I listened to you retards for a couple months and avoided PUBG. Then I decided to bite the bullet and buy it. It was actually one of the best games I have ever played and I'm never listening to you retards ever again. Why does Sup Forums have such shit taste in games?
I listened to you retards for a couple months and avoided PUBG. Then I decided to bite the bullet and buy it...
Great. Fuck off.
I don't buy early access games as a matter of principle.
But when it released 1.0 last week my friend and I both bought it. We've been having fun with it. Rubberbanding sucks and they seem to only have recently fixed SOME of it
Sup Forums hates it because it's popular
also Sup Forums isn't a hivemind etc etc
It's a piece of time waster tech to babysit retards that would probably become school shooters.
Your mistake was thinking Sup Forums was a single person you faggot. Learn to think for yourself
>one of the best games I have ever played
How many games have you actually played before, shill-kin? And name some of your other favorite games too.
wait shit, i meant "shill-kun"
All the shitty games Sup Forums memed me into buying.
If you love over priced broken shit with shit awful devs that's on you not on us.
Way to go faggot
more people like the game than you think. it just stands that at the moment, the easiest way to get (You)s is to hate everything.
the game is shit and you're a fag
Then what is better you fag. I will wait.
How anyone can like a game as glitchy and optimized as this game is beyond me. Watch Dogs was a better game in that aspect
Hitman 2016.
>run around for half an hour doing absolutely jackshit purposely avoiding conflict in a PvP only game
i bet you play stupid shit like dota and cs:go too you lootbox fart-sniffing faggot.
Did you play it with friends?
You sir are retarded.
Dota is fun but I only play games with my friends and meme
Half of ANY game criticism on here is done by people who haven’t played the game they are criticising
Sorry, we thought you actually had standards
>playing dota for any reason
opinion discarded
OP post timestamped pic of purchase
or fuck off.
Because they can do fuck all and win. The game literally punishes you for wanting to use the weapons you've gathered. If you try to start a gunfight you get shot by 4 groups hiding in all directions. Plus the beginning may aswell be a dice roll, the amount of times I've looted a 2 storey building only to have a pistol, then got killed by a guy that found an AK in a shed.
Very nice Sup Forums approved opinion (you) have there.
because it's popular and people want it to fail. Even the pubg subreddit is full of cancer. It's still one of my favorite games right now and I play a variety of games without shitting on others. I can't stand fortnite because of how terrible to rng cone is for weapons, assault rifles should never miss point blank for the first few shots just because you were unlucky.
i like it but compared to fortnite its not as enjoyable
It's a badly balanced game where loot luck is a big factor and avoiding fights is the winning strategy
Also infested with Chinese hackers
110 fps minimum for me after 1.0 patch, averaging 144. 1070, i5 6500, 8gb ddr4 2400 ram. My friends have a 670/290x tier and they average 70 fps. Rubber banding problems are mostly fixed (as in I've only experienced it once or twice since the last patch).
git gud. I average 5-10 kills a game, some 0 kill games (unlucky parachuting). I hunt when I hear gunfire, and I'm ranked top 1% for duo fpp. Only shoot when you locate everyone within your radius and relocate right after. Play smart and you won't get shot from all directions every time. The game has luck, but largely rewards skill. Seriously, git gud.
Wow I sure love getting killed after I move behind cover because a chink with 500 ping shot at me and hit because of the game's atrocious tickrate and lag compensation
This, Sup Forums is just a contrarian hugbox
>implying they didn't just use a hack to hit you behind cover
i use Sup Forums to find out such games exist and then i try them for myself. i dont ever listen their opinions on them.
>newfaggots actually take bullshit on Sup Forums seriously
I bet you have a kekistan flag too, faggot
>It was actually one of the best games I have ever played
It's decent but what the fuck are your standards?
>notice i keep dying before the 2 and 3rd gas in the new map
>decide to switch tactics and camp a buildings
>end up with 4 kills and a win
i wish people played more confrontationaly rather than camping.
>one of the best games you've ever played
So have you played like... two games all your life?
kill self