Have a job where I use a crowbar

>Have a job where I use a crowbar
>Every two years, some nerd faggot makes a Half Life reference "SUP GORDON HAHAHAHA CROWBARS AMIRITE WATCH OUT FOR HEAD CRABS"

I hate Half Life.

Have you fags actually ever tried to use a crowbar? I assume your limp wrists couldn't carry one, but these things would make for terrible weapons. They lack any sort of weight or sharpness necessary for them to be.

So can you guys stop bringing it up as some iconic (or as you guys would say, an "epic") weapon?

Your post makes little sense.

You made the same exact thread already.
Have a discounted (You)

crowbars have a terrible weight distribution for a melee weapon

That has literally never happened to you once

>They lack any sort of weight or sharpness necessary for them to be.
Doesn't matter. You can still crack skulls with them.

That's true, but who exactly is making references?

I have never received a videogame reference from anyone outside of a convention user, unless someone recognises the pokemon toys I keep on my desk at work.

Flip them around so the hooked part is facing towards you instead, and it acts as an impromptu mace, with the curled head adding weight behind the impact point.

Never use a crowbar with the hook pointing forwards, that's retarded.

Let me smash you in the face with a crowbar until you proclaim it teh most ebin waepon evar!!!

>They lack any sort of weight
what kind of plastic crowbars do they sell in the burgerland? Here in yurop, the things are pure steel and weight like ten kilos.

It's all about balance.

>have a horrible balance
>litterally better balance than an Axe

They're pure steel here too, I think he meant "weight distribution" since they're heavy from end to end making them hard to swing like a weapon

half life is such a shit game anyway

I always figured it was less about it being super effective, and more that it being a single piece of metal means it will take fucking forever to break or wear down. Anything with joints is going to break far faster no matter how well its made.

I just found out because of this thread that pic related isn't a crowbar, my boss used to always call it one too.

That's a prybar

They came up under "digging bar" on google images, my scrawny ass back then was quite surprised when I got handed one of those "Crowbars"

Tools go by lots of different names, I spent most of my life calling a reciprocating saw a "sawzall"

I'm sorry you're weak

>>Every two years, some nerd faggot makes a Half Life reference "SUP GORDON HAHAHAHA CROWBARS AMIRITE WATCH OUT FOR HEAD CRABS"
It's you, isn't it

I use a crowbar at work fucking loads, no one ever mentions half life you fucking freak
Kill yourself

afaik its only even that strong ingame due to gordons superpowered hazmat suit

What? Rods make great blunt weapons.

You already posted this today.

>half life 2 is such a shit game anyway*
Its like a blueprint for future projects and nothing else.

How many years have you worked the same shitty job?

I call it a bayonet saw. All my coworkers as well

> They lack any sort of weight or sharpness necessary for them to be.
But that's fucking wrong you retard

I've never used one but I've held one and think you could brain someone pretty well with them even if they're not the ideal tool for such things.

You clearly have never used one. Theyre an ideal makeshift weapon you dickhead. Is yours plastic or something?

>every two years
you poor soul

watch out bro! LOL i love this shit happy new years

>Implying normies would even know who Gordon is to make jokes about it

You entre post is a lie.

>Have you fags actually ever tried to use a crowbar?

No but i use an emergency axe from time to time to chop wood from pallets that wont fit on the cargo holds of freighter planes. One night i spend nearly seven hours chopping wood from pig cages that some genius made reach the very floor of the cargo floor, Jesus H. Christ.


Video games

>Have a job where I use an emergency axe from time to time to chop wood from pallets that wont fit on the cargo holds of freighter planes
>Every two years, some nerd faggot makes a Left 4 Dead reference "SUP FRANCIS HAHAHAHA EMERGENCY AXES AMIRITE WATCH OUT FOR ZOMBIES"

I dont know how to make it videogames, but one time like in 2014 one of my coworkers showed me a mobile game he was playing that ran at about 4 frames per second whenever there was an explosion on screen, which was like every ten seconds. He said "pretty cool, isnt it" and i replied "yeah" trying as hard as i could to go full autismo on the silky smooth slideshow he was playing.

Then why are you posting about it on the VIDEO GAMES board

Are you fucking retarded?

No shit theyre not ideal weapons, due to not fucking being designed to be such

Even a child could still KILL you with one hit from a crowbar to the head, probably without even really trying

Nail gun

you can swing the crowbar harder? And you can destroy that tank with it? wtf?

Better weapon than a chainsaw at least.

>hit somebody over the head with a crowbar or throw it at their head in Hitman
>they're just unconscious

you made the exact same fucking thread yesterday OP you assblasted autist

Take that back

Sup Gordon

>doom 3 actually had backstory as to why fucking chainsaws got shipped to Mars City

>in DOOM the chainsaw is labelled as a 'combat chainsaw'

The speed Gordon swings his crowbar at is honestly fucking insane for the size and weight of it.

Rods aren't heavier on the other end. Having most of the weight on the swinging end makes it feel much heavier.

All blunt objects just knock them unconscious. Being hit on the head with a hammer should definitely kill. It did in Blood Money.

> I hate Half Life.
I'm going to use a crowbar on your empty skull

>throw a cannonball at the back of someone's head
>the force makes them drive their head into a desk before crumpling to the floor
>they're fine

Not to mention the way he does it, like, he just shoves it straight forward, while you should be swinging it, like you're using a straight object, like a bat or something

I too have also worked with crowbars when I was a carpenter for three years. And you're a fucking retard. Whether a crowbar makes a good weapon or not depends entirely on the type of crowbar. The shorter ones that are about the length of an arm and not too thick are balanced well enough that they could be used as an improvised weapon.

>Every two years
You hold a long grudge


Have you never used a crowbar in real life to strike something? It's a single piece of metal, so it transfers all of the counterforce directly into you wrist. It's like hitting something with rebar

so its like being a Super Mutant

You made that same thread about 12 hours ago.

You wouldn't want to be hit by any of these things... It's carbon steel, it's hard and dense as fuck. I handled the middle one kind and these things are a lot heavier than they look.

>Having a center of mass in the middle of the weapon is better than having it right below the striking surface
Are you fucking retarded?

Stop hating things, just because some faggot references it every 2 years.
My name is Nick. So I have to endure people calling me Nickelodeon all the time. I stopped getting mad at that by the time I was 8 years old. Because it doesn't mean anything. it's just people saying whatever inane thought comes to mind. I still love Nickelodeon shows growing up.

>these thing would make for terrible weapons.
No. They'd do a shit ton of damage if nailed some with the one end to i don't know the skull?
Also its a blunt object which is great for shattering ribs.

oh man, that webmd