People hate Nightmare in Dreamland now

>People hate Nightmare in Dreamland now





we're just enjoying the meals of a fallen friend


I love the backgrounds in this game


i dont get it where these "people" come from.
from time to time these thing come from nowhere,
people hate megaman 7
people hate final fantasy 4 5 6
people hate chrono cross
people hate contra
and now kirby? why?

damn, I forgot how great this game looked

No one hates this game mongoloid

They're probably loud underage contrain niggers

What? who said that?

It's not hate but it's just people pointing out that it's inferior to the original

it's from the compilation image where it compares it to the NES version saying "soul" and the gba one as "soulless"


Dumbest meme since "video game aged like milk".

I feel like that can be used against stuff like new super mario tho


>people hate a kirby game

hmm, I dont see it

it's "soulless"

In case you haven't seen it already, someone posted it
There is more to it but I don't have the comparison compilation.
I think the original was better too and also that people ike OP are just throwing tantrums or are just shitpoting.


Is this the Kirby thread, or just another shitposting thread?


of course it's a kirby thread how unassure are you damn

You know, that image isn't wrong.

Seems like a shitposting thread to me

how insecure

They raped the graphics is what they did. I only give Amazing Mirror a pass because that game was the tits and wasn't based off a actually nice looking NES game.

You know why
The critics are valid, too

It's just one really really autistic guy. The thread should have given it away.


Cause it stole Take Me On and Nintendo didn't even apologise

Kirby has been shit for ages. The platformers haven't evolved since Super Star and the non-platformers just end up being based around half-baked gimmicks that get old very quickly.

you serious

nitpicked and retarded.

This is as Autistic as that one Venusaur and Flabebé Comparison


No, of course not. How could anyone say anything bad about a Kirby game? They are literally perfect and immune to any criticism XD!

they must be

Damn this game had some great backgrounds. Which GBA Kirby was your favorite, Sup Forums?

Amazing Mirror and Super Star Ultra.