Well how the fuck am I supposed to react then?
Well how the fuck am I supposed to react then?
ugh so toxic
Like a mature adult. Not by this decade's standards/
Go on twitter or some shit not even video games in the fucking slightest
By playing the damn thing, not gawping at it like a brain dead idiot
Yasss queen! The biggest nu-males and manchildren have always been Nintendo fans. See: any Nintendofag on YT.
Like an adult
>Oh wow, I really like this gift thank you
Also, taking your picture fake screaming like a mongoloid is not what you're supposed to do
With a normal smile instead of a YouTube thumbnail
Good thread.
I don't get it
Act smug
yes user, this is how you show that you enjoy a gift
You don't pose for a picture and post it on facebook like a sperg.
Avoid it all by not getting a $300 children's toy as a gift for christmas.
"Hey, this is great, thank you very much."
Maybe an appreciative hug for the person who bought you it. A normal one, not a psychotic bear hug where you scream into their ears. After that, set the thing up and play it. Oh, and no fucking photos.
>Oh, and no fucking photos.
just because you're a human slug doesn't mean shit for the rest of us
And You don't need to act like a retard manchild either, just expressing your thanks in a polite way would be more than enough .
Just take the photo of the thing, not your Soylent grin
Bring forth the cat. They cannot express joy but they can express pain.
Funny because a vast majority of nu-males ARE slugs, you faggot.
>muh nu male
Shave the beard and lose weight, you fat fuck.
>antisocial anons giving advice on social conduct
Oh boy, these are the best threads
>cue 'id kill that cat' replies from morons
Based cats. Is there anything they cannot do?
I may hate socializing but I know how to and I don't come off as a sperg. The thread should have ended with this post
How many times are you going to make the same thread