I have tried to give this "masterpiece" a shot, it's shit

I have tried to give this "masterpiece" a shot, it's shit

Suprise a group of enemies? Guess what! They go twice in a row instead of missing a turn! Have a dedicated healer? Too bad! The damage output from enemy groups means you'll never catch up and can only hope they don't chain one person so they die and there is literally nothing you can do about it! Want to upgrade your abilities so they do more damage and miss less? Fuck you! They hit for the same and miss just as much!

It's just designed to make everything uncomfortable, but not in a good way, more like a why am I still playing this kind of way

If you don't want to take the time to learn the mechanics and improve on your past mistakes then it's not the game for you.

Sounds like someone needs to git gud

>starting with the DLC that's aimed at veterans of the game
oh shit nigger what are you doing?

>game literally says at the start that it's all about making the best of a bad situation

>Suprise a group of enemies? Guess what! They go twice in a row instead of missing a turn!Suprise a group of enemies? Guess what! They go twice in a row instead of missing a turn!
Turn order doesn't work that way
Every turn, each fighter gets assigned a random number between 1 and 8 (one for each). This number is then added to that fighter's speed, and then the higher the speed the sooner they will get a turn.
Surprised enemies always fight last at the first turn
So at the second turn, you got unlucky and they roled themselves into figting first, if it was on the crimson court (in which the gimmick is speed and bleed) then no wonder

>Have a dedicated healer? Too bad! The damage output from enemy groups means you'll never catch up and can only hope they don't chain one person so they die and there is literally nothing you can do about it!
There are about 3 healer and many heroes have self-heals, there is also damage mitigation in the form of trinkets, buffs and guards

>Want to upgrade your abilities so they do more damage and miss less? Fuck you! They hit for the same and miss just as much!
Except that's wrong and even then there are trinkets that increase accuracy

You aren't fit to deal with adversity
Send this one home, for we have need to sterner stock

>this game isn't deterministic waaaah

I'm afraid you're just bad. The game isn't about triumphantly conquering every battle in the land. It's more about damage mitigation.


what is SNORT?

I hate red hook and darkie dungeon, but every single thing you said in your post is wrong or a factor of your failings. It's astonishing that by trying to find so many things you can't tolerate about the game, you missed every genuine issue with it.
You almost make the people who worship the game seem reasonable.

Yeah video games suck and bitching about them fixes it. I'd like to see you do better.

>game has grind exacerbated by repetitive enemies/zones
>complain about it being hard
u r bad, have you tried getting gudder?

>reddit spacing

>"I hate red hook and darkie dungeon"
>hating on a software and some random not related to you people

God bless this board

>Sup Forums memes

>spacing between parts makes you a redditor

>pirated the game
>cant play as solo hero

dodged another bullet

>cant play as solo hero

>too retarded to realize it before installing fucking party dungeon crawler game

Yeah, you have dodged that bullet.

>pirated Counter Strike
>you can't assume orders for your team mates in turn based manner

dodged another bullet xD

That's one way of saying "I suck at the game and can't be bothered learning anything"

>see this game posted about alot
>decide to give it a try
>follow some advice from Sup Forums
>turns out to be deliberately bad advice and I get destroyed
>ask in a thread about this
>everyone calls me a shitter and laughs at me
>uninstall and never play again

I know it's Sup Forums where it's a meme to be as unhelpful as possible but this game just seems like a rng grindfest with a terrible community

What advice?

If you're patient, i'd recommend giving it a shot, i normally do 2-3 dungeons once i get off work if i have enough time. Even if it's not a breakneck pace, it's fun to jam it out on your own time.

On a side note, you asked Sup Forums for help. What were you expecting?

You shoudlve listened to the narrator. He gives all the advice you need. For example, dont get greedy and prioritize loot over supplies too much.