W.H.O report

Since excessively playing video games is a disorder now, shouldn't companies tactics to get people to play more video games be illegal? aren't they facilitating mental illness?

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it will lead to government regulation if the ratings boards don't start doing their damn jobs, and that includes classifying loot boxes as gambling (and thus an automatic AO rating), and possibly even some south korea-style MMO time limits for the underage

I think something like this is particularly bad for parents, because it might lead them to think that their child's enjoyment from video games is the beginning of some horrible life-ending mental disorder, where it's really not as big of a deal as that infographic is making it out to be. Sure, there are people who have had their lives ruined by video games, but I think that's more down to their parents failing to expose them to more productive activities, or just a branch-off effect from social anxiety or autism or something.

I play Vidya like an hour a night, but usually not at all when I'm rather busy with school (physics undergrad)

When does it get excessive? I've never felt compelled to not study so that I can play more games.

>since overeating is a disoder, shudn't fud b illegal?

Aren't Belgium and Hawaii already on track for legal reclassification of loot boxes?

I don't even think parents should consider games to be an unproductive pastime - they're sure as hell more stimulating to the frontal lobe than passive hobbies are. I think the real issue is that a parents should try to be engaged with their child's interests, whereas too many parents take the social disdain for vidya as a excuse to wash their hands of that responsibility.

It gets excessive when you're playing even though you don't want to. That's the definition of the word excess.

There are people who legit do think that way tho
Remember when Bloomberg tried to outlaw large sodas in NYC a few years back?

This is a pretty good narrative. Games with loot boxes are basically virtual casinos. Now games that require excessive grinding are compounding children's mental disorders. I actually managed to convince a few relatives to forgo buying their children Destiny or Battlefront for Christmas using the virtual gambling narrative. This will only be more ammo to use.

All od these could apply to binge watching a tv show or being on facebook. Why are they targeting games?

>Remember when Bloomberg tried to outlaw large sodas in NYC a few years back?
Well a 12 oz soda is already more sugar than some people should be having in an entire day, if we went back to 6 oz containers of soda it might make a difference. Probably shouldn't try to ban it though because people will just buy 2 or 3 sodas instead of getting one that's bitter, but it could help people who don't realize how much sugar they're actually consuming.


Because the young kids these days are spending too much time on them video games instead of throwing rocks into the river or poking dead bodies with sticks.

Oy vey goyim you don't want to work 12 hours a day for pennies!?
You must be addicted goyim, take these pills and you'll be all better.

Reminder not to trust a single "Doctor" in the mental health field.

They just layered video game and things related to it and called it and addiction... Like any other addiction and withdrawal symptoms. It's low hanging fruit to go after and will line some Dr pockets with pills and sessions.

If your smart you could get in now and create a retreat to help addicted gamers and con parents and idiots out of money

most doctors are shit
but so is your post

>Sup Forums gaming retreat
I'd go but I don't want to hang out with those retarded enough to go. It's a vicious cycle.

Mental illness is cool now. You can be any gender you want. You can get addicted to anything you want. You're fucked if you have a classic mental illness like bipolar disorder or schizo though because nobody gives a shit.

because TV/social media are normie-approved and video games are not.

How about reforming education to encourage proper decision making? The facts are already posted on the damn soda. Most people do not understand nutrition on a basic level nor can they cook. The only regulations that maybe needs to happen with foodstuffs...
>Anything added must be listed even if it is "natural" (see: orange juice)
>serving sizes must reflect packaging (see: things like a ramen cup that claim to be 2.5 servings when most people eat the whole thing)

Their endgame is banning/heavily regulating all videogames except for those "educative" and approved by a SJW committee so they can finally switch from tv to vidya as their primary propaganda platform. Stoping lootbox business model is okay, but I fear they will go way beyond that using it as excuse.

>video games are not.
you're out of touch

Education is designed to get people to buy those things, user.

I hope we bring back the 90's regulations on gaming again just so all the lootbox fags can bitch and cry about it.

The fact that considering people who spend 20+ hours gaming daily and avoiding going to the bathroom (putting them at health risks), eating sugar drinks constantly, etc. is somehow triggering to Sup Forums is actually hysterical.

This isn't some attack on gaming you apes. Stop being utter slobs.

I think this exists in the same way this exists for anything, and videogames happen to be consumable entertainment that can burn time and is often created with the mindset of how to keep a player coming back. However, I find it laughable to see "abruptly ceasing internet activity can cause distress" because it would for most people. It causes people to become distressed when anything stops working when they expect it to. Children especially are less capable of having the means to control their emotional states. I work as an educator and I see less and less kids binging on videogames strictly like we were more liable to do 10-20 years ago. Internet media has replaced this a lot.

I was thinking about this yesterday in relation to life long depression. I was considering going to see a therapist to help me out, fuck people who go to therapists.

Dude, they do not want free thinkers and well developed individuals. They just want better slave/consumers. The progressive dumbening of education is not a coincidence.

Is there a shitposting disorder yet?

Take off the tin foil. Education is in no way designed to sell products besides textbooks at the college level.

>h-hey man, got some of them... video games?

>I haven't worked in education for 15+ years.
I have and you are completely wrong.

>feelings of euphoria and calm
haha if that's true then how come I'm always mad at something

Only underagefags would find this objectionable. Mature adults will welcome the inevitable (and undoubtedly perfectly rational) government regulation, including special taxation, with open arms.

>the dumbing of education
Is due more to how vulnerable educational systems are to getting sued along with grade inflation being a thing. Education by and large isn't "dumber" by any real measurable metric, but the expectation set upon the school system is greater. This may seem strange to you, but America has one of the educational systems that best supports free thinkers. It's held back by having to serve EVERYONE.

Loot boxes are only getting hit because companies went too far and started limiting what people can do without using them on top of basically being slot machines.

>actually mentally ill
>All these snowflake problems so nobody takes mine seriously and I can barely function but still can't get any govt help

you're physiologically aroused, you ignored that part

I teach at a high school. Your lack of any argument doesn't lend credence to jack or shit. The educational system is absolutely rife with business deals, but they are not directly aimed at selling products to students or teaching them to be inherently consumerist (in fact recent political leanings somewhat vilify the historical significance of things like imperialism). I'm sure you can say the usage of Pearson and Sysco is supporting shitty food habits or a school system using iPads is supporting Apple, but none of those are constructed to intentionally market product towards students.

That's just regular old anomie.
Like all "addictions", and escapism, it's just a result of a collapsing social order.

Being a free thinker does not consist in being told you can be whatever you want and getting a participation trophy even if your ideas are retarded. But hey, nice opinions there buddy, make your own truth!! Change the world through good vibes!!

Yep. You're fucked if you have a real mental illness. Only time the general public gives a shit is the one day a year they talk about stress and depression in the workplace. Other than that, they think you're faking it.

They could replace gaming with fishing and it'd sound like going fly fishing is a mental disorder.

Google "student driven learning" and read up on the current educational trend in America. Compare that to the standard educational system across the majority of the globe. The American educational system sets an aspirational expectation that the shining beacon to strive towards is one of free thought guided and supported by faculty.

I wish I had this. Back in the day I could play video games all day long, now I start feeling tired and sleepy after playing for just 30 minutes.

In the end... it's simply a scam to steal more money from the people.

They'll add a tax to videogames.

Just like the "global warming" taxes. Or other global scams.

The only thing keeping me from killing myself is my determination not to let them win.

But I know things are just going to get worse and worse from here.

Dear young men, all of your joy is a mental illness.

>two teachers in the same lame ass Sup Forums thread
Sure thing, what are the odds?
>they are not directly aimed at selling products to students
Yeah no shit sherlock. Making people compliant, "solidary", narrow minded and used to follow trends, however, results in workers willing to put up with more shit and better consumers.

I believe in you user. Stay determined, things will get better.

Everyone just keeps telling me to try a little harder, but it's like trying to run on a broken leg.

If there were any real justice in this world, people like us would have already died peacefully in our sleep.

>But to be clear, this doesn't mean that all gaming is addictive or could lead to a disorder. It's only if the behavior is severe enough "to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning," according to the draft.

source: businessinsider.com/who-considers-adding-gaming-disorder-to-icd-11-2017-12

>But Ferguson argued that, if it is a disorder, it seems to be very rare. The numbers cited in the best of studies say that about 1% -- or less -- of individuals who are gamers "have anything that looks like this type of disorder," he said, and even that's unclear.

source: cnn.com/2017/12/27/health/video-game-disorder-who/index.html

They seem to be referring to a small percentage of people and the dude in the CNN article isn't even sure if there the WHO's definition of a "gaming disorder" is even accurate. I think they're still trying to figure out what leads somebody to excessive gaming to the point of cutting off relationships and interfering with school and work. First article even mentions the good of gaming in some cases, this doesn't seem to affect most people.

Nothing will ever get better, really.

N O I C E, when do my wellfare cheques start coming in?

>letting a child choose how to educate himself is free though
You americans are truly fucked and you don't even realize it.

Since I am now disabled according to the WHO I am no longer at the top of the priviledge pyramid and feminists should check their priviledge.

>I think they're still trying to figure out what leads somebody to excessive gaming to the point of cutting off relationships and interfering with school and work
maybe their family and friends are lame and they're too cool for school?

That's not how it works. You're officially mentally ill, the thing you enjoy is gonna get more expensive and regulated, and your insurance rates will go up.

This, this is how it is with all of my legit ones.

No help, even more problems, and I can't even own a gun.

Everything just gets worse and worse.

Haha, good luck with that. The gaming industry is too huge to be taken down.

or maybe they feel lame

That's dumb, because some people game and use internet for a living. Robots are going to replace 60% of jobs, then how are people going to make a living...?

I hope you are right. The fact that everyone can become an indie dev nowadays should make it extra difficult, but you know how those idiots are. They still try to regulate torrents.

Hold on are you telling me that relaxing with some coffee in a safe and comfortable place while doing something I like is going to feel better than doing stressful things I hate in places I hate to be with people I hate all around me? Goddamn thank you science with your help I can finally beat my addiction to not being miserable.

You need to get a fat blue haired wife and go to you $4/hour shitty job to be happy user.

The WHO is not a sovereign entity and so its rulings, while respected, are not enforced.

i don't play games online so lol
desu they should just shut down steam, psn, live etc... and make gaming good again

Why are you comparing yourself relaxing and playing video games to people who seem to be playing video games to the point of self-harm

how long until seeking happiness becomes a mental disorder?
the world is shitty of course people are trying to escape

>The gaming industry is too huge to be taken down.
I'm not the guy you've responded to, but this is the wrong perspective, really. It's not about being "taken down", but about being put under even more governmental control. By this I mean *taxation* specifically, mind you, not "the government will criminalize all anti-SJW games".

When will work get labed as a disease. 4 hours should be enough, fucking jews

Just remember, there are random anons on Sup Forums that love you.

Don't worry friend, soon automation will make most jobs so ridiculously efficient that hiring human help will make a net loss in revenue, that will be the point in which work becomes optional.

Sorry, this was meant for

>I think they're still trying to figure out what leads somebody to excessive gaming to the point of cutting off relationships and interfering with school and work.

Trying to escape and can't afford booze or drugs so you just escape into gaming To be your ideal you online. If anything the addiction is more realted to social media than games, basically becoming the drug of choice.

>implying we won't just be killed off

>You any m-mario maker?

I love you too user.

Sometimes I worry my Sup Forums addiction is awful, but without Sup Forums I would be all alone.

>The DSM version of gaming disorder is built around substance abuse disorder, explained Ferguson.

Yeah, you might be right comparing it to other forms of substance abuse but there's a debate right how you get to that point and how to treat it

>industry too huge to be taken down.
Pretty sure Joe Camel thought the same thing.

I spend more time on the internet than I spend on gaming, I wish I could stop desu, but anything else feels unfulfilling and "fake". I would consider killing myself, if the endlessness of death wasn't so terrifying, lol

I mean,movie and tv show industry is probably even bigger but look at where it is today.

>robots and algorithms make 90% of human jobs obsolete
>country reaches 80%+ unemployment rate, because why the hell should you pay 10$/h+benefits for a shitty human to do a shitty job when your robot uses maybe 1$ of electricity a day to do the job ten times better
>there's a gigantic surplus of everything for a populace with no expendable income to actually buy any of it
>either one of two things happens now: robots/algorithms are outlawed from reaching more than 20% of any company's workforce, the rest must be human help
>or everyone is payed money for nothing at all with a universal basic income enough to live a middle-class life

What does make people addicted to vidya?

>Escaping reality
>Mentally stimulating activity
>Manageable challenges
>Being part of a community

To be fair, hasn't "porn addiction" been a recognized thing for a long time now without it affecting the porn industry in any way whatsoever?

Living in a post-scarcity utopia with no human wage-slaves? Sorry, not part of the conservative agenda. They need to feel superior to some disgraced fucks or they can't be happy


Based on the limited numbers I would guess that these people seek the high they got for being the best at something and wanting that recognition again. It's not like you can't get that exciment from compdetive play or seek that lime light of being top on the ladder especially now that the stigma of being a gamer is way lower

>Sorry, not part of the conservative agenda.
Nor is it part of any conceivable reality.

we'll have fake jobs for people who don't want to be space neets, it'll be like a real life MMO while the robots work in our stead

those fucking nerds

Hey being a fantasy alchemist in a VR MMO to earn my bread sounds fuckin nice to me.

i mean yeah, their definition of "internet gaming syndrome" is more applicable to "internet syndrome"

we're social animals and the internet is basically PRESS BUTTON TO SOCIAL without the default risk of looking like an autist if you don't actively engage with people, because that's just the default. I'm not too thrilled by playing games right now, but I still go through what is basically withdrawal when I can't access it because it feels like such a step down. I'm isolated from people I can engage with on a somewhat meaningful level.

Anyone else troubled that things are being over-diagnosed and literally everything is a disorder now?

Can someone make a Sup Forums vwrsion of this?

>Disregarding over a centuries worth of psychological research
>But muh joos

>someone spending their time on a hobby and prioritizing it over other things is now a disease
wew lad


>video games have been around for centuries

Psychology wasn't even a discipline a century ago.

i don't even have fun playing video games because i can't focus
i'm sure if i had ritalin or something i'd be able to actually sit down and enjoy a game