Why aren't you making one Sup Forums?

Why aren't you making one Sup Forums?

>Look mommy I graduated programming 101

Here's a (you) my man.

>Making games

Stop being a faggot and let the kid be.

Woah, you declared a few class members. Really cool, man.

I'm rewriting the game in C++ nigger.
Java's a good beginner's language.

making what, a list of variables?


stop fartsniffing and get to work ya fuckwit

This is literally a tutorial for a shootemup.

why the fuck is that not in an env. if you're making Tetris some college final project, get the fuck out

I love making games too

I'm just an artfag and a 2D only artfag at that. I'd be willing to learn 3D, but I don't have the drive to learn programming to any productive degree. I would have to find a programmerbro to help me make a game and bounce ideas off of.

i mean, i get the joke, but at least use something that isn't literally a web app screenie

>I'd be willing to learn 3D
then do it
you don't need to make games to get into the (sadly) modern work field

Because I don't know where to start learning programming

>everyone that eats food should be a chef

I dont have the time because Im working on my own business now, but for me its the exact opposite. I always wanted to make a game but the art was always too difficult for me to handle.


what do you want to make. want a website? try a php app. want a mobile app? try something native to your phone (ob-c for iphone java for android - fuck that goddamned web app meme shit). codeacadamy is good for both. want to get into games? try pygame. nigga you live in the goddamned modern age. you can literally learn anything you want.

>tfw can do both, but only mediocre.

there's a difference between eating and enjoying, you fucking idiot
quit consuming, try to contribute to the world once before your pathetic life ends


I am become beta tester, killer of games.

>none of those variables are used
who are you trying to fool?

I'm trying to learn C and I can't understand how to use arrays. I've asked Sup Forums but they haven't been helpful. I pretty much get the basic idea now of how an array is basically a bunch of integers, but I'm not sure how to use them effectively in a program, certainly not for a program that would print a histogram of the lengths of words in user input.

It's going to take a lot of time without programming socks

An array is a collection of datatypes. What is your exact question, my dude?

The best way to use an array is in a for loop
for(int x = 0; x < arrayLength; x++)
(do something with array)
Make an int that would be the last array place used (let's say int y).
Everytime the player types something, put the typed length into the current array place (y)
Then you use the aforementioned for loop to cycle through your array's values of input length.
Hope this helps

effort and me don't compatible

I don't think that will help him, since he doesn't know what the length will be at any time.

Arrays are used a lot when you don't want to declare a shit ton of variables of the same data type. When you declare an array, you are basically telling your ram to set up a certain number of spaces to hold datatypes that can be inputted. They are especially used for large collections of data of the same type.

Because playing video games is far more fun than creating them

Also I'm too much of a purist and would want to build the entire engine by myself which takes too long

Vector SomeName

You still in 1990 grampa?

and its funny how there is two paths to take after graduating programming 101.

path 1: bitch about how every other language, library, api, code base, programmer, etc doesn't live up to your ideal standard on the internet and never do anything for yourself or anyone else.

path 2: actually make shit. I never knew so many negative faggots existed. in the real world no one acts like that because no one wants to be a nodev faggot.

if you are a real purist you wouldn't even have an engine.

In programming general: arrays are used for storing stuff. Especially useful if you don't need a variable to manipulate and just need the values themselves.

In c: people do a lot of tricks with them because they sequential in memory.

>not making an engine so you can make more games

literally still stands by ops statement there. can you read?

>Not typing everything binary
01000011 01100001 01110011 01110101 01101100 01110011

Literally too retarded to do anything. That's why I'm sticking to webdev and database stuff

This probably has issues because I just cobbled it together but something like this. Create an array of size equal to the max length you expect the words to be (keep in mind arrays are bases at 0 not 1) then read their input until you hit a whitespace incrementing a counter for every non whitespace character. When you do hit a whitespace increment the value in the array index equal to the number of letters in the word minus one (minus one because again arrays are based at 0 so the number of one letter words is in index 0, two letter words in index one etc.) Be sure to check for words longer than the size of your array. I just had those increment the ninth index and used that for length ten plus. Keep doing that until you hit the end of the input stream then print it somehow which isn't in this code.

Programming doesn't any make any sense for me after a certain level of complexity (e.g. everything harder than basic output and if/or commands)
I don't get any math past the 7th grade, either

I know you tehnically still can make games without code in gamemaker but I already work in videogames full time and not sure I have any good enough ideas to have enough dedication to work on them on multiple weekends for years

I wasn't talking about first post, I was replying to his post only.
You learn to read, nigger.

>using a function call where a comparison will do
nigga what

because 90% of making a game is asset creation and I don't have any artistic skills

>"I have a small mechanics background and now I want to build a car"

>"Dude why don't you just build a car factory. You can have unlimited cars then."

Ok, to understand arrays, you got to understand pointers
int a = 12;
int *v = &a;
Basically v is "REFERENCING" a(with the &operator) this means, v points, to the memory where a is stored(in the ram of whatever)

File *na;

An array, is used to store the same datatypes in a container, let's say you need 12 ints
int a[11];(starts at 0)

Now, since it's an array, a[1] it's not like int a;
a[1] points to a place in memory where that variable it's stored.

When you declare an Array, it allocates space in memory, and every identifier is A REFERENCE to a point in memory

Do I want to compare for every whitespsce character? No. What if the fuccboi put in a tab or somthing.

because im drawing porn instead

>Programming doesn't any make any sense for me after a certain level of complexity (e.g. everything harder than basic output and if/or commands)
A common issue even among veteran programmers I'm sure. The key isn't trying to try to understand everything right away, but to work on different layers of abstraction and getting the gist of the overall system layout. The details of different individual functions or features are usually kept simple (because complex code is hard to write, understand, and most importantly, maintain), and whenever you come across something that looks like it'd be complex, you abstract it away into smaller, simpler steps.

That's a really dumb statement, I of course mean the code to render, keep objects in memory and stuff like that

>An array is a collection of datatypes.
Wrong. An array is a collection of the same datatype.

E.G.: int myArray[10]; Is a collection of 10 integers all accessed through the variable myArray.

You're thinking of structs (or classes in C++). And you then have an array of structs which contain members that are arrays themselves. Or in C++ you can use vectors to gain even more functionality.

Things only NEED to be complex when you want to do something cool.
Huge world that can't all fit in memory?
Procedural generation?
No load screens?
When you come to something like this, start googling and writing toys of the problem. Nobody worth their salt is a lone cowboy anymore.
Use smart data structures whenever you can and avoid complex logic.

>An array is a collection of the same datatype.
Not if you use generics

>Not if you use generics
True, but as he was asking about arrays in C where the type is set by the declaration of the array. That said given that C is a weakly typed language there's nothing stopping you from treating an array of ints as an array of chars if you so wish.

m8 if he didn't understand arrays he probably won't get pointers.

Primitive types in Java are 0/false by default, zeroing them out by hand is retarded, it's not C.

>An array is a collection of the same datatype.
Wrong again. Array is a contiguous memory block.

>I've asked Sup Forums but they haven't been helpful
I hate that place for so many reason, but every single time I asked a stupid programming question on /dpt/ they always answered it in a away that I understood. Stop lying.

>weakly typed
What? Just because you can freely cast one type to the other doesn't mean the language is weakly typed.

You have to initialize a final variable and he probably doesn't have a constructor.

But values like posX and posY aren't supposed to be constant. What the fuck is he doing?

I thought C was weakly typed precisely because you can freely cast from one to another. Not to mention the sort of hacks you can do with pointers.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you I meant that you can't have an array go int, char, long and expect the compiler to recognise that when accessing the array.


No you're right, C is weakly typed, I just confused it with dynamic vs static type.

An array is used to access the stack of your software.

int access[0];
int x = 1;
int y = 2;

You can now access x and y simply by typing access[0] or access[1].

This is the primary use of an array. There are some peripheral usages but you don't need to understand them if you're a beginner.

They aren't final though.
Regardless, OPs a lazy faggot and needs to finish the class.


Np, though you had me doubting myself for a moment there lol.


i make music instead

But I do


No that is all wrong. You have declared x & y as separate variables and they will be treated as such.

You want to declare x & y as integer pointers and use the array members for the reference.

int access[2];
access[0] = 0;
access[1] = 1;

int *x = &access[0];
int *y = &access[1];

*x = 1;
*y = 2;

printf("%d\n", access[0]); // prints 1
printf("%d\n", access[1]); // prints 2

believe me that is normal. programms always think in functions and try to seperate those into distinct parts or even files. every coder does it a littlw bit different. if a project is big it is harder to understand because you have more to comprehend. a good approach is to make step by step progressions.

Is that so? Enlighten me, user.


This will only work if the compiler isn't doing funny stuff with optimizations. It works far better in a struct:

struct {
int access[0];
int x;
int y;

And now you can do your access[0] and access[1].

This is, of course, the only usage of an array.

find someone. maybe find sprites that exist.
created a zelda clone 3 years ago. created basic mechanics with alttp assets, a friend replaced them with his own and we put in mechanics we wanted and removed some we didnt like or which didnt fit

Would making a simple game be good practice?
What knowledge level would you need? Would you use any extra programs?
I've been doing some java for a few months just a few hours every week.
Mostly I'm doing some sort of logic or math puzzle.
Mainly asking since making a game was recommended to me for practice.


If you want to make a simple game with a low level of programming knowledge, I'd reccommend Unity.
There are some free tutorials on the Unity website that can get you started on learning about both the specifics of the engine and more about C# which you'll be programming in.

>tfw I've finally gotten to the level where programming threads make me feel better about myself rather than worse

Sup Forums still makes me feel like a fucking idiot, though.

i can't into animation and my AI skills aren't good enough to compensate yet.

>Following Unity tutorials for a while
>Game comes out
>stop learning to make games to play them
How do I stop doing this?

I hate animatingand modeling
And I can't download animation packs from mixamo anymore

What kind of methods do you use for checking if you are grounded? And what do professionals use?
I always get extremely autistic about this if there is even a slight change that the game thinks I'm on air even if I'm really not which my current method ((insert shape)casting) allows.

What should I use to host a landing page for my game for free? I want to put up a demo/screenshots/video etc etc. I know how to build a website, just not where to host it.

I am
Already spent 3 weeks on the engine and 3 hours on the game itself
Pic related

Valve is cancer but at least they'll advertise your game for free on Steam (minus the 100$ initial charge)

Aiming for steam eventually for sure, but I was thinking, at first an external site in preparation for kickstarter.

Did someone said coding games?

>tfw proficient coder
>professional 3D modeller and animator
>tons of experience with scripting
>walking talking ideas guy
>game is coming along swimmingly
>girl friend is supporting me whilst I make it
>best mate is doing the music
>family paid for a ton of software licenses for Christmas

Life is good.

Just wasting your time.

NOTHING is going to get you more exposure and support than Steam.

>Making games

Even if he's a billionaire, Notch was still a shit coder.
Java's a crutch for programmers who can't get gud.

>he's a billionaire

His code was good enough to make him a billionaire, that's literally all that matters.

I'll look into it more if you reckon it's better than a standalone site/kickstarter; I thought that Steam was kind of the end goal after your game was mostly finished.

Because to make a game, you not only need sizeable coding experience, but also know shit about gameplay design, art and sound. Or hire people who do.

>Java's a crutch for programmers who can't get gud.

confusing statement. it's a managed object oriented language like C#, which is used by a lot of professional game devs. it's true that Java isn't the obvious choice for making games, and Minecraft runs like shit, but there's nothing inherently noob-tier about coding in Java. t. C++/pythonfag

Is Python good for game development? Is it multi-platform or should I go for c++?