Game makes you feel

>game makes you feel

Why do all mums text like this

Because it's some copypasta they probably found on fagbook

That doesn't make any sense, user.

>not spending the holidays with your family
Come on man, she should be saying this stuff to your face.

How does it not?

remember to thank your mom

Well, what does it matter where OP found this, within the context of my post?

Some of us have to move to work to help care for our parents user.

>visit dad yesterday
>haven't seen him in almost a year
>first conversation he asks me what I do for living now
>tell him I'm neet since I'm having trouble finding out what I want
>"When I was your age we tok the jobs that were avalible! I've only been unemployed 2 months in my entire life!"

Some of us do all that and still manage to go back home for the holidays.

And you whitebois will still complain other races are taking your jobs.

>dad is mentally retarded
>live with him and care for him only to get inheritance
>living on retardobux that aren't even mine

>Retarded people have sex before most people on Sup Forums

>tfw too intelligent for sex

>tfw went on a hooker spree when I was eighteen because of that dumb virgin-rating picture

Because she wants you to get a fucking job you lazy shit

Now someone just has to make one for having a job, starting a family and not being an autistic piece of garbage. Force it for a while and I'll get my life on track, I'm sure of it

>living on retardobux that aren't even mine

If you're his caretaker they basically are user.

>tfw family is such losers even my dad is a virgin

No you retard

Feels fucking bad man

But also feels good if I ever have to tame a unicorn.

>tfw job
>tfw car
>tfw own place to live
>tfw no gf

people on Sup Forums are retarded

I don't know man, paying for a hooker to lose your virginity feels like paying to get a character to max level. You get the end, but skip on the hard part and don't feel the satisfaction of going through the journey.

No, that's stupid. It's sex. As far as that's concerned, it's the same as any other. The downside is it highlights just how much >tfw no gf is about having company, and not (just) about having sex.

Spending new years with your folks instead of your friends is arguably pretty pathetic user
>t. someone that's spending their new years with his folks right now

There's no satisfaction in the journey. Usually girl either gives you puss in a few weeks time or it's a wasted cause. Hookers are a way more sane way to go about it without any extra obligations or trying to fucking navigate through the moronic web of female's feelings. It's like getting a snack from vending machine, you just wanna eat so you pay money and get it. Relationships cost more money also

>tfw I haven't talked to my mom in years
>she keeps texting me weird things about how she misses me and how she still thinks about me when she cooks
>too scared to respond


>spend all my time off for Thanksgiving with my parents
>spend all my time off for Christmas with my parents
>want to spend just one measly weekend with my friends for New Year's eve
>parents get butthurt because I "always ditch them to hang out with friends"

>It's like getting a snack from vending machine
You mean, an overpriced process that shits out unhealthy snacks which aren't any substitute for a real meal, and which you only resort to for lack of other options?

Yeah, I can see that.

I believe this 100%.

i miss >tfw no gf threads on Sup Forums but i really miss ronery threads more

Other options that you have to fuss over and uphold some form of maintenance even if you don't want any of it at the moment?
>sex with a hooker is not real sex
Sure thing

Why would you go to a restaurant if you don't want to? No, user, this food analogy is stupid.

But this is exactly what that money should be used for
Its better for you and society that you take care of your dad yourself rather than send him off to some institution

>paying for the aids

I'm too stupid to understand this graph, I guess. How are there odds >1? (men with an IQ of 80/90)

>mom only loves you to the moon and back

probably why she lives a meaningless life raising children while maintaining a simple service job with that pathetic amount of ambition

what a waste of your one life on this Earth

>Couple years ago get in a serious car accident
>Since then driving stresses me out
>Don't get a new car
>Just bike/Uber/public transportation
>Got more money than most anyone my age without a trust fund
>Still feel like too much of a loser to get a gf
>I know they'll judge me for not having a car

gf is overrated

>End of 2016
>No self worth due to no job and out of shape
>End of 2017
>Have Job and got in shape
>Still no self worth


heterosexual males go through so much shit for sex, its hilarious, when they could just pay and have sex whenever they want. they end up even marrying and losing all their money when they could be banging prostitutes far more cute and sexy than their aging wives who deny sex for them and betray them for young chads.

t. literal faggot

Love your mamas anons. No shame.

Don't worry, the feeling never goes away, just gotta accept it.

Getting A job isnt hard. Finding a quality job may be but worst comes to worst find a high turnover place and bam easy job. His logic is not wrong you just dont want to work undesirable jobs because you want to be working towards something that will make you happy.

maybe you'll find it in 2018

This. this so much. Like why do baby boomers get so mad about this? I spend like at least 360 days with your asses, let me have at least one with my friends.

That's the problem with your generation. You don't want to start at the bottom and work your way up.

t. working-class pleb