Games that Sup Forums meme's you in to thinking they are hard

Games that Sup Forums meme's you in to thinking they are hard.
In my case its monster hunter.
I was expecting this series to be genuinely hard many people even compare it to dark souls (even thou souls games also aren't that hard) turns out its about average in difficulty.
Especially if you play online.
The only reason why people think its hard is because the old PSP games didn't have the cats or the Shakalakas to draw agro from the monsters giving you some time to use healing potions or sharpen gear. And those games where made to be played coop not solo so solo was horribly unbalanced.
In most cases if you realy have trouble killing a specific monster you can just google where to find components to upgrade your weapon and armor it usually takes less tan 30 minutes. Especially if you play online.
I fought almost every monster in XX and died only a handful of times online.
And right now i am nearly finished whit the SP of Monhun 4 Ultimate and so far i dint fail a single hunt.

Dont get me wrong i love the fuck out of the series and i excited about World but its not a Super hard series as people think it is.
If the game was truly hard it would not be so popular in japan.

no one ever said monster hunter is hard.
people laugh at retards saying this. the only remotely challenging one was freedom unite.
its because monster hunter is so pathetically easy that and people still think its hard it gets that moniker attached to it.
its an easy game with an easy overall gameplay loop and a simple combat loop.

>playing online
>using cats

>Wow you dont intentionally cripple yourself in easy games to make them harder.

>look up guide online
>wow this game is ez


I guess you chose to fail grade school instead of MH, huh?

Only solo G rank is considered hard.

>the only remotely challenging one was freedom unite.
That was the easiest game.

>I was expecting this series to be genuinely hard many people even compare it to dark souls (even thou souls games also aren't that hard) turns out its about average in difficulty.
Are you mentally disabled? Literally any level 140 monster is 100 times harder than EVERYTHING in NeoGAF Souls. Every single one.

>inb4 hurr, nope 140s are easy... after I've played the game for 3000 hours already

10 bucks you never soloed the high end deviants or lvl 140 expeditions.

Post your MH4U 140 timestamps or fuck off, retard.

Didn't you read OP? Every single encounter can be bypassed by Googling gear for 30 minutes.

>This easy as fuck game only gets hard if you spend several 100 hours getting to the hard part.

>The game is easy if you ignore the hard parts!

Christ how dumb are you.

>The Yahtzee Mentality
Go on, tell us about how the game has nothing to do with hunting monsters, and all you do is gather herbs and beat up babies.

G rank is an essential part of the game that can easily take away 300+ hours of gameplay if you decide to do everything and not just key quests.

>game has a difficulty curve

>green sharpness
>Yakumo gear.
>not maxed health
Nigga is still on low rank and complaining that the game ain't difficult.

What are you talking about?

Nah, it's quite challenging from the first quest on if you're new to the games. No need for lying here.

Difficultly curve would imply that the game gets progressively difficult the more you play.
But Monhun kinda stays the same.

but it doesn't?

>so solo was horribly unbalanced

I disagree
once you're a veteran, sure. but a newcomer has to take time to get better
the first time I ever got to high rank (which was in 3U) I had to start using lance because I was suddenly having a really hard time dodging the new monsters, and the few hits I took on the old ones took more health off than before
eventually I nutted up and learned how to dodge but there's no doubt that I would've had a hard time progressing because of that increase in difficulty

>In most cases if you realy have trouble killing a specific monster you can just google where to find components to upgrade your weapon and armor it usually takes less tan 30 minutes

Freedom 3rd is the easiest game.

Those "Components" Are other monsters you have to fight.
Soon you will need to use the current monster you are having trouble with as an "Component" you have to use to make better shit to fight a harder monster.

>still wanting to play the game 300 hours in when its just the same basic shit over and over
You have a mental disability.

Yes, OP is a retard. Congratulations on getting up to speed with the conversation at hand.

>no one ever said monster hunter is hard.


>Uses adept
>Uses both absolute evasion and absolute readiness
>Brings 2 healing cats to every hunt
>"wow wtf why is this game easy..."

>wanting to play the game
I know right? Get this guy out of here.

So you don't actually want to play the game, you just want to pretend that it isn't hard?

Sorry milord but I'm gonna need solo 140/ Solo sub 5 speedrun proofs for that. Otherwise, you are just another mediocore hotshot wannabe who'll just be a burden to my 140 halls :^)

Monster Hunter is hard if you don't know what you are doing.

If you have upgraded your stuff and also know how to use your items, you pretty much are just pushing through the content with ease.

For example I thought Diablos in MHW is hard. After I watched a video of a bow user I beat him in literally ONE try with the bow. I have never played with the bow btw. This is the reason why MH is more about time then about "skill".

Do you want to rush a boss and save time? You will have a hard time without abusing some bugs. Do you know what you are doing and just play save? You will beat the boss easily.

MH is more about the atmosphere. The real "challenge" is you. You can make the game as hard as a challenge as you want. You can go the easy way or the hard way. The most important thing in any MH is only one: Have fun.

To be real, MH is more or less just a waifu simulator.

>To be real, MH is more or less just a waifu simulator.

that last sentence seems like kind of a jump in logic from the rest of your post user

Solo Sub 5 mhw Diablos screenshot??????

Well khezu a cute and all but I don't see that many waifus other than the guild girls in the games.

>To be real, MH is more or less just a waifu simulator.
what did he mean by this?

>he doesn't play as a cute huntress
come on my nigga

>MH is more about the atmosphere. The real "challenge" is you. You can make the game as hard as a challenge as you want. You can go the easy way or the hard way. The most important thing in any MH is only one: Have fun.

Words to live by user, thats how to really play MonHun, or any videogame reall--

>To be real, MH is more or less just a waifu simulator.

. . . W- what?

I mean... whatever floats your boat, I guess?

Like you wouldn't abuse gigginox like a dirty used onahole

Gigginox is only good for one thing: Extinction.

The girls in MH don't really that good though. Even in World I haven't really been super impressed with the NPC girls, maybe it's just the defaults they give, character creator seems pretty good.

So stamps are the equivalent of achieves.


I agree. It only gets difficult when you encounter a new monster. Then you spend time learning its tells and beating it.

Or just play how youve been playing up to that point and beat it to death. Depends on the player really.

>you can just google
That's every fucking game. What game is actually hard when Google exists? What stupid post OP

imagine being this retarded

Id say when the player themselves have to increase their skill.
Devil May Cry could be an example but somone could just mention a broken combo that can be spammed. Maybe an RTS?

>Maybe an RTS?
I guess you can google some surewin strategies

What about rhythm games? But the only difficulty in that is getting the beat down