My first ever Morrowind character

I just did first town quests and got geared up where should i head up? I'm playing Longsword Shield build.

I like joining a guild and doing their quests before moving into the main quest. Usually warrior or mages

Just buy all the alcohol you can carry and climb up the mountain to kill the loser.

Go join the Mages Guild (if you haven't already) and the Temple like a real f'lah, their intro quests are simple but good for getting you out and around Vvardenfell to start off.

I went to the ebony mine to sell for dank shekels

Join the mages guild so you can use their teleporters. Then make a mod which has a house that you can keep your shit in that has a door that teleports the player to a mages guild teleporter.

>not just living in Balyn Omavel's house two doors down from Caius

>I'm playing Longsword Shield build.
>holds a daedric dagger

>not just living on Caius' roof

>not just sleeping with Caius
fags all of you

You're the fag.

Head to Balmora and work for the Fighters Guild.

Join the temple, n'wah.

My guess is it's not his screenshot and that it's not his first time playing, he just wants a comfy Morrowind thread that opened out with enough of a conversation starter to not die immediately.

>enough of a conversation starter to not die immediately.
Shame the thread died anyway.

game so dated

Join Redoran.

>sleeping with Caius
>Dark Brotherhood assassin shows up
>Caius just stands there as I get pummelled to death


Head to Gnisis and become an honored Knight of the Empire.

>Not taking over that comfy 3-storey house by the river

>weakest house
>soldier cucks that have to protect everyone while nobody else helps

As someone who wants to play the game, are there any mods besides bug fixes that I should get?

can someone tell me where is the folder that contains the settings for morrowind? not the folder with the save files and data but the folder that displays what the graphical settings are

t. Hlaalu

literally useless

Joined Balmorra Fighters Guild.