So it was all just a dream? What a fucking cop-out

So it was all just a dream? What a fucking cop-out

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i used to read word up magazine

Are you retarded? What gave you that impression

It was a dream, but that doesn't mean it was a dream.

I honestly can't help but feel that the dream element was added in later in development to justify the second half's lack of world design.

Dreams in this game are used in a symbolic nature for what's actually occuring: different planes of reality that the great ones either ascended to or created

Gehrman says 'you will wake up and forget this horrible dream' before you fight him, implying you are in a dream.

T. shitter missed the true ending/ buttblasted PCfat almost THREE (3) years later
hahaha the power of Bloodborne

Could someone explain what the specific goals of the Mensis and the Choir were?
It seemed like they wanted the same thing.'
Also what was the point of Gherman why is trapped in the Hunter's Nightmare?
And is there a great one attached to every Nightmare?
What was Mergo's purpose why isnt a Mergo in the Lunarium just the wet nurse?
I just completed my blind playthrough though I knew the 3 umbilical cords thing and now I've watched these two playthroughs
I have a lot of questions and about to go on my second run

>you will wake up and forget this horrible dream
As in he'll sever your connection with the hunters dream and you won't have to the moon presence's errand boy anymore. You wake up in the real world, whilst the "hunters dream" was formed by the moon presence

Just go out and hunt a few beasts, it's for your own good

It's a "dream" because it's a surreal manipulation of reality, a warped collective impression of the world shared by everyone in it given form by eldritch beings causing consciousness to ascend, it still really happened. It wasn't a literal dream that occured in the mind of a single individual while they slept.

No, it wasn't a literal dream. The Nightmare areas are layered planes of reality.

first post best post

t. Brainlet

We live inside a dream


The place is literally called "the hunter's dream" you fucking moron. He's taking you out that reality.

The "dream" is with Gehrman and the doll. The rest is the reality. Even one of the other hunters asks you if "you still dream", refering to that place. All the other hunters failed Gehrmans quests and got cut out of it.

the game takes place in the span of one night. my impressions of the story are that it's very much akin to FFX - hunters/summoners go out to fight against the corruption/sin, except that ordinary citizens of the "waking" yharnam aren't as aware of the corruption as the citizens of spira. in the "([true])" ending the hunter sacrifices himself to ascend to a higher consciousness and "raise the bar" of the average citizen in the waking world, so to speak; basically to make it so that being aware (insight) of the eldritch horrors that lie at the depths of the explanation behind their healing through the old blood isn't necessary, (to perceive it as a child might; it's a miracle, there's no dark side). the "beasts" you fight are actually reflections of various levels of consciousness, not of physical aberrations, though i understand that it requires a bit of artistic licensing on the player's part to see this view

>he thinks anything matters in the game

The game is all about insight...The more that you have the more "awake" you are. In fact the true ending of the game requires you to ingest three third cords in order to obtain maximum insight which allows you to resist the will of the Moon Presence and take control of the "Hunters Dream" which in fact is your reality... Think about it, every time you die in-game you wake up in the Hunters Dream. When you go with the original ending and let Gehrman kill you, he's actually separating you from your insight and allowing you to continue to live in ignorance (if you're actually alive) in your own dream.

No, it wasn't. Dreams are pocket realities in Bloodborne where Great Ones surrogate living entities as makeshift children.

A very dead Kos substantiates the Hunter's Nightmare to take care of it's orphaned child.

Mergo's Wet Nurse required the baby to create the Nightmare of Mensis.

The Moon Presence required Gehrman to create the Hunter's Dream.

Nightmare Frontier is ambiguous because we aren't shown enough proof to associate Patches the Spider as the Amygdala's child to validate the dream.

>Mensis and choir
both groups sought to elevate their levels of thinking to a status similar to the great ones. Choir folk are high ranking members of the healing church and carried out experiments on people in attempts to give them eyes on the inside, and also studied ebrietas. They primarily employed scientific methods in their attempts to 'ascend' humanity, and were partly successful with the creation of the celestial emissary.

The school of mensis was much more like a cult, and had the ultimate goal of having an audience with a true great one who resided on the higher plane of reality. On the night of the hunt the player character partakes in we can see that mensis is gathering human bodies from all over yharnam for their "ritual", perhaps to act as an offering to whichever great one they may make audience with. When Rom is killed and the truth of the great one's presence is revealed, their ritual is completed and Micolash and company are transported to the realm where the great one mergo resides. Meanwhile, the hundreds of bodies they'd collected throughout the night is transformed into the one reborn

They want to ascend as the Great Ones did.

Mensis' goal was to resurrect the infant Great One Mergo, who was stillborn, by sacrificing all of Yharnam to it, in order to create a perfect being through blood.

The Choir's goal was to contact Great Ones and presumably enslave them to further evolve humanity through insight alone.

Gehrman, as the First Hunter, represents the archetypal ideal of the Hunter, the cherished ideal of Humanity. The Hunter represents harmony between our animalistic, violent selves and our divine ingenuity. As such, the Ideal is servant/priest to the first human idea of a God, the Moon Presence, a being representative of our beastliness and divinity to the monstrous and extreme. Think of the Moon Presence as the reflection of our collective psychic shadow.

As we civilized ourselves, Humanity forgot the violence and savagery that made us so successful as a species, chasing instead organization. It's not until Yharnam, when the heroes of that society are desperate enough to wake the old god within us. This being, with Gehrman as its priest, accepts the children who rejected in the past, and allows its followers immortality and the chance to perfect themselves as Hunters. It does this because it loves us like a mother.

t. brainlet

Seriously if you need handholding just watch Vaati like the fag you are

Thanks for the detailed answer. Please post more on Sup Forums


Interesting, is there a collected read or video of this? I still learn new things about this game

>Mensis' goal was to resurrect the infant Great One Mergo, who was stillborn,
This conflicts with my understanding a bit.
I thought Mergo was queen Yharnam's (as she or her phantasm in the dream appears before the boss and bows to you after you complete it) unborn child (of blood) ripped from her womb indicated by the blood on her front. I think the unborn child was plucked from her womb to lure the Great One ie the wet nurse who like all Great One yearn for a replacement upon losing their child.
But my question iis where Mergo and how do we silence its harrowing cry?

He is talking about the hunters dream you idiot.

Oedon is the only based great one

He drives people insane though

The choir where an entire generation of orphans raised by the elevation thinking method by the healing church. Seeking ascension by their own unorthodox methods.

Mensis however where more Byrgenwerth 2.0 but on a more radical fashion. Escaping to the mensis nightmare where they couldnt be catched by the church nor anyone.

Damn I love Bloodborne's style.

>He drives people insane though
and impregnates them
This guy Oedon in disguise wasn't he?

Vaatividya has a lot of bloodborne lore videos, I would suggest checking those out. The stuff I said about Mensis and their ritual is what I'd call credible speculation, as in there isn't really a whole lot in the game that specifically TALKS about what the One Reborn actually is or the exact specifications of the ritual. With the evidence and knowledge we have of BB's universe I'd argue to say the explanation I described isn't too far off from what's happening.

If you kill the chapel dweller I assume the chicks still get pregnant which would mean he isn't Oedon

More like you specifically like cuckolds

Switch version when? It would be perfec for the Switch!

>yet another brainlet interprets BB's usage of dreams literally
Something something read some lovecraft

Did you know? Bloodborne is owned by Sorny.

Nightmare frontiere is literally the outskirts of mensis plane.

Yeah Idk what the guy you replied to was talking about, Mensis wasn't trying to ressurect mergo they were trying to make CONTACT with him

What does that have do with anything??

>Vaatividya has a lot of bloodborne lore videos,
"It takes a lifetime to build up a reputation and only 5 min to ruin it" - This is exactly what happened to Vaati Vidya when he was caught plagiarizing the work of Aegon of Astora and Redgrave. While he might deny it, I think he did steal their work. Of course, this is my personal opinion. As far as the plagiarizing video being 'private' is concerned, I think Aegon got a lot of flak from some people who believed that Vaati did not steal anyone's work -- a lie, but they still believed him anyways. If you read the reddit thread, you will find that this is not the first time that Vaati has been accused of such misconduct.

Having said that, if you are interested in reading about the lore, I strongly recommend you to check out EpicNameBro's Channel though a cuck IRL

>Impregnates a whore and drives her crazy

Like I said, based

Moon presence was actually the good guy.
WAsnt Oedon the one who protects mergo ie hes the wetnurse?
Oeden is making everyone go insane, moon presence acquires hunters to end mergo

>read some lovecraft
you mean Jung

So was it rape?

So what? A Switch version would sell way more than the PS4


>community loremasters are either a cuck or a thieving nigger
Fits perfectly.

More copies of bloodborne have been sold than there are switches

That's just fromsoft's stupidity, eg if you kill patches by going through lecture building 2nd floor first he will still puh you down in the nightmare frontier even if you also knock him down from the spot he's sitting on the cliff.

The Great One of Death feeds Mergo as its wet nurse. Mergo was stillborn and trapped in the Catacombs (the collective unconscious) as a child of stone. For the purposes of the fight, Mergo is invisible, much like the Wet Nurse, and all we hear is its harrowing cry. Killing the Wet Nurse severs its connection to the death of the Yharnamites and it fades back to the womb of its grateful mother.

Read blood dregs desc

Bloodborne on the Switch makes more sense. You can play it on the go!

>I strongly recommend you to check out EpicNameBro's Channel though a cuck IRL
how did he get cucked? i though he just got screwed over by a woman through divorce, like most men do.
But yes i agree that hes pretty good when it comes to soulsborne, hes probably been in the community since the conception of souls

>All those fetuses in upper cathedral ward

Choir was fucked up holy shit

The way I see it the Great ones higher parallel of existence is layered, with some layers being higher or lower than others respectively.

As we can see in the hunter's nightmare the Dream version of cathdreal ward is located UNDER the fishing hamlet, while the frontier is on top of the hamlet. Then somewhere in and around the frontier you can find the mensis nightmare.

>The Great One of Death feeds Mergo as its wet nurse.
Could you elaborate on this? How do you know its of death etc I knida got the rest of what you were saying so don't repharse the entire thing just that part.

>plagiarizing the work of Aegon of Astora
What exactly has he come up with? It seemed very apparent in his DS3 videos, at least until I was unable to stand them anymore when he questioned something that's answered in the item description of the item, that while he has good production value and is a good discussion leader, nearly all his ideas seem to be fed to him from JSF and Redgrave.

Oh ha ha.

>told its a dream from the start and everything spells out that everythings a dream
>"wtf its all a dream?!"

What the fuck was going on with The One Reborn? All them niggers got blasted and then a bunch of them got smashed together into a body horror monster that you kill in about one attempt and move on to the final area?

Who's plagiarizing who in the souls community? I keep hearing the guy who did videos on the secret Moon Presence cut form is a major plagiarizer but he seems to be crediting people at the start of his

cuck was a bit harsh but essentially he got used by his ex to get a US visa through cruel emotional manipulation like faking two miscarriages was I meant
He seems pretty decent to be honest, most of his conjecture is based on verifiable fact and does not pretentious preach asspulled theories like Vaati

So is it canon that the hunter can teleport across the world? Does he teleport to the dream world? Or does he just lay at those lamps and have an autistic dream?
And is the moon presence the strongest entity in the game or no? Is orphan less strong?

The One implies it is someone important. Probably a great one or its child that has died.

>tfw getting cucked by a invisible great one
you fucking whore. i should have gone with church bitch.

Just ask /bbg/

>be vaati
>make $5000 a month from patrons
>make one video a week
>claim its for better production
>last video was a 15 minute analysis for shadows die twice, with the conclusion being "I dont know what it is"
>video before that was about what his next video should be
>even when he does release a video, the """""production quality"""""" amounts to him just playing in game dialogue over gameplay with the HUD off, and then reading item descriptions
>and yet hes the biggest souls youtuber
God i hate this community. I just feel bad for the cucks giving him money desu

The whole arena and surrounding area and ritual seems to imply that this is a really big fucking deal, this monstrous abomination, but I don't understand at all what the context is. Doesn't seem to affect the world a whole lot when you kill it, like when Rom's death broke the illusion.

Great Ones are gods, right? What is a god but the human incarnation of an idea? That's how we interpret concepts and things too complicated to articulate through language alone. The Great One known as "Mergo's Wet Nurse" is basically covered in the motifs for Death. It's got large black wings, it's invisible except for a cloak, and wields scythes. None of these are accidental.

>he got used by his ex to get a US visa through cruel emotional manipulation like faking two miscarriages
I love how people shill traditional Asian women and how they are waifu material.
His ex was born and raised Japanese and she was still horrible. never getting an asian now.

He drops the Formless Oedon rune and the runes are the language of the great ones so Oedon probably communicated with him or influenced him, putting that into his mind.

God i hate this community.
It's ENB's fault he was the first one with the lore, top ten weapons, Let's plays, challenge runs, cut content discussion etc videos.
But he did them in moderation mostly without milking them begging for money or likes but cancerous faggots found a way to make easy money

Anything about that fucker is speculation since he isn't mentioned anywhere in the game. All we know about is the ritual and that mensis was gathering tons of human bodies.

The way I see it, once Rom's veil over the world was broken, the line that separates our reality from the great one's higher plane is severed. As a result Mensis was able to have direct audience with mergo, and everyone in the school, and some people in the surrounding parts in yahargul , had their consciousness sucked into the mensis nightmare, destroying their bodies. The bodies involved in the ritual were also transported away and clumped together into that clusterfuck and then presumably SHAT back out into our reality as a parting gift from the great one's cause we wouldn't quit pestering them about granting us their level existence

They are all fucking terrible assholes. Rom is the only decent Great One because she's too stupid to function right.

But then why were the ladies ringing bells buffing him ;^)

Rom's not a true great one she's an ascended Kin

There is no good guy...Moon Presence is only trying to secure his position of power by eliminating any formidable competition.

Honestly, Eb is the only "good" one. She didn't do anything wrong, she was captured and she just wants to go home.

How long can he leech off the souls franchise? Where will he go when From drops the whole souls formula completely?

I took as she never ascended in the first place with the other great ones.

great now I'm gonna need to play this game again thanks faggots. seriously thanks

both groups were searching for great ones and higher knowledge

the choir looked upwards
mensis looked inwards

that's about it. the DLC actually gives a good picture of the point where the two schools of thought first started to split

The bellringing women are pthumerians

Kos didn't do anything wrong, things only went to shit after she died.

in lovecraft's stories dreamlands are actually alternate realities that the spooky alien monsters live in. I doubt you even played the game.

Good answer. It falls pretty much in line with what I've decided my interpretation is.
But I don't get the Gherman part one of his dialogues mentions that he's waiting for Laurence.
How does that explain the Moon presence? I get that the hunter's dream was a just a place to facilitate a hub for hunters to try their luck at ending the nightmare but why does the Moon presence and Gherman dying not end it?

She was chilling in the underground, dragged out and chained up by humans for experiments.

She did nothing wrong.

I think she ascended just not as high...Low tier god type shit.

Did they ever explain how she died? She came back to give birth or take care of child then...died?

Why would they be in Yahargul buffing dead bodies and resurrecting dumb mobs?

>"hello youtube today I present to you my fromsoft retrospective as I juxtapose the themes of bloodborne with those of metal wolf chaos"

Someone riddle me this

What exactly is causing people to turn into beasts? Obviously there's the tainted blood, but I'm confused as to what causes the process to accentuate, is it when Oedon descends to find a surrogate? Why does killing mergo apparently solve the problem of the current scurge?