sir Alonne fight

I'm playing DeS right now, I got all the way to the Leechmonger without dying on a boss fight, Flamelurker killed me once and Maneater's got me once

Bloodborne is definitely harder also this game is absolutely great

>also this game is absolutely great
Demon's Souls or Bloodborne? Both are great though.
>Flamelurker killed me once
Well, he is the hardest among with King Allant in Demon's Souls. Good job.

DeS is great, Tower of Latria level 2 is so damn good even if it did take me forever to finish, the heart thing was especially cool, red swamp was nice too

I cheesed Flamelurker out though, first time I did half-ish health but second time he got stuck on some giant bones
I knew how to beat him, just play very carefully and take one swing (was using a 2H weapon), don't let him drain all your stamina etc but I thought it'd take too long
Maneater bugged out too, one of them got stuck under the bridge for a while, they're assholes

Nah, PCfags were emulating Demons for the first time & pushing it over in a day, there is plenty of vids in youtube of it

Though you could argue playing other Souls games have made them better & makes Demons seem easier

2 is the best

thread over

Wrong thread, DS2-kun, we are not discussing which game is the best

>tfw can never have a conversation about the relevant Souls games without retards bringing up the sequels.

>they're assholes
Made me laugh for some reason. Also, what's your favorite location so far? Mine is Shrine of Storms, so damn atmospheric.

Who's harder?


I dunno. Does anyone really care?

For me it was Demon's Souls, because I got it on release day and had no idea what I was getting into save for the E3 demo I played. It's really hard to judge because by the time DS3 and Bloodborne came around I was much more familiar with how the game was played and so struggled much less.

It's almost impossible for someone to give you an objective answer because the order they played the games in will influence them so much.

Dark Souls 3 is right there with 2, not really worth playing honestly. Maybe if you can get it + DLC for $5

Nah. I played DeS again a few months ago and it's by far the easiest one, followed by BB. Hardest is either DS1 or 3, I think.

Its been so long since I played them, but I'd say overall Demon's Souls because the PVE in certain levels is fucking nuts, and the Gargoyles are such a fucking wall I've never really been able to consistently beat.

In terms of bosses, including DLC it's between Bloodborne or DS2. Without DLC, Dark Souls or Dark Souls 3.

I'm over DaS2 fags. As far as I'm concerned they just have weird reasons for liking DaS2 and have been shit on the most out of the fanbase. DaS3 fan are the worst offenders, they just have terrible taste.

Well, Ludwig and Laurence are harder, if you ask me

Your first one is always your hardest

Once you figure out the mechanics all the others become manageable, regardless of which order you play them in

The hardest soul will always going to be the one you played first.

No shit retard

A whole lot of Dark Souls was cloned from some point of Demons, like the maneaters/belfry gargoyles, or the hellkite drake/red dragon.
If there's any two you could directly compare in terms of difficulty, it would be those, but it definitely ruins one to play the other.
I felt the limited resource of grass made it genuinely harder than estus though. Estus is a great system, but it means every section should play out about the same because you're guaranteed to have the same resources. Grass had me pushing myself a lot harder to not lose health because every hit was a permanent loss. The problem with it is that it's totally trivialised by the ludicrous amounts you have by the end, but at that point I think anyone should be good enough at the game that it shouldn't make that massive a difference.

tie between Latria and Storms, both are really good
the beating heart effect was such a nice touch, and seeing the gargoyle's glowing red eyes from really far away was so cool, that and the shadows cast from their wings

Nah orphan's the hardest, literally the souls community voted him hardest.
Stupid autistic faggots denying facts.

That being said, heres my experience:
DS1 - the hardest
DS2 - it's more easy but the trash gameplay makes more difficult sometimes, also tons artificial difficulty
BB - very close do DS1, some stuff in this game are quite bullshit as well
DS3 - the easiest by far.

>the souls community


What fucking community? /r/darksouls? He isn't the hardest. Even Manus is harder than him.

Where does all the Dark Souls 3 hate come from? Is it 2fags who think everyone hated their game for being the newest? Is it the contrarians who don't like how popular it is? Is it the PvP?

The game has flaws, but the hate it gets is ridiculous.

>A whole lot of Dark Souls was cloned from some point of Demons, like the maneaters/belfry gargoyles, or the hellkite drake/red dragon.
And the painted world in DS1 has Phalanx

its fantastic and has some of the greatest level design in the whole series

Voted hardest, Orphan's hardest. And I said where you fucking mong.

I don't care. Even though everything depends on your build, playstyle and so on, Orphan is still not the hardest

Demons or Dark for sure.
Actual reasonable costs for rolls and less invincibility than Roll Souls 3 : Prepare to Roll edition
Bloodborne also has the super invincible dashes but is far more designed around that fact (unlike 3, which is why 3 is a total joke) BB has rally too and you can carry a lot of healing items

2 had some bullshit but had the most effective armour in any souls title, lifegems pretty much meant endless healing whenever and I'm pretty sure it had 8 way rolling. Plus you could level ADP to get better rolls

I'm not even going to bother with 3. Anyone who thinks it's the hardest must literally be brain damaged

Same here

I disagree, while pve was subpar; no soulsbourne game has done PvP as well as ds2 imho

It's got some pretty cool areas, although I don't really like the bosses much. I still can't believe they added 3 more dudes in armor like the base game didn't already have plenty.

This. My first playthrough of DS1 was certainly the hardest single playthrough of any game in the series, but I can only imagine how hard DS3 or BB would have owned me if I had started with it. When revisiting DS1 now, most of the bosses/enemies seem downright passive when compared to ones in later games.

Why is this community so bad? It's a huge pissing contest, is this what PC made to the series?

Orphan is a shitty humanoid fight, it's only praised because muh bloodborne
He's random as fuck, doesn't have a pattern, starts and stops his combos whenever he wants

>I'm not even going to bother with 3. Anyone who thinks it's the hardest must literally be brain damaged
Name even one boss from 1 that comes even close to the Dancer, Princes, or Nameless King.

Isn't that good though, pattern familiarity is a bad thing when you want a challenge. You should be acting on reaction to movement, not because you know what they're going to do when they use this tell.

I don't do PVP in Souls games so I wouldn't know.

The challenge in souls is to learn from your mistakes and do better next time. Orphan LITERALLY does the opposite of this premise.

The dickery has been here as long as the series has. If anything it's actually likely to be mad cuz bad feeding into a generally shitty community.

You don't even need to roll for most bosses in Demon's. I spent most of my last playthrough with fat rolls and it didn't even fucking matter. Most of the bosses are really passive and slow. I don't understand how anyone could even consider Demon's as a candidate for the hardest souls game. It makes no sense.

honestly kill youreself if you actually think any of the glacial fighting in DS1 is hard

This. The only "hard" bosses were Allant, Flamelurker and the Maneaters. Allant is very easy if you've played Bloodborne or DS3, and the Maneaters are only hard because of their platform and ganking.

You just need to memorize how to dodge every attack and then use the right timing and directions according to what attack he is going to pull

It leans entirely on the other games, rehashing scenes and characters but doing so in a way that worse than the originals it is copying.

It's the Force Awakens of video games.

"Glacial fighting" is another way of saying "Why can't I backflip seven times in plate armor to avoid every attack?"

This is exaggerating. I'd say over 80% of the content is brand new, it makes sense that a sequel would revisit themes, characters and places. Just because 2 didn't doesn't mean that 3 is worse for doing it, that's the point of a sequel, and no one criticises sequels for actually being sequels.

and yet DS3 trash mobs are more difficult than DS1 bosses

really makes me think

The question has two parts.
>which game has the most difficult combination of mechanical complexity and unforgiving scenarios
>which game gives the player the fewest options and least amount of power through leveling and upgrading equipment
I'd argue that dark souls has easy mechanics and scenarios but doesn't allow the player to scale especially hard, while bloodborne has more difficult mechanics, but allows the player to become strong enough to brute force them.

Not to mention that those bosses became the benchmark for a lot of bosses in DS that do the same thing but more aggressively and with higher damage.

Wow! What a surprise! Different games can be more or less difficult to different people depending on their past experiences with other games? I never woulda thought that! After all, difficulty is objective, right?

Demons has a lot more unique gimmicks to bosses. It doesn't translate to difficulty if you've already played it or have experience with much of souls, but it lends itself to needing a wider skill set/ability to adapt to take down bosses.
My personal favourite is the adjudicator, which by all means is easy to dodge, but the time in the boss room trapped with it where I needed to figure out how to damage it felt a lot more tense and a lot harder than dodging some pretty poorly aimed swings, even if that's all it was.
It really makes much more of an attempt to have better bosses than yet another big guy with a sword.

Something indicative of the whole game happens very early on when you go to Firelink Shrine (again) and see Blacksmith Andre (again). It's the same character as before (with no explanation), only this time he just has a static animation loop and does nothing when you attack him.

In Dark Souls 1 you know what happens when you attack Andre? He gets up and beats the shit out of you with his bare hands. The character actually has programmed AI and a moveset in case the player tries to fight him. In Dark Souls 3, he's just an empty reference.

The whole game is like that.

Nameless King is the hardest vanilla boss.
Orphan is the hardest DLC boss
Overall I'd say DaSIII is the hardest, since it has hard dlc boss and a few hard vanilla bosses;

Don't get me wrong. I love DeS. It's my favorite Souls game. But it's the easiest. Sure, those gimmicks are often less straight-forward than just fighting yet another boss that rushes you and does fast swings with different timings. But they're still easy. Even though DeS was my first souls game, I don't remember having a particularly hard time with it my first time through. Even if you need to figure out how to actually fight some of these bosses, surviving while you figure that out isn't that difficult. And killing them once you figure it out is pretty easy.

manus definitely isn't harder than orphan

I think Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, but especially Demon's Souls is the easiest and best in the series

This is certainly debatable, but I think a wide range of easy gimmicks requires more from a player than high level fights with a general play style.
I guess it really depends on your definition of difficulty in these games, but also how good your general play style is. I have to apply myself more to find, understand and exploit gimmicks, but I can understand someone needing to apply themselves more in a more combatative fight.

The Adjudicator is easy as shit, I understand that Demon's Souls bosses are great because of their gimmicks, like Astraea and Tower Knight, but there's a lot of hit and miss. In the end it makes the game easier, which is what the discussion is about.

If you don't pay attention and try to brute force things, I can see Demon's Souls being difficult for you, but that's about it.

Demon's Souls definitely takes the least skill to complete (not that that's a bad thing).

>let's talk about the relevant games
>brings up Demon's Souls

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne are the only relevant souls game. You being underage doesn't change that.

I'm a ds2 fag and I'd say that was pretty accurate

>He doesn't like my obsoleted Ds1 prototype, must be underaged

Demon's Souls, to this day, still has the most interesting builds, upgrade paths and movesets.

I have waited a fucking decade for a souls game to top blessed great axe regen builds or morion blade+clever rats ring 290% damage bonus firespary/lavabow hyper mages. It still hasn't happened.

>super invincible dashes
Dashing in BB has less I frames than rolling in any other game

Bloodborne The Old Hunters is the hardest in the entire soulsborne games

At the same time, a lot of the later games can be brute forced in a lot of ways.
Demons Souls has the easiest combat, no doubt, but the series definitely declined with how formulaic it's gotten the longer it's gone. It honestly feels like I don't have to apply myself because I don't have to think in any capacity while playing.

I mean difficulty in terms of how hard it is to survive those fights. In DeS, it's usually not that hard to survive even if you haven't quite figured out the gimmick yet. Take the Fool's Idol for example. It starts out very straight-forward, but then turns into some weird turret fight. But unless you get extremely careless and run to the middle of the room, you probably won't die even if you take some damage because there's always places where you can take cover and heal. Same with the Adjudicator. Even if you don't immediately realize how to damage him, he's really slow and it's very easy to step back and heal if you're in trouble. Most deaths in DeS happen due to carelessness and there really aren't a whole lot of situations that will test your reflexes or combat skills.

dark souls 2 is objectively the hardest. it had the bosses which killed a higher percentage of players than any other souls game.

fume knight is the real fucker, with a 93% win rate against players.

Broken overpowered shit isn't interesting.

>dudes in armour
The same three words, every time. It's not that it's not a legit complaint, but "dudes in armour" is a fucking meme, right up there with the DSP mimic webm.

it is when everything is equally overpowered and meta builds around it

It's because people are used to Souls combat. When I played DeS back then for the first time, I couldn't even get past the first mobs on the way to the first boss. Now I'm playing DS III and I keep beating bosses on the first try without any problems. If I'd never played a Souls game before and played DS III now, I'm sure I'd be shitting myself.

No one cares about PVP, broken builds fuck up the main game and ruin the experience of many.

Demon Souls

If it's a legit complaint, then it's not a meme. I don't even dislike DS2, but it definitely has a lot of dudes in armor.

"""broken"""" builds, broken in quotes because they're not actually broken, are what make games like diablo II and nioh fun

you get to watch as you build a character that continuously grows in power while simultaneously being met with enough of adversarial challenge from successive NG difficulty increases to keep the challenge going

Demon's Souls manages to maintain a very consistent balance while letting the player go nuts while all of the successive games are much more restrictive.

no one asked you.

the old hunters is easily the hardest (as well as depth 5 chalice dungeons)

>manus harder than orphan
lel no, even without the silver pendant

Progression is fun when it's balanced, broken builds are called that because they break the game making it too easy due to oversights or exploiting of mechanics. It's not that Demon's Souls let you go nuts because they wanted to, it was an oversight which is why following games fixed that.

Anyways, you should realize that this is what makes the games fun to YOU. People expect different shit from the games.

Define "Hardest"? The whose bosses have moves that are harder to predict? The one with the worst hitboxes?

I guess you're right there, the only take away I can get from this is I never enjoyed souls for their difficulty, they were just well made to begin with. Games are shit when you make them hard for the sake of being hard and skip the being good part.
Also, I love you user. It's nice to actually have a discussion where we don't agree and not have it be shitposting and false flagging. You're a righteous dude.

anyone played 'Giana sisters: TD' ?
this shit is hard...