I miss it bros

I miss it bros

Everything is moving too fast now

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I know how you feel man. Gamecube with GBA player and a GBA is basically the Switch before Switch. Still my favorite console. No matter how many people on Sup Forums tell me it is, I'll never believe the Gamecube was shit and that the games for it were anything less then amazing.

+best controller
+best multiplayer on console
+good exclusives
+ease of portability

-doesn't have games it's era is renowed for
-console accessory bs like the GBA cord
-smallish library


How the hell did the Gamecube have the best running multiplats for that gen by far then?

It had the best games of its era

>best running multiplats for that gen


gotta love those xbox exclusives like halo and ___


GameCube had some good games but it's competing with the fucking PS2 here. GameCube did not have a better library.

>the GameCube version is clearly a step below both the PS2 and the Xbox versions as far as in-game visuals go. Never mind 60fps, I'm happy when the GameCube SSX Tricky runs at 30 frames per second!

>The [Gamecube] frame rate bogs down whenever you're taking a look at a large section of complex geometry--the Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Skater Island levels are the worst offenders here. Some sections of Tokyo cause the frame rate to drop rather drastically.
>PlayStation 2 version only rarely slows down
>the GameCube version also looks slightly washed-out when compared to the PS2's vibrant colors.

>the [Gamecube] cars don't reflect hardly anything and what does reflect looks rather shoddy. Meanwhile, Xbox reflections are pretty solid, as are PS2's.

>The GameCube version...falters the most out of the three considering framerate

PS2 was overrated as fuck. GC was the N64 of its gen. Had the best exclusives and the best multiplayer games available although not the largest amount of them. On the PS2 for every good game it had there were 30-45 horribly mediocre titles. PS2 was shovelwear haven with few really good games.

Who the fuck gives a shit about multiplats anymore? I'll tell you who: kids who never even owned a GameCube or any other console of the era.

well, everything, because xbox ran it better

the only thing it didn't have was ps2's huge as fuck library

>gamecube nostalgia

Kys cuck. All it took was three seconds in one of your linked reviews to see your quotes were bullshit and that the Godcube ran games better then the Memestation 2.
>"The GameCube version may be less jaggy than the original PS2 release"

>our quotes were bullshit
Holy shit, this denial of reality.

>"The GameCube version may be less jaggy than the original PS2 release"
>may be
Doesn't sound very confident

don't gamecube games look way better than ps2 games?

Yes. That pic is bait. GC is more powerful than PS2. Compare the GC and PS2 versions of RE4. GC version looks way better.


>That pic is bait. GC is more powerful than PS2
>cited data is bait


>Compare the GC and PS2 versions of RE4. GC version looks way better.
RE4 was a Gamecube exclusive up until Capcom demanded a quick and dirty PS2 port

>the virginstation 2 vs the Chadcube

Xbox literally won both 6th and 7th gen. Ports were best on the Xbox. Jewtendo still had the best console.
>t. Someone who has every console and handheld starting with Lynx

t. Someone dumb enough to buy a Lynx

Hard mode: games must be exclusive to the system and not ports of older games

>Xbox literally won both 6th and 7th gen
Maybe in 'murica but outside the states no one had Xboxes especially the first one.

Eternal Darkness
Rogue Squadron II
Baten Kaitos

It was a good system, same with Xbox and PS2. This is coming from a faggot that had his heart broken when the Dreamcast died. That gen was a good one.

>Everything is moving too fast now

My perception of time has accelerated exponentially since grade school yet notable game releases have become fewer and further between besides indie flavor of the month shit.

I remember telling all my friends Skyrim was going to be a fucking smash hit but I didn't know six fucking years later I'd be sitting here watching it be ported to every console while Rockstar falls from grace and Valve hides in DOTA cave.

I used to play a game and have it blow my mind and think to myself "Wow in five years imagine" now five years adds up to nothing but some DLC and reskinned games on the same engine.

You just compared a game made at the beginning of gamecube's cycle with a game made at the very end of PS2's cycle. Modern consoles, that wouldn't be bad. But old gen consoles, lifespan means a lot.

Nintendo titles(Mario, Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, Smash, Star Fox, etc.)
MGS Twin Snakes
PN 03
Baten Kaitos and Origins
Mega Man Network Transmission
Eternal Darkness
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 and 3

rockstar havent fallen from grace

Honest question: How many of you wish 6th generation consoles were the last console generation and were still a thing?

Take away Nintendo Titles and that isn't near enough to sell me on a console, and I loved the gamecube. Not for its third party support though.

Also Twin Snakes was just a glorified port of an older game.

>-console accessory bs like the GBA cord
Wait how is that bad?

>playing western games in sixth gen

All they've done is pump shark card sales for the last four years, they never released ONE singleplayer expansion for GTA V or even got around to porting a fraction of the Multiplayer content.

RDR 2 is going to be a solid game, but they'll immediately start focusing on profiting from the in game multiplayer currency and you're an idiot if you expect anything else.

They were perfect gods before this.

Hilarious since Prime still looks and runs excellent today while SotC is a blurry slideshow.

Basically anything from the top of pic related.

Duh, no shit, doesn't mean it would've been on the same spectrum as the gamecube version with more time, killer 7 also runs worst, the game you cherry picked on that list should come as no surprise when the GC was the slowing selling console of the three and likely had much less priority

>Also Twin Snakes was just a glorified port of an older game.

Fucking what. Did you even play the original and Twin Snakes? There was a lot changed, so much so that there's a good reason why people prefer one over the other.

Ruined FFCC multiplayer, for one.

Thats nice

>killer 7 also runs worst
It was also a Gamecube exclusive. Ever heard of the Capcom Five or are you too young?

>he game you cherry picked on that list should come as no surprise when the GC was the slowing selling console of the three and likely had much less priority
Maybe so, but all of those games were always intended for release on Gamecube. They were designed as multiplatform games, while RE4 was not.

that's just a bad shot and isn't all that representative of metroid prime at all

>Same Story
>Same Gameplay
>Improved visuals, mechanics and added cutscenes

What else did they have that tranformed it into a new experience? Even if its better than the original with some new twists and bells and whistles its still some sort of port or remake of an existing game and he asked for no ports.

Ignoring the positives like allowing you to play GBA games with your GBA as a controller, Pokémon Box and extra content when connected to a Gamecube? Just because Square was being a shithead with its software makes the hardware bad?

GTA V was a big enough game, they dont owe you single player DLC. and all the microtransactions are easily ignorable if you just dont play multiplayer

It's not representative of SotC either as the PS2 version didn't look remotely as good as in the picture. I wouldn't be surprised if it was advertisement for the HD release.

If Twin Snakes was the "definite" version everyone would prefer it over the original but it sinply isn't the case and many people say things like Twin Snakes just decidedly is more flawed than the original was.

Both games in that image are taken from an emulator. But emulators only up the resolution and maybe filtering. Polygon counts, lighting, textures, etc are all the same.

It's fairly obvious that SotC has about a trillion times more polygons and alpha blending effects (e.g. fur shading) than Metroid Prime.

Hell, Metroid Prime doesn't even have bump mapping. Its explosions (alpha effects) are also hilariously low resolution. It's a lot smoother than SotC let's not get that wrong, but SotC would likely not run at all on Gamecube.

I think we're maybe not getting each other right here. I prefer the original MGS. TS changed VA, new graphics, added dumb stuff to cutscenes and the MGS2-ish engine and aiming changed things. I don't want to classify it as a 'port' since that doesn't seem entirely accurate. Maybe a 'remaster'?

There's the other side of the coin, there's more than a handful of multiplats that did run better on the GC like the sims, beyond good and evil, shadow the hedgehog, prince of persia come to mind. I'm sure some of the 3rd party ports to Gamecube could have been a bit better than they were, but since GC wasn't a priority, they just shoved PS2 versions on the system. I wouldn't exactly call that an accurate indicator of the GC's power.

Tales of symphonia also ran notably worse on the ps2, and surely not because of lack of time since that version has a shitload more content too

>They don't owe you a single player DLC
I'm not acting entitled, I'm saying they've shifted their focus due to the insane profit from sharkcards and its resulting in fewer releases and focus on singleplayer content. This is dissapointing because it means there is less to look forward to from them unless you're still playing GTA:O since 2013. Businesswise it's 100% logical and I fully understand.

all i wanted was a nice nostalgia thread and i got this console wars shitflinging instead

Yea my bad I guess remaster is a lot more fitting.

not really, RDR 2 will likely still have as long a single player campaign as any previous rockstar game

its era
please learn English

Sonybros screech immidiately if someone doesn't suck PS2 dick from the era. Dreamcast gets a pass because it was effectively killed by it.

Also worth mentioning that PS2 was a Sega Saturn-tier nightmare to develop for, while Gamecube was supposed to be easy.

That means it was a lot easier to 'max' Gamecube than PS2.

Gamecube and PS2 are pure kino

Just about everything you liked from N64 had a sequel or spiritual successor on the gamecube

all of them were inferior except for Melee though

GX was a worse game than X except for muh graphics

>take away the games exclusive to the console.
wow, you're that fucking stupid huh

I've seen Nintendo fanboys fling unwarranted shit at times and Sega killed Sega if you followed things up to the DC's death. Sony just tapped the final nail in the coffin. They actually helped Sega stab itself years before with the Saturn/PS1 E3 price announcement.

>One single player campaign in five years.
That's the issue.

Between GTAIV and GTA V we got
>Two additional story lines for GTA IV
>GTA Chinatown wars
>Red Dead Redemption and Undead expansion
>Chinatown Wars
>LA Noire
>Max Payne 3

That's in a four year span. After RDR2 they're going to focus on the multiplayer again. I'm sure they'll have other titles but not as many and not as frequently.

RDR2 is going to be a great game, and Rockstar isn't garbage or anything now. They just aren't as productive because they got bit by the money bug.

The term you're looking for is "make efficient use of the hardware", yknow something hardware must be designed with in mind but Sony threw out of the window the second they gained market dominance? Can't wait for the PS5 to run on nine different CPUs.

I was pointing out the gamecube had shit third party support and relied heavily on first party, how is that stupid? Was I wrong?

how is there any confusion about this

the ps2 came out after the dreamcast but before the gamecube, and the xbox was complete fucking overkill

the literal power-ranking of that gen is


every multiplat ran better on the gamecube, but looked the best on the xbox, there are no exceptions unless we're talking about like a ps2 game that got ported to the others and even then the xbox still blew everything else out

in terms of library, all three were stellar, but the ps2 definitely had the largest and the xbox has the smallest.

It's really just that simple. There's no hate or shitflinging to be had. Ps2 had great first pary titles and exclusives but was the obvious budget choice for multiplats. Except in a few oddball cases where the gc controller were an active detriment like in skateboarding/snowboarding games

there's nothing to argue about, the whole gen was fantastic

>best sonic games
>psycho mantis
>lugis mansion
>best mario kart

I could go on but id be here for a while, also other consoles had stupid accessories too, I still remember the ps2s dildos



>make a game with less shit than San Andreas
>release some of the missing content for Online
Thanks R*

does it matter who makes the games as long as the game itself is good?

You really can't escape console war faggotry on Sup Forums.

Case of point: /vr/ is still having SNES vs Genesis and PSX vs N64 vs Saturn console wars to this fucking day. I know this site is filled with autistic manchildren who still have a need to defend their childhood consoles to this day even if no one gives a fuck but just like you I'd just like to discuss old games without the unavoidable console war bullshit just once.

the sixth console gen was the last gen where being a true idort was king

>every multiplat ran better on the gamecube
There have been numerous examples provided in this thread where that was not the case.

Here's the straight facts: PS2 was more powerful than Gamecube, but because it was such a clusterfuck of a design developers could barely ever make full use of its power, so Gamecube games ended up looking better on many occasions even though the system had less theoretical might.

GTA5 has online DRM that prevents me from playing offline without first authenticating, defeating the fucking purpose of the offline mode in the first place, so Rockstar can fuck themselves. Won't ever buy anything from them ever again after that.

They are shit now, they not only got bit by the money-bug they're actively implementing anti-consumer "features" in their games. Fuck, they completely dropped support for GTA5 on 360/PS3 after it sold 40 or 50 million fucking copies on those consoles, huge "fuck you, buy it again" to every single person who bought and played it there.

It goes on here as well, but the funny thing is both boards probably spend a lot on video games only to not enjoy them and shitpost. The chumps just getting into retro in the past five or so years just pay out the ass and probably don't enjoy them.

It didn't have great third-party support but it wasn't shit either. It still had a lot of multiplats and third party exclusives.

Fuck I need to replay Harvest Moon Magical Melody and Lego Star Wars sometime

No it doesn't matter who makes the games but if third party titles are important to you then Nintendo is the worst choice to make, that's all I'm saying. They've always had exceptional first party support to make up for it if their games suite your taste.

>PS2 was more powerful than Gamecube

I'll never accept this, the best first-party ps2 titles just weren't the same as the best first party gamecube titles, and I know I've read that when you crunch the numbers the gc just had better specs

You could probably compare silent hill 3 to metroid prime 2 or something, but I haven't played either recently enough

In retrospect the Gaycube really didn't have much of a library.

But I miss the gba and how easy it was to emulate. I really miss 2D and not this shitty half assed Indie version of ot either.

Yea but it still had nintendo console-syndrome where it got the inferior version of a lot of those multiplats.

Everyone loves saying "The gamecube was actually the most powerful of the consoles" while it consistently had the worst visuals and controls of multiplat games.

>worst controls
>best controller

how the fuck did they manage that?

>the best first-party ps2 titles just weren't the same as the best first party gamecube titles
Not going to limit to first-party PS2 games but games that weren't on Gamecube.

Burnout 3
Rogue Galaxy
God of War 1 / 2
Jak 2 / 3
Tekken 5
Gran Turismo 4

These games tend to have higher polygon counts / lighting / effects than stuff on Gamecube. Maybe Gamecube looks less jaggy and has fewer blurry textures, but the PS2 games overall are displaying more technical prowess.

>when you crunch the numbers the gc just had better specs
It's the opposite. There's literally no component in the Gamecube that is faster than the PS2, except that the CPU had higher integer performance (but worse SIMD performance even excluding the PS2's two vector units).

The best thing about the Gamecube is that most of the hardware functionality is automatically set up, while on PS2 you pretty much have to do everything manually. That's not an issue of power but convenience.

Best post in this thread. Even the original Xbox had some games worth playing, but the PS2 and GC libraries were amazing in the sense that there were a ton of games exclusive to each system while still offering a decent number multiplats to share across systems.

The 360/Wii/PS3 era was when game libraries started going to shit in terms of exclusivity, but was still salvageable by some decent titles on the systems. This generation is probably one of the worst in terms of rich game libraries since there's almost no variation between systems, just a small handful of titles exclusive to one. The Xbox One is a fucking travesty, there's only ~4-6 games worth getting on PS4 that isn't on other systems / PC. Only the Switch has neat exclusives, but even then, it's now only starting to gear up after a year of few and far releases and to make up for the mistake that was the Wii U.

>mfw consolefags have been reduced to begging for ports from older systems because there's almost nothing exclusive and new to play

Me too.

not really, the PS4 has a better roster of japanese games than the PS3 did at this point. nearly all JRPGs in seventh gen were trash

Don't forget that Metroid Prime was 60 fps.

>while it consistently had the worst visuals and controls of multiplat games.
It didn't have the worst visuals, that was PS2, and it wasn't the most powerful, Xbox was.

PS4 has 17 exclusives.