I am so upset this game didn't make it even close to GOTY on Sup Forums's list and even prey got in

I am so upset this game didn't make it even close to GOTY on Sup Forums's list and even prey got in

Like, it really deserves some sort of recognition, and the characters are great and etc but it's going to be swept under the rug

Tales was never good.


First good tales since symphonia 1

graphics are gamecube tier
what did you expect
also the combat is shit tier

prey fucking shits on this game, get some taste weeb.

Hard to forget how shit zestiria was. How's this one? Does it have an open world at least?

Games about pedophile shotacons can't be GOTY.

But laphicet a cute

It's a shit game that happens to have some top tier characters. Gets sufficient recognition for this.

>shit combat system
>barren, empty world
>Sakuraba somehow managed to make an OST even more generic than before
>side quests that were once taken for granted are now gone and replaced by DLC
It doesn't deserve even a consolation prize, good characters alone don't make a great game.

>>side quests that were once taken for granted are now gone and replaced by DLC
Wat. DLC is only cheat modes and costume packs.

>upset that a 2016 game didn't make it to the 2017 GOTY list

nip plz go

>costume packs
That's the problem, those costumes were rewards for sidequests. The sidequests were removed and now you just have to pay for the outfits themselves.

Long long time ago, costumes came from quests.
I guess he means that

Pretty sure that GOTY lists are counted by original release date, not localisation date.

Exactly. You used to get costumes from playing the game.

Persona 5 came out in 2016 then

Good point

To be fair Berseria still has a bunch of problems that it suffers from being a modern Tales game
If this story and cast of characters was in a different series or just a different game in general, I would think it would get more praise
I still enjoyed it but I understand why it would make a lot of people turn away from it

Yeah it has a big boring open world.

If you play it be sure to cheat engine some 3x movement speed when you're running around and the game will be twice as good.

It honestly bothers me that the vast majority unironically think symphohnia was good.

Am I remember from it was utter disappointment.

This, story and characters were great but productions values have been shit in the Tales series since like Vesperia.

The gameplay is fucking horseshit when compared to Xenoblades.

I want to have sex with Velvet so much

Symphonia started the costumes and had what like 5 for lloyd that were all tied to titles and gimped your stats if you used them?

Legendia were in battle only and there were only 2

I don't remember abyss enough to make note of how many costumes they had

Vesperia had DLC costumes as well

Zestiria a shit

Berseria gives you a few costumes in game with extras you can get from DLC, there's what 5 Velvet costumes without counting the katz suit things.

Seems par for the course you just get them in different ways, like the waitress outfit

>liking those hips makes you a pedo

Playing it now it doesn't hold up, but when it first came out it was pretty great. Also helps that I wasn't burnt out on the character and story tropes by that time.

I know that feel user...

Only saving grace is the gameplay untill you realize that with Break Soul + Switch Blast spam with Velvet you can have iframes 100% of the time. You can beat anything without ever guarding or dodging.

Break Soul was a mistake.

who fucking cares what a bunch of other people think you larget faggot

>I don't remember abyss enough to make note of how many costumes they had

Sell me this game Sup Forums. Is it open world like the Symphonia-Vesperia games or is it corridor simulator like Xillia and Graces?

>shitty level design design
>anti-fun combat system that has been plaguing Tales since Destiny Team decided to make enemeies break out of your combos just because and have a shit ton of stun points
>traveling across the maps takes too long
>standard edgy anime story telling
I'm actually glad it didn't won shit. Namco cares more about the events and gay merchandise to milk fujoshis instead of making a good game

Velvet is easy mode anyway.
Using Rokurou with break soul parry is the most fun way to enjoy the battle.

>not taking advantage of all 6 characters by utilizing the long attack animations to set up multiple simultaneous combos
It's like you want the AI to be piece of shit

I played Symphonia for the first time last year and it was great. No one part of it was amazing but it did everything at least decent.