ITT: Vaporware that breaks you heart the most.
Hard Mode: No EP3
ITT: Vaporware that breaks you heart the most.
Hard Mode: No EP3
Alien Isolation came out and delivered on what this promised. Sucks to be them.
DarkSektor before its meme redesign
I dunno, I thinkhope that there could be something in here that could be new but you have a good point. They lost a lot of novelty they had.
Come on Sup Forums, I know more of you are hurting.
Tell me about her.
Outrise. Literally ZERO (Zero) news from the developers since it was announced three fucking years ago. And literally nobody has ever mentioned it on this board but me.
>one player controls a giant fucking robot
>16 people have to kill it using vehicles, gadgets, climbing, etc...
This was my fucking dream game for so long and it was finally happening. And now it's dead, not officially cancelled but again. No news AT ALL since e3 2014.
Metal Arms 2. Blizzard can eat a fucking cactus
so whatever happened to routine
wasn't it supposed to come out this year
It was still pretty good though
This and Fallout 4 is why I hate bethesda.
Considering Evolve's failure, I don't see how this one would have been different. The concept seems broken from the start
They originally said that it would be released in March of this year, but then said they needed more time when March rolled around. That was the last update from the official dev blog and the known dev twitters have stopped being active around Aprilish.
Erdogan had Armagan killed, it's never coming out
Bioshock fucking infinite before they butchered it
I'll never forgive them for the redesign. It was going to be incredible, and it ended up as a maze pathfinding game with a nonsense ending.
Black Mesa's Xen. Good thing I didn't buy it and my friend gifted me with his copy from a Humble Monthly bundle. I'd be really upset with these cocksuckers then.
yikes, sounds like it's been iced/in development hell again
it's been 4 years since the first trailer, I dunno what the hell these devs are doing
Fucking Blizzard
I remember when the main/only way to get Black Mesa was to download the mod from ModDB. Now I'm not sure the revenue from the Steam page has really helped things.
I wonder what happened to that engine capcom was showing off at the beginning of the gen
guess they scrapped it
Makai Wars is coming out in 2018!
As a mobile game.
Where Asagi is the weak default unit, and everyone will ignore her as they keep trying to reroll Laharl and Etna.
Isn't it sad, Asagi? ;_;
Do you think they did it just to artificially draw out attention for the game?
evolve failed because the monster is too weak from the start and too op at the end. Stage 2 was the best and most balanced but good monsters players are literally impossible to track and never force a fight
So many years later and it still hurts.
All I know is it reminds me of Gabe interviews when he talked about ep3. How do you miss a deadline by a year? And then another year again? Seriously.
What the fuck happened to Deep Down ?
>Stage 2 was the best and most balanced but good monsters players are literally impossible to track and never force a fight
Wrong. Stage 2 was hunter favored even in professional play; a premade could lock the monster down and at minimum delete half its lifebar first encounter even after multiple heavy handed hunter nerfs monsters still had trouble.
The hunter nerfs however made it so pubs never won so people got tired of losing and quit in droves.
hitbox is alive and well the game will be released in 2018
Its insane how much of this game they had done, and they just completely scrapped it. They even had multiplayer working with multiple classes.
it was running on a pc and the PS4 specs couldn't handle what they were creating
Fucking this. Ah well. Sometimes you just have to let it go
It really wasn't though
Silent Hills.
But it released
Banner Lord
Wait is this like the full version of devil daggers?
Please tell me its happening
This is Spire, being ever-so-slowly developed by the same people.
>I wonder what happened to that engine capcom was showing off at the beginning of the gen
I remember how great the first Watch dogs trailer looked and that one cancelled Star Wars game looked. This gen looked promising.
Wasn't it going to be an xbox exclusive?
>Tiberium cancelled
>C&C4 made from an in-progress webcams with zero budget
>Generals 2 cancelled
>Everyone involved but the brain damaged execs are fired
f-zero fags where are you I know you are here
>Japanese developer makes an Xbox 360 exclusive shooter towards the end of the gen.
It was never going to sell in Japan because it was on an Xbox, it was never going to sell in the west because it looked like shit and was nothing SE's core fanbase would be interested in. It appealed to no one, so it was probably good that it got cancelled.
This piece of shit
My guess is it was turned into Monster Hunter
How many layers of vaporware are you on right now?
> Like, Episode 3 and Duke Nukem Forever
Oh yeah? Check this shit out...
too bad brainasium went under, fuck EA
I might have contributed to this game becoming vaporware.
Right after the second trailer came out I said I wasn't going to buy it if there was no shooting in this game.
Spire at least has occasionally blog posts with updates
They haven’t updated their website in 9 months user. I’ve checked nearly every day since then.
There’s nothing we can do. They don’t give a shit even though people are emailing them to deliver content updates. We just have to forget I guess
What about that one game being made by Julian Gollop
The not-XCOM, XCOM
Pheonix Point
it's prob going to be shown at this E3. Literally was only just announced last one, and we've had news for a pit.
Exanima is out, it's Sui Generis that'll never come.
Don't really know what I was expecting either, the devs never had a vision beyond the (admittedly impressive) tech shit.
Are you the same guy that made a thread about this because to be honest, it's your own fault. Their only dev was literally an underage girl the year they crowdfunded this.
This, it was looking pretty good timey co-op fun. Yager is on life support thanks to the cancelation.
Fuck Deep Silver, not buying a bunch of their games because of this.
The full version is not out only that shit early access. Sui Generis you can forget.
Phenix Point is coming, one year is too early to have much to show.
Also there really are a bunch of those xcom clones now and honestly most of them are pretty cool. Try out that cold war one.
>Are you the same guy that made a thread about this
Nope, but I understand what you mean. It probably would have ended up being just another yume nikki clone anyways, but I still wanted to believe that it could have been something great.
I just wanted a comfy arena fps with some new mechanics but the devs jewed out and went early access instead of waiting so it made it die faster.
Some day Barkley 2 will come out... some day... ;__;
At least they are still chugging along and updating
Yup. It's like Chad that steals your homework and gets an A+
So what's the game will be like, rogue-lite fps?
Excuse me?
> Tribute meant to show how brutal Fallujah was
> Concept was proposed by veterans of Fallujah who approached the developers
If only Konami hadn't bent to public opinion we would've had a fantastic experience on our hands. It's like grandpa wanting to tell you about the war and you telling him to stuff it while you duct tape his mouth.
The Agency
>that story leak
I didn't feel good reading it but there really is no hope for this game
After the feeling of amazement wore off I just got even more angry that no one will ever see it realized
>could've been Spec Ops The Line but written by people that actually knew their shit
>game was reworked/reskinned into Breach
No justice in this world
> "One of the divisions in our company was developing training tools for the United States Marine Corps, and they assigned some U.S. Marines from 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines to help us out."[2] However, a few months into development, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines (3/1) was deployed in Iraq and participated in the Second Battle of Fallujah.[2] Tamte later stated that "When they came back from Fallujah, they asked us to create a videogame about their experiences there, and it seemed like the right thing to do."[2]
> Shortly after the announcement of the game, Six Days was met with criticism by British war veterans from the United Kingdom, as well as from a British pressure group, Stop the War Coalition.[15] Reg Keys, father of slain Royal Military Police Lance Corporal Thomas Keys, stated that "Considering the enormous loss of life in the Iraq War, glorifying it in a video game demonstrates very poor judgement and bad taste..."
> glorifying
> Atomic Games describes Six Days as a survival horror game, but not in the traditional sense. The fear in Six Days does not come from the undead or supernatural, but from the unpredictable, terrifying, and real tactics employed by the insurgents that were scattered throughout Fallujah.[7]
> GamePro has stated that for Benito, giving players a taste of the horror, fear, and misery experienced by real-life Marines in the battle was a top priority. Benito states "These are scary places, with scary things happening inside of them. In the game, you're plunging into the unknown, navigating through darkened interiors, and 'surprises' left by the insurgency.
Sleeping Dogs 2
For some reason I'm just so drawn to that 80s future aesthetic that I won't be able to forgive them. The game had such a cool looking vibe.
Scalebound looked cool as fuck
the guy who knows one of the devs.
Its not vaporwave, its just one man team+occational friend helping. Last I heard he was tweaking sounds to be perfect.
>tfw Dirty Harry: The Game NEVER EVER
> its just one man team+occational friend helping.
Wasn't it a boyfriend/girlfriend couple making it?
I would also like to know
no idea, I the guy making art for it was my teacher and he said his good friend was making the game + had one guy doing the sounds.
Routine is what you have to thank for ayyy looking so good as well, according to a convo I heard between some guys
pretty sure its because most brits see video games as just toys
they got the guy who did doom's (2016) ost for music tho, maybe they went too far over budget....
>went from open world game
>to generic third person shooter with driving
>to cancelled
Callahan deserves a better end than this or Deadpool
You better not be pulling my leg user. My heart isn't gonna be able to take it.
>game is about US Marines
>Britbongs get offended
what the fuck
For me, it's got to be this one. I might be the only one left, but I really wanted this game.
neat didn't know that.
I'll ask around some day.
And tell them to release a dev update, anything. Even a fucking tweet on any of the dev accounts for fucks sakes
thats not vaporware - its a shitty disappointment
>tfw you get meta cucked
technically not vaporware but
>tfw "upgraded" to Windows 10 for this