Damn,this game is actually good
Damn,this game is actually good
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Hey be careful, you're not allowed to like sony games here.
no it isnt, marketer
Damn right he isn't and let me tell you why. Sony is killing the games industry with it's 3rd person action adventure bullshit, literally every fucking game is the same with just copypasta combat and a reskin featuring which ever generic character they pull from the wheel of fortune. Let me tell you another thing sony is the only company not doing something to better the games industry, microsoft is getting back into the PC market and Nintendo is innovating but what is Sony doing? Doing the same shit we all shat on years ago. Let me tell you another thing do you remember Pearl Harbour? Well I do and it's not something to be forgotten lightly, those nippon bastards attacked us on OUR soil and now we're buying their games? We're showing them LOYALTY? hell gone are the days when you could run into a bush and shoot a slanty eyed motherfucker and take his wife as payment for the travesty done to our brave men who died in pearl harbour.
>Sony is killing the games industry with it's 3rd person action adventure bullshit, literally every fucking game is the same with just copypasta combat and a reskin featuring which ever generic character they pull from the wheel of fortune. Let me tell you another thing sony is the only company not doing something to better the games industry, microsoft is getting back into the PC market and Nintendo is innovating but what is Sony doing? Doing the same shit we all shat on years ago.
This is kinda true
No it isnt
Let's pretend Sup Forums doesn't talk about games like Persona, Bloodborne or Gravity Rush.
Horizon is just shit, and the people defending it are either dudebros who have the PS4 as their first console or shills.
It's a good game, just no where near as good or as bad as some people make it out to be.
It's a solid 8.5 in my book.
>Horizon is just shit
No it's alright, like said, it's a solid 8 nothing less nothing more
the combat gets boring after a while, once you get over the whole robot dinosaurs thing all you do is just spam dodge and use the correct element that the enemy is weak against. Feels like the combat never evolves.
I just started and i am liking the story so far and the gameplay is ok. I dont think it does anything super special besides running well on my ps4 pro.
You can make the argument for Dark Souls games. Just dodge and block and hit him. Not that you brought up Dark Souls. Just pointing it out..
As expected, every reply has been a shitpost.
It’s good. It’s a Ubisoft game done Great and not Decent/Shit. Fighting the Robots is lots of fun. Using the rope-caster and chipping away components is always satisfying. Human AI is garbage. Don’t go in expecting some holy godsend of a game tho. You’ll just end up disappointed and start to shitpost about it here.
>No it's alright
No it's shit, like said, it's fucking shit nothing more.
>don't try to like it or you'll be disappointed
sounds like a sony exclusive alright
But his post said nothing about Horizon, just Sony
I didnt think people could get this angry over a game
yes but the combat in dark souls always feels satisfying because you're making sure that every attack and dodge count, and there's weight behind each action.
Watch this thread reach 300+ on the fuel of pure Nintendo fanaticism trying to criticize a game they've never played.
Why Zeldafags always crawl out of their holes whenever Horizon is brought up?
Are soynny fanboys so desperate for exclusives that they'll praise and shill a shitty feminist game?
Do you feel that threatened over a game that came out months ago? I mean seriously this is either autism or a call for help
Beg your mom to buy more than 1 gaming console.
>video has only 1k views
>most probably from here since it's not the first time i've seen it posted
>meanwhile Horizon got GOTY awards from other publications
You're a sad man and i hope you get your shit sorted out because if a sequel its announced one day you might off yourself
Horizon is living in your head rent free dude
It's funny cause what she actually meant was their society was ass backwards but the no context fags in Sup Forums think she's praising the matriarchy instead of criticizing it.
If you watch the game closely you'll see that Aloy has two face models. One used in the cutscenes and in game. This face is quite beautiful. The other one is used for conversations. That one for some reason has a pig nose, monkey jaw, and eyes that are too close together.
I suppose that they did this to make lip syncing easier, but it still makes little sense to do it.
Get out
Holy Christ just when I thought the babyish autistic butthurt on this board couldn't get any worse. Do half you people on here actually like ANY video games?
>what's real time and pre-rendered
Do you even Uncharted?
the ancient whamen elders rule that shit
its pretty much matriachy
Why do people eat this propaganda like it's nothing, don't you have any self respect
I fucking love Horizon, its the perfect game to play while drinking chocolate soy milk!
If Aloy was attractive & it came out in 2018 to not be compared with Zelda, Sup Forums could actually discuss now
But alas it was not to be
Sorry, Horizon is too busy not looking like a ps2 golf course game to care what Breath of the Boredom is doing.
Yes, just not the feminist ones trying to push an agenda ;^)
It's actually fine.
i cannot have sure that the game was indeed feminist
because feminists robs more things than niggers
Guess who's in the upcoming Monster Hunter that won't be on the switch?
>inert environment to interact in an open world game
those graphics tho
You mean the one that I'll get on PC?
Literally everyone outside of their tribe laughs at them for following the matriarchs'. The only reason Aloy is relatively well adjusted is because she was raised by a retired white male action hero in exile instead of the tribe.
That’s not what I said at all.
>Horizon is more fun because of graphics
This industry needs to crash and burn asap.
>minecraft with zelda paintjob
Much fun and original! totally worth 400 bigmacs!
>six pages of this
allowing Sup Forums out of their containment board was a mistake
>being this fat you literally count in burgers
Allowing women to play video games was a mistake.
Woman have been playing videogames even before you were a glint in your father's eyes though
>the only argument he can make is how often an image is posted
>he thinks only one person posts said images
>a dumb woman shilling horizon
Why am I not surprised
>the only argument he can make is that the game is trying to push an agenda and posting out of context pics while also throwing Sup Forums shit to top it off
I spotted the asshurt pc fag that he doesnt get to pay these game
>nintendo is innovating
How? By making a shitty half portable that any normal would never play outside of the house? Or is it by make games literally marketef at children, desu botw wasnt revolutionary at all it was just a good opwn world game and odessey was the same piss easy mario game weve been getting since 64
>what is sony doing
Its making games that work, every time a sony gane drops its at least half way decent, if you hate that give me a real argument against sony si we can talk about it
>zelda is more fun because nintendo
Yes, please crash this industry.
>projecting so hard you get hungry
Sup ian get to sleep
God damn, she's ugly. She looks like an Irish boy with down syndrome.
Fuck off autist
Well they could have prerendered the conversations as well.
And no, I played 3 minutes of Uncharted at a store, that was enough thank you.
How is a character being sexually appealing to men misogynistic against women?
They probably couln't even tell you, they'd say something stupid and baseless like, "it perpetuates harmful ideas and behavior of blah blah blah".
The real reason is that this type of woman and many women, simply do not like men enjoying sexy things outside of their control and maybe an unconscious fear that they really are nothing but objects that offer sex and having artificial sex appeal that many men are drawn to digs deep into their insecurity, even though it has nothing to do with them, it's just a fictional character, it bothers deeply.
Men don't give a shit about women's romance movies, sex toys and erotic literature but the reverse? Goddman if women don't get pissy about it and want to ban it, claim harm from it and mock those that use it, pure insecurity about their worth as human beings these women are indirectly showing.
Her hair looks good in cutscenes and in game. But looks like shit in conversations.
Yeah, it's ok. The thing is most of the time I was playing it all I could think is 'I've already done all this In Tomb Raider and I'm a bit burned out on it because of those games.'
Fucking lol
An uninteractive ubishit game game with a tranny main character, shit ai and a laughable sjw propaganda storyline
Sonegros are the worst
Personally I can't get enough of FAGs and I hope we can play more in the future. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us 2, Gravity Rush 2.... Sony FAGs are some of the best games in the industry, really.
>gravity rush in the same tier as western trash
interesting bait
>Gravity Rush 2
The rest is pure cancer
It stars a female so it's a FAG now.
there's nothing feminist or sjw about GR
That character was designed and drew by a woman.
>this is your brain on Sup Forums
Yeah, the original and the dumblr one.
>goes back to playing Breath of the Wild with a cross dressing Link
how do you even fuck up something as simple as robot dinosaurs
I don't get it
Game is technically impressive. Story is sorta meh, but pretty novel which is redeeming.
No on3 can deny the game looks fucking amazing, kojima working with same engine now. I'd say it's a solid 8/10 and the best looking game on consoles
>if Aloy was attractive.
So much this. Is it really so hard to understand that the game would've sold far better if Aloy was hot? At least 80% of the people playing the fucking game would be male. Who are these devs and publishers even pandering to? The ignorance is mind blowing.
Is this pasta?
Both of these designs are garbage
One is not like the other.
Nah he's right, one is too disgusting and one is too pandering
Not even remotely as good as the BotW one
There are only two reals problem with this game: One, and most obvious one, is the SJW pandering. And I'm not talking about Aloy's nigger hairstyle, but the entire premisse behind most characters are SJW reasoning. Only ignorant fags don't see it.
The second is the fact that it is a (((well made))) copypasta of other 3rd person adventure games.
If they could at least release a DLC that removes Aloy's nigger hairstyle and 80% of her clothes, I would be fine with this game though. But that's just me.
That's all.
I have more of a problem with the story/characters being really uninteresting and the weapon/armor options being too few. I mean, I enjoyed the overall gameplay, the traps made the battles real fun, but by the end of it I was tired and just wanted to be done with it already.
That's exactly how I felt. But I was done with it after the proving. I knew if was going to be more of that shit. until the end of the game I just fucking sold the game.
That is pretty much enough for me to not play it, it is a shame how such a technical masterpiece ended up being stained by cultural marxism.
At least its engine is amazing and will be used on Death Stranding.
Cool, did your second daddy buy that for you, Sup Forums?
>he believes and actively references the Sup Forums boogie monster
this will never not be funny
Nope, I bought it with the money I earned working.
Go away soyboy, no one wants you here, take your shitty games with you.
>Damn,this game is actually good
SJW/Cuck shitshow made in Europe.
Will Horizon never stop making Sup Forums blood boil? Will be ever be able to discuss it without tinfoil hat wearing psychos swarming the threads?
Native Americans were basically matriarchal. Men did the fighting and dying and the women basically had all power in the homestead and villages because they were essential for continuing the tribe, maintaining everything, and having kids. Men could go out and die and they didn't matter as much as the child-bearers.
That's actually how feminism should be.