MMO Thread

MMO Thread, only comfy postin
The mmo genre shall rise again

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Recommend me an mmo to sink 8 weeks into

Final Fantasy 14 is free up to level 30, go hard.

Recommend me a mmo that I can spend the next year of my life playing before I kill myself.

why 8 weeks

wanna play maplestory but official servers suck and aries is boring.

>ellinia 1.91 when


I just started playing Closers, it's a pretty good korean beat em up MMO. Free to play though so have fun being bombared with ads for virtual currency.

if you play koreashit you have brain problems

I used to post alot of Closers but it was for a very short bit. I dont think user can sink even 2 weeks into that unless he really loves Dungeon Fighters and ignores every aspect of the cash shop

traps are straight?

Is it that bad in the later game? I dig the combat right now, though I'm only level 20, and apparently they're adding more characters soon.

I'm playing OrbusVR.

It's the first real VR MMO. It kinda sucks as an MMO, but it's pretty interesting to be able to talk face-to-face with literally any other player.

Leveling in WoW with no heirlooms has been comfy, but very lonely.

Black Desert Online

I tried the private server but this game is way too boring, mindless grinding with dumbass mobs and some meh pvp.

I'm around level 34, it's just that I've been killing the same very easy monsters. The visuals are pleasant and all but it goes to waste when the game never gives you new costumes to work for. Just random accessories. You'll probably never be playing with another person in a dungeon unless it's an user who says they wanna play with you. I like the game for 20 minute bursts here and there, but it's something I dont care about much anymore. It's fun combat but it's like a free to play single player game with tons of micro transactions, sadly
The grind in this is very awful after level 50, and the costumes are max jew. I would recommend this only if you plan to spend some money on cosmetics and know you're going to be playing with others

Who DFO here

I've been doing the same UD rogue, yeah i know horde levelling for the first time and this is fun.

Mann what the FUCK made mabi so comfy back in the day? I didn't even get near the endgame, most of my time was spent chilling and fucking around with e-friends at the time.

Was listening to Prontera Theme when finding this thread.

>after level 50
the REAL grind starts after level 57 dude

Because people in MMOs actually used to be interesting to talk to and not hyperactive children.

PSO2, but prepare to have what it feels like to be that annoying foreigner nobody understands

Who here TERA?

what if I joined a brazilian crew of players

Man I miss those times.

Is there a decent MMO out there with the combat styles of Tera and Black Desert? I hate WoW point and click shit.

you were a child with different priorities


Yeah but what the fuck are you even grinding for at that point? Awakening is unlocked around 55 I know. What kind of autism are you trying to ascend to gaining ,0003 exp each kill?

BDO is a huge turn off for me because it has no sense of reward once you complete grinding something, it just leaves a "for what purpose?" feeling inside. In other games the end game would be looking badass memeing around in a hub city. The cities in this are just covered in literal horse shit and slaves

yeah GW2 in combat mode with a controller

Is mabinogi still worth playing? I feel like I missed out on it.

There are three types of MMO
>Make/play your waifu
>Autistic raid rngjesus simulator with multiple inner circles of assbergers voice chats
>Comfy but dying

how come no one wants to innovate the mmo genre? why does everything have to be the same section-to-section hotbar-spam bullshit?

It was a refreshing form of eacapism in video games using the power of the internet. You had fun being exactly who you wanted to be and did what you wanted while also meeting other people like you

nobody wants to take a risk
money and stuff

>YR is now an yandere Kurumi Tokisaki
Fuck you KoG. Thanks for keeps ruining this game.

felt some nostalgia so downloaded this shit again from hs

Do you make your own character in Closers? Or at least have a bunch of customization?

there are those that are taking risks, but I know what your exact reaction to them will be

Elsword any good?

I don't think so. People really don't talk anymore and all the world's are filled with only the people who've been playing forever.

>Autistic raid rngjesus simulator with multiple inner circles of assbergers voice chats
who hurt you user

Because WoW is still the biggest MMO out there, and every other competitor in recent memory with the capability to be as big and that has "innovated" has taken a shit and died extremely quickly.

Blade and Soul. It's a p2w korean quest grinder tho. The combat almost makes it playable despite that.

that's a damn shame. the game looks really cute.

White knight chronicles

It was really fun during season 3.
Game went shit since Add and keeps being worse every update.

I generally enjoy BNS because it's a fair game if you just play the damn thing. There are many players who are super strong without paying a dime
Too bad the servers went offline years ago

I'm still mad that this got cancelled.

>There are many players who are super strong without paying a dime

Let me ask you. I fucking love DFO. That game is an absurd amount of fun for me BUT the last time I logged on to try it, my screen was basically 70% spam with all kinds of weird buffs and icons fucking everywhere. What happened to the simple UI? Why is it like this?

Koreans literally can't enjoy games without a carrot constantly shoved into their face.

New game when

Koreans are obsessed with stupid things no one cares about like server wide humble brags and other notifications. BDO is hell until you turn off 90% of these elements

Anyone try orbus yet?

>main emphasis is on faction v faction v faction

This inspires the same apathy that Cyrodil in TESO does.

>PvE is not the main focus of this game
yeah fuck this

also this looks exactly like what ESO does, also the overall game doesn't really stand out. i wouldn't call this innovating the genre in the slightest.

This is the only project I've seen that looks like is trying to break the stale ass mold. I hope it succeeds.

There's always like 7 events going on (if you can even consider shit like Honey Time an actual event) and you get shit for them in pretty much every dungeon, most of it is useless

Looks too good to be true.
My experience in VRchat has me antsy to get a Vive, but it's such a huge investment, especially when I feel like either a revision or price drop is inevitable, sooner than later.

The difference is that it's not a dumb glorified instanced battleground with little overall significance like it is in TESO or GW2. It's the entire game and everything is structured around it.

Why the fuck are you playing MMOs if its not to play against and with other players? You are exactly the kind of person that drove the genre in a death spiral straight into the ground of mediocrity.

I'm curious why the Vive when the Rift with an extra Sensor is so much cheaper.

who czak

there's no point in arguing with these people. they don't actually know what they want.

Every single MMO

Are they both room scale? I haven't kept up with how they're doing in relation to eachother.

This is the only MMO I have the smallest bit of excitement for. It will probably go to shit instantly whenever it releases as CBT. Apparently it's made by Bluehole? Or it's just advertised that way because PUBG is big shit suddenly. But yeah more pretty korean shit, but for once its slower paced action and has steam punk to it

You can get a 3rd sensor for the rift to change it from desktop to a roomscale system.

A fun MMO to play.

God, I can't believe that the koreans are STILL remaking Aion.

Isn't the roomscale smaller on the Rift though? I wouldn't mind throwing down money on the Rift if I wasn't wary of some sort of major revision coming in the next half year or something.

I just wanna go back to Guild Wars in 2007-8ish. Necro/Mesmer was fun

I wanna play Grand Chase again.
What are some other games like it?

Vive goes 11x11 ft, Rift w/3 sensors 10x10 ft. If you are in the states, Rift Touch with 2 sensors is 350 USD, extra sensor is 60 dollars, for 410+ tax for a full room Rift.


When are they going to add more class skills for Mab?

I have!

It's crashy and janky, but there's moments where it becomes really cool. Being able to talk to other players at any time is a feeling I haven't had in any other game. Every ability is a skillshot in the sense that the musketeer has to actually aim and load abilities into their musket, the warrior has to swing his sword in certain ways, the ranger actually has to draw, aim, and fire a bow, and the runemage actually has to draw symbols in the air. Fishing is neat, too.

It's also tough- trash mobs can easily kill you, and it's often hard to escape encounters.

If it were a flatscreen MMO, it'd kind of suck, but since it's in VR, it gets a free pass IMO because it's a totally different experience. Players have all been super friendly or jokey, and if you play along, you're guaranteed a good time.

>we'll never get an MMO with both good combat and good roleplay/character customization

i want to explore dungeons and mingle with strangers, not grind my balls off and fall asleep. let the MMO genre die.

Where are you seeing it for $350? Everywhere I see it is $399.

help me v

Oh looks like the sale ended, Amazon and Best buy had the Rift at 379.99 for about a week, and the on Tuesday this week they dropped it to 349.99.

I bought mine on Friday and went back to bestbuy and they gave me 30 dollars back because of the price drop.

>actually do things
How the fuck do you play 40 hours straight?

Playing FFXIV but playing by myself. It sucks playing alone

ive been playing off and on for twelve years. there isnt any game like eve anywhere.

You don't. It's pretty tough to marathon. I've only played 8 hours so far, since I've got other VR games I want to play, and extended sessions in VR are tough anyway because eyestrain and standing up.

wut? thats just regular EVE not a VR game

Just bought Black Desert. I'm probably going to regret my purchase, aren't I.

You bought yourself like 10 hours of enjoyment and then disappointment

Playing spreadsheet online made you retarded?

you linked the wrong post.

I'd offer to play but my sub died. Funny enough, I offered other anons company and they would chicken out to play. Do FC hopping and try to meet new people. Enjoy the game while it's fresh

Levelling in Elsword in preperation for third jobs.

glad to see it's literally no different from all the other MMOs I bought in the past

Yeah it's not working out too well for me, every FC I've tried making friends with already have their clique

is it worth trying to start elsword now or am i a few years too late?

Wish there was a good mmo just for grouping and dungeoning. I loved ddo but last time I played there weren't really any groups going on. I just wanna do non linear dungeons with a group of people

Oh, don't invest your free shit into your first character, try out a bunch and see what you like. Also check out their awakening trailers to see what tickles your fancy.