This is Nias board now you poofs.
This is Nias board now you poofs
Sup Forums will never be a loli board.
He's cute
don't make me gab you in the gobber m8
>mods purged Blunderfag's "bloody hell" spam
>he instantly moves on to a new pasta
You'll be shipped off to /vg/, soon.
Wait people were making "bloody hell" threads under a negative light?
I always thought it was cute.
some autist this morning sperged out and made like 17 bloody hell threads because he wanted to make a point and act like blunderfag was real.
>furry with sheepfucking accent
You have to go back
Bloody hell.
Nia isn't a loli, retard.
>I-I'm not a lolicon baka!
Sure nu-Sup Forums
have you fucking played the game you bent dick turner
I got a question.
So Nia is a blade eater, right? Or is she a flesh eater?
How did she become this way? Why?
No, I am a lolicon. And I'm telling you she isn't a loli.
There are lolis in the game though.
She's a flesh eater because she ate her "sister"
You're just a toddlercon who thinks he's a lolicon.
Nia is best girl
She is a flesh eater. Her "dad" gathered up a bunch of healer blades to try to cure his daughter's sickness. This presumably included her and Dromarch. When the daughter died, he forced Nia to eat her heart because she looked similar and he didn't want to let go of his daughter
what did he mean by this
Nice target-marks on your face. Be a shame if somebody sniped you off your board...
I want her to nibble on my dick with those tiny fangs
Buncha poofters
It means you're an ironic lolicon.
nice repeat thread, you already started a thread like this before, if your going to waifuthread at least do something new
I'm not.
If you played the game you would Nia is explicitly not a loli
i did it like 15 hours ago. fug off meanie
Does she have any chance of winning post-game?
>you would Nia is explicitly not a loli
Dumb ironic lolicon
dumb shitposter
DLC calling it now.
Where she suffers again
>He proved me wrong!
>Better call him a shitposter!
>>He proved me wrong!