New Darkest Dungeon thread

The Wall Edition

Other urls found in this thread:

>Auntie spamming protect me on the entire party
>MAA reaches over 100% prot

>not posting the song.
Step it up sempai.

what mods are you guys looking out for?

>Just realized Crusaders protect skill lasts the whole battle
What the fuggg

I'm going to marry Plague Doctor, because she is the best, cutest, most pure and definitely does not smell!

got the one with 4 crusaders?

Which heroes should get a lewd fanart next?

What happened? Didn't this game have a general?

What reskins do you roll with my dudes?

it did but it died so now it doesnt

Nice skins, mostly. I don't trust people to make balanced classes, and don't have much of an issue with most of the gameplay.

Hellion and Shieldbreaker.

I really don't know how /vg/ works but and you make another one?

Have you done Vestal yet?

I assume a number of people must have picked up DD in the winter sale. There hasn't been /dadg/ for months and months though.

PD and Hellion comparing bushes

too many

is this one for hellion? I might get it
I've only got one - the one that allows to stack more items, because fuck you for wasting 3 slots on quest items, you fucking cunts

Does the person who made this not know that the mouth is actually the visor? The helmet looks stretched in the second and fourth poses.

Guys I finally installed the speed up mod and holy shit I can actually bear doing more than 3 dungeons at a time now, this thing actually saves so much time I love it


>two threads since the winter sale happen
we should probably move to /vg/ after this thread, before mods get uppity

I'm on the fence about picking this up for the steam sale, someone push me over with a convincing tldr pls

dismas and reynauld

>Crimson Court added vampires
>Color of Madness will add extraterrestials
If Red Hook continues making content after CoM drops, what do you guys hope for?

xcom in a lovecraftian setting, except you can afford to make mistakes due to no failure state

honestly shieldbreaker isn't worth having to deal with the snakes

They can go fuck themselves, then.

>alas poor yorik heal pose
>HM style buddy protection defensive pose
>baller ghost horse

Only thing I don't care for are the stick figure limbs. They need some shading so they aren't just black lines that vanish into the background.

Other than that 10/10 mod hero can't wait for his next one.

>the mouth is actually the visor

No, but I didn't know that either. I always thought he was some sort of lion-man

none because literally none of them look good

>two threads
We've had like 40 threads since the sale started. And no, fuck off with that garbage board

Its sadomasochism is the form of a video game. Take that as you will

link pls?

Shag and scoob

what are some other good Deus Vult type music to listen to whle playing with Saders?

Ok I bought it because you said xcom.

Why is she so perfect?


Since we're talking about nods, which is better, Pit Fighter or Thrall?

Its fun if you enjoy DnD style lovecraftian turnbased games. its main downside IMO is a lack in boss variety, and some elements of the game can be pretty RNG bullshit. If you are fine with that tho you should get it.

Ancient robots/automatons
Save the original files just in case.

Thrall since he has custom animations while Pit Fighter looks awkward when played with BH. Plus killing people outside your turn is awesome.

So if I buy the dlc will it affect my current playthrough? I only have 7 hours played and don't want to deal with aids right now but I also want to get it on sale

The game will ask you if you want to install the DLC or not. so no, it won't affect your playthorugh. Additionally, you can also choose to activate the Flagellant without installing the crimson court

Having a blast with occ/abom/jester/pd. Dunno how viable it'll be with squishy occ in front for champ dungeons, but on veteran it destroys. Killed collector in 2 turns and he didnt even get a turn.

No. You can choose what DLC to have on when making a file.

>tfw no mod for Ornstein skin for Hellion, Artoirias skin for houndmaster/crusader, Ciaran for Graverobber, and Gough for Arbalest

you can just not activate it. I do recommend finishing the game first then doing Crimson Court with the new extra 16 spaces that you get for finishing the DD quests, though racking up the infestation levels to be high enough to spawn invites is gonna be a bitch

Not really crusading but quite close.

all the fan made classes are pretty broken outside of falconer, which is pretty weak overall and is outdone by shaggy and scooby
i cant bring myself to use them but id love to use them as skins for other classes

There is not a single more stressful quest in the game

Beginning to think auntie is actually really good

Just did a dungeon with 2 lepers, auntie and a vestal and had no issues at all.

Take her with a HwM or a MaA if you have the latter's crimson court trinket set. Riposte is borderline OP in that set up right now.

Fuck, I just noticed
>All the Jewels in the darkest dungeon are because of the Ancestor sacrificing the waiff to create the siren

Deepest lore.

That quest is baby mode compared to Countess.

>Radiant mode

radiant mode has corpses aspie

>no artorias

That wasn't the point of the picture, user.

Countess is a pushover. Her mission is long but you can leave so...

Darkest. Never again is the only custom thing I change.

>implying he shouldn't be Houndmaster w/ Sif

When I fought her she slept for at least half the fight.

Similar deal with Smores, his eye slit is beneath the chin of the face on his helmet.

Trust me when I said this: Flashpowder is a lifesaver when you use it with +debuff chance trinkets

just make Sif as houndmaster
Sif acts on her own without direct orders. she knows what to do.


Countess alone is harder than entire dd2 unless you cheese her with 2x Maa dodge buffing 24/7.

>Ornaments neatly ordered, lovingly admired
I've never heard this line before and I'm at 450+ hours. Anybody hear that one before? Heard it after a battle.

they're great, but they are basically solely for support. a dodge team is really good with one if you have a MAA and auntie. Stack dodge first round if you're fast enough, stressers will likely miss and your entire team is speed boosted for next round as well

so about that GR/DD lewd, was it ever finished?

>no mod for Ornstein skin for Hellion
1/4. There's Artorias crusader, but that's all.

Move your items arround your inventory.

The ancestor got some lines

>warns you about the Collector
>tells you to rethink throwing your supply away for loot
>mocks you about it
>and saids how neatly everything is organized

before the steam sale ends has anyone found anything else that remotely scratches DD's itch?

>not just dodge buffing every turn with antiquarian


When the ancestor was running out of clink and respect to get his constables beating down the peasant mobs, his mercs not turning on him, and his strong backed laborers keep dying or running off. He turns to making animated slaves, some worked better than others, but with his death they are without control.

The golems were harmless for a time, they wandered off to a nearby mountain range and hung about. Nobody bothered them and they didn't bother anyone, but something has changed, they have direction and orders again. They come down from the darkened crags they have hidden in to kidnap travelers and residents, rumors abound as to the reasoning. They don't need to eat, they never tire so have no need of slaves, and nobody ever returns...but the Golem numbers seem to grow. (Melting down people to make more I guess).

They can be ignored no longer, enter into the mountains of madness, brave the darkened caverns, frosty peaks, and claustrophobic chasms to find the center of this Golem menace and end it.

>Squishy back line "mage" golems made of human tallow, your standard DD role of stress and buffs

>Frontline stone or animated armor golems, high prot low damage and the usual guard skills

>the rest are your typical blood and manure types for mid positions, spears and weak damage dealer type shit

>finish the new dungeon and kill the golem leader to unlock the control mechanism. This will let you lead the golems but you must make a choice.

>Let the golems join your parties, they can make effective and disposable allies, but they are silent and unnatural. They offer no help when camping and their presence and stress out the more faithful adventurers. Some new quirks make human heroes work better with and around Golems.

>let the golems join the town, reduces costs on crafting and building, but stress recovery is reduced and less people want to come to a town partially populated by golems even if it is more efficient.

There's Deep Space Derelicts which looks like DD in space. It's not as good though, from what I hear.

I took Anti-GR-HwM-Flagellant and she was a joke compared to even the crocs and baron

yeah m8

Huge ass machines

bless your heart

Biomechanical golems. I think we're onto something.

First mod skin/character I see that I actually like.

XCOM 2 + WOTC is an infinitely better game.

cheers user

post your otps, mines
Any of the bag heads x Book of sanity

theres not much like it
if you like tactics games, XCOM or FFT or Tactics Ogre would be recommendations
As for how Darkest Dungeon plays, there isn't really anything on the market similarly

scared to play xcom 2 after I got a super weird crash on the last level

>nucom 2
no thanks

Post more crusading songs damnit

>tfw classes sprite update ruins my favourite skins
I lose all the will to play after that

Old Unit Standard + Rampart Shield.

>break the golems down, the hamlet rejoices as the golems that tormented them are broken down. You get a pile of heirlooms, gold, and supplies...and the people are happy so some special events come up I guess

>send the golems into the dungeons alone, some monster parties encountered will be weakened by fights with the automatons, but some will have been turned by the dark art weaving mob magicians. You'll also find ruined golem curios that you can harvest for loot/supplies

>Golems don't wander into the town on the stage coach if you choose to let them join parties. You get a few freebies from the new dungeon then they must be crafted at the expense of gold and new special loot items.

>japanese tactics games

Highwayman for best hero

Herbert West ReAnimator, I'd love to see some undeads of the fleshy kind.