what happened
What happened
>rehash a game a year later and sell it for $60
>expecting good returns
That's what happened.
No one gives a fuck about Digimon
Meanwhile Pokemon literally does the same gen rehash they always do and gets lots of sales.
I may not give a fuck about Digimon, but I like the new pair of titties that came with it.
You stupid mother fucker. This is why you should be able to play as a girl.
Would you have paid money for the art of those titties?
I don't even know why they make a Vita version. Just keep the next game on the PS4, that way you can actually make it look good and if you really want a handheld version, put it on the Switch.
>be bamco
>release dark souls on PC
>comment on how PC makes up a good chunk of your profit and release future DaS games on it
>even non DaS titles like AC7, NnK2, and Tekken 7 are coming to PC
>even anime tie ins like Naruto, DBZ, LWA, and that Hero Academia game are coming to PC
>but for some reason, not Digimon
Yes, and it would just be that art. Not even the game. Though I'd demand something lewder.
Just how lewd are we talking?
So lewd it transcends handholding
Dey took her...
>the you will see the entire Digimon franchise die in your lifetime
anime games sell like shit on pc
no cute female protagonist
What a shame.
And yet this very thread is about an anime game that didn't sell well on consoles. Strange, isn't it?
>Hacker's Memory is struggling in terms of sales. Please recommend it to people who are considering purchasing it for the prosperity of our next project as well. Thanks for everyone's help.
>Please recommend it
Gotta like it to recommend it.
Gotta play it to like it.
Gotta buy it to play it.
Never heard anyone recommend it to me so I'm not gonna buy it.
Having the audience of Pokemon and Yokai watch in the 3ds and switch
What?! How is this possible? The first game was amazingly popular and so many people are hyped for this game!
Shoulda gone for simultaneous release date
Maybe it would have sold better if it didn't recycle 90% of everything from CS.
It makes my dick rock hard when PC-only faggots cry about not getting Japanese games.
Please whine about how you don't get to play Persona 5, SMT V, or Catherine: Full Body. I need a good fap.
Sony exclusive :)
Is this game comfy? I'm looking for something good to snuggle up with and remember my childhood.
Persona 5 can actually be emulated on PC
Eat shit, fag. No one cares, it isn't 2011 anymore.
yeah at 12 fps
Oh please make a petition user! We'll all even sign it, just for you!
But while revving up that petition please continue bitching. I need your PCtears for lubrication.
Yeah its pretty comfy
which means it'd sell even worse on PC
the only weeb game that doesn't bomb on PC is souls
I guess the ending was bitter,doesn't have a good ending like cyber and only a few digimon were added with the same of the last game.
cyber sleuth was the most boring piece of shit I've ever played, thanks for nothing Sup Forums
If by comfy you mean braindead easy, then yeah it's comfy. I need to get back to Cyber Sleuth. I forgot where I placed my VITA coffin.
Make a better ending for the game you piece of shit
Real comfy
No wonder this game bombed. You don't buy games, you only care about them to put on your NEVER EVER lists, to stick it to some imaginary enemy. Congrats, I'm sure Habu is happy that he has loyal fans celebrating his game being exclusive rather than actually buying it.
Is the ending for the game really that bad?
overestimating that the fanbase would buy the game again with minimal effort
You don't buy games unless they're 90% off in a steam sale.
And the english release isn't until next month you dumb fuck
>Not releasing on PC
>Releasing it on Vita
there's your problem
Will they start pandering more to NA if it sells better internationally?
Actually at 60, faggot lol
Only weeaboo faggots care about jap games. kys.
prove it, make a webm of you playing at 60 fps if its so easy :)
Are there any variations to HM or is it romping around the same digital hallways again?
Yet here you are in a japanese game thread on a website centred on japanese culture owned by a japanese man, caring enough to shit it up
Who is the real idiot?
>what is youtube
look it up yourself you retard, i ain't spoonfeeding a console cuck
so you can't play it at 60 fps, thanks for confirming lol
>replying to bait
Any game that releases on the vita means it's a dead series nobody cares about.
>Rehash a game that wasn't really that popular in the first place
>Don't even bother expanding your target demographic by releasing said game on other platforms
>game doesn't sell
>"Oh no, how could this happen? Please buy my game!"
It's almost like poor business decisions have consequences or something.
I'm new to Digimon games and Digimon in general. I picked up Cyber Sleuth recently and have over 40 hours in the game..besides some minor typos I hate how dialog was blatantly written for a male protag. It sounds like Hacker's Memory isn't worth getting..what about Next Order?
that doesn't mean they're not degenerate, faggot
>launch a rehash of a year old game on the Vita
>when Japan is currently in full Nintendo mode
Bravo Bamco
Off topic but I fucking love the Sonic OVA
I forgot that game was coming out
Maybe it could've used a bit more advertisement
Side note, is Digimon world next order any good?
The game kind of sucked, and I can't stand looking at male characters designed by that artist. They look like autistic retards.
And it doesn't really add anything new.
Also full price 60 bucks seems kinda ehhhhh
I told you digifags.
Cyber Sluts was a fluke. Next Order bombed and so will this.
No one gives a fuck about Digimon.
You don't disprove his point at all. It only means it would sell 10x less on PC regardless.
90% of ports DO sell worse on PC, but only the stuff that got popular and got close to console sells gets talked about, making you think these games sell well on PC - which they don't for the most part.
>Digimon loses to Pokemon even at rehashes.
Imagine being this much of a child and then feel better about yourself
Ahhh truly a PC fag that needs to make himself feel superior in anonymous imageboards.
You didn't even touch the emulator and here you are talking like you know shit.
No one owns a PC that can even run it at 30fps. At best you get mid 20's, and I do mean at BEST. I highly doubt your PC is all that good so it would run at 12-15fps with sound glitches and a lot of stuttering
>tfw your series has a fanbase too intelligent to be profitable
Cyber Sluts got it's cult following via the ability to roleplay as a cute lesbian in skintight clothing. This game forces a dorky male as your character.
Game the fucking flopped because it looks like low budget shit with reused assets.
>Game comes out for PlayStation
>Best game of the world, u mad pcfags?
>Same game comes out for PC a year later
>Turns out it was shit
>Turns out all won't games are shit you would ignore but since it's on PlayStation the score is automatically bumped from a 7 to a 9
>>Same game comes out for PC a year later
yeah keep dreaming. Atlus doesn't do PC ports
>>Release a game on Vita and PS4 while Japanese gamers are switching to the Switch.
Really smart move right there.
Oh I'm laffin'
Did you even read the description?
"Gameplay capture from PS4 Pro
60FPS using SVP ( Smooth Video Project Pro )"
It's video editing, and PS4's version.
The game won't run at 60fps on PC in 20 years time because its systems/logic are most likely locked at 30fps and going beyond it would break the game.
Enjoy your broken emulated PS3 version at 9fps with ear-shattering sound.
People don't like spending 60 dollars for a vita style game.
So how was it a rehash
Is it like one of those same game different story lol like tales of xillia 2
This. It's literally the same game.
Woah, what? I don't remember any cutscenes in the game that didn't have the dumbass text box and the same model in the background on top of it.
Post your favourite digimons.
It's the same story as CS but from some new character's POV, so it ends up rehashing most of CS while not really adding anything significant.
Well fuck. How low Digimon has fallen.
New digimon story game in two years
Fuck is this true? If that's the case I might cancel my preorder. I loved the first one but I'm not interested in playing the exact same thing with a shittier protagonist.