how do I git gud
How do I git gud
What did he mean by this?
become proficient
you don't
play a real fps, you aren't going to git gud playing this shit
Play something that isn't shit
buy wallhack and easy diamond
battleeye havent been updated for a year and doesnt look like they will update it anytime soon so you can hack with no worries just like many others already do
Why would you want to git gud? What's the point? Take it serious enough to make it fun for yourself, but don't fucking bother with trying to rank up or some shit like that. Ranked ladders are ruining games because of people taking it too fucking seriously.
Autistically camp pixel peaks
this there are streamers/youtubers who are obvious cheaters and not get banned
I'm more ok with rank ladders than I am about fuckfaces caring about k/d ratio
Droning. A lot.
You'll notice this in pro play as well. Rainbow 6: Siege is all about information, so always use your drones effectively.
that bolo guy comes to mind
beaulo yes
Post your main attackers and defenders
Jackal and Ela
It seems I have a thing with french operators in this game.
>Protective glass on helmet is up
Are Rook and Foc retarded or something? Is there an actual reason they'd wear it like that instead of down, like Montagne does?
How is Blitz
Learn the maps
just go slow. never rush unless its 5v1 or something similar. aim when going around corners or looking through a doorway.
also always use glaz or a shielded operator on the plane, glaz is the only one who can shoot through the windows on that map.
Spetnaz except Katchanka because I literally can't figure out what he's worth in the game. I'm willing to use him if someone explains me though
>Ranked ladders are ruining games because of people taking it too fucking seriously.
Why the fuck can shitters still post on Sup Forums?
Zofia and Ela
Recruit is ez mode
Corner, reinforce walls, shield and use cover. I'm a troll with him
Good God i'm in love with Frost help me
I can't aim for shit. Either I up sensitivity and spin around like a maniac and can't keep still to aim or it's too fucking sluggish
Be a shotgun or shield faggot then
you really dont need to aim , just whenever you are covering a door , window, whatever
aim your gun at head level you will get a bunch of headshots
Learn the maps, drones are your best friends dont waste them to get points at start, never enter a room without droning first
Use drones, hold corners effectively, and use goddamn headphones/earbuds.
Use and t-hunt to learn maps.
Learn where cameras are to take them out on Attack, and to use them to your advantage (c4, roamer ambush tactics) on Defense.
Never take primary shotguns unless you have some kind of automatic secondary. Essentially never use shotguns in fights, only as a breaching/koolaid-man tool.
Use ya leans.
>check your corners
>wall bang if you get the chance
>run out the clock if you ever can, never try and peek
>always aim a little lower to compensate for kickback
>never reinforce kids room
>plant as close to a door or window as possible
>let the shield be pointmen
>learn the maps
>find good spots to open up murder holes
>know camera positions
Sledge aka I get paid to shit over people houses with a home depot hammer
Bandit aka fuck that steals car batteries on parking lots
aim better
Imagine if this game was on competent servers running competent netcode
Is that a specific character that can do that? How did he vault an undamaged barricade?
you can read all the guides you want, you'll still be a useless piece of shit.
wanna know the super secret way to get plat 3 in 2 hours!!!!! you die a lot and in the worse ways possible. Itll seem so unfair but whatever, you take the L and move on. you die some more, blame team mates here and there and say "if I was playing IIII wouldnt do that" but youd still die, just in another way. anyways go die and learn from that, and practice good habbits and tell your team mates to practice better habbits, saying "HES OVER THERE" is fucking stupid, what the fuck is "there?" retard, call a cardinal direction. or at least a fucking object or name.
>calling a cardinal direction
>clogging up the means with unnecessary information when you can just drop a waypoint
Stop fucking staring at the fucking windows you fucking retard!
he probably hit the barricade twice at the bottom before jumping out
He prepared the barricade in advance by hitting the lowest part of it twice