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Please make my PS4 Pro purchase worth it with 60fps oh God

So the game is on Xbone? Why do Sony fanboys brag about it then

only you brought it up

im glad you can enjoy the game xbro but playstation customers take pride in that their console was where the series launched from

I'm not talking about this thread obviously, i just remember seeing the game among recommended PS exclusives and i took that for granted because the older titles were actual exclusives

Oh i was just saying, i don't have any current gen console. I tried playing the first game recently but honestly it bored me quickly

everyone enjoyed it back then because game tech was evolving and KH was one of the games that pioneered. Played today it has barely any content and feels dated.

I guess. But i think the biggest issue for me was the narrative, I've played dated JRPGs before (i got into the FF franchise only recently for example, played 6 and 9) but usually the story and characters make you put up with it. KH instead was too silly to avoid using harsher words, and from what I've gathered things don't get better. And it's a shame because i really loved the idea of playing a Disney movies simulator (guess i had the wrong expectations)

Yea it is pretty cringe and the thought of others hearing you engaged is uncomfortable.

>im glad you can enjoy the game xbro

YThe xbox one X can run the game atg a better resolkution adn framerate too how baout that you stupid sony tit sucker faggot dick arse fuck

why no switch
this game would be perfect on the switch

Because it was announced in 2013, also, it would need serious downgrades to run on the Switch. Maybe it will be ported later though.

It started development long before the switch was a thing, and they probably won't want to spend extra money and manpower on putting together a port, not this soon at least


LOL @ thinking the Switch could run it.

>implying it won't get delayed

>this game would be perfect on the switch
Why do you faggots say this for every fucking game? Be happy you're holding Bayonetta 3 hostage.

It should have been out before 2010

Why does Sup Forums get baited every single time

Anyone here just don't get the appeal of KH anymore? I first played KH1 and 2 on the ps2 and remember liking them very much. Then ~10 other games happened on portables and since i only had ps2 I lost interest in the series. Now KH3 is back on Ps4 but i'm ~10 years older now and I just not feeling it anymore. The combat from what I remembered wasn't very in depth and just mashed a bunch of buttons.
Not to mention I feel like a huge manchild playing a game set in disney worlds.

The real question is why no PC

>still playing kingpoop farts

Leaks already killed all hype
kh3 is dead on arrival

The game has a lot of content, what are you talking about

>no Switch logo

What the fuck, bros?

>had a problem with the narrative
brainlet detected

>The combat from what I remembered wasn't very in depth and just mashed a bunch of buttons.
The games, both 1 and 2 have way more going for them than just mashing buttons. That's on you. It's like playing DMC3 using only Rebellion's Helm breaker and complain that there's no moveset variety.
>Not to mention I feel like a huge manchild playing a game set in disney worlds.
I don't get this. Just play what you're interested in. Is it that you feel that you will be judged and ridiculed by others?

How so?

Indeed it is the real question. PS4 can have it for a year but PC should happen. On the PC the stupid nu-gaming shit can be fixed, the game can be made ideal and be immortalized.

You aren't gonna be able to play it on a PS2 though. and this series has jumped from platform to platform like herpes over the years.

Real question, not trying to troll. What is the appeal of these games? I just can't understand why Disney x Final Fantasy is something that people are interested in.

I saw one cutscene where Donald Duck and Goofy, still with their original voices, were telling some Sephiroth looking guy that they weren't going to betray the protagonist and they had bonded with him or some shit. Is the gameplay just really good that people look past the stupid shit? If I wanted to get into this series what game should I try first? I have a 3DS, Switch, Vita, PS3, PS4 and PC.

>muh mature games

Kingdom hearts is fun. if you aren't an insecure underage you'd realize you don't need to worry about "le cringe" and you should just enjoy the game.


you're overthinking it. nobody thought the idea made sense before they played it. It's just a really fun story about finding your friends. The later games get deeper involved in the lore of the universe and it gets a bit convoluted there but it's still a fun series. Gameplay is pretty good by ARPG standards. I'd say get the 1.5 and 2.5 collection on PS4 and play KH1 then KH2 and if you are still interested in the story play the other games on the collection.

>cut content is ok when Nomura does it

You need to stop taking yourself seriously to play these games

>the stupid nu-gaming shit can be fixed
What do you mean?

>implying this isn't going to become a norm in gaming
they are going to release "teaser" chapters, like ground zeroes, to gauge public reaction, and change course/outright cancel the product depending on the response.

You just have to let go of the "I play mature games for mature gamers such as myself" mentality.

Gameplay is fun and i like the monsters design

>cut content
>when the content is available before the game

why did you get my hopes up.

I thought a trailer had leaked or something.

It certainly has been cut from the full game.

do go on user

yeah because it was cut out and sold seperately

That's not even right, seeing as how 0.2 started as BBS Vol. 2

>So the game is on Xbone?
Yes, but why? I.5+II.5 and II.8 are on PS4. What's the point of releasing III on XBOX ONE?

Story and gameplay.

but I don't play those games. I play retarded shit all the time. Some of my favorite games are stuff like Yakuza and Wonderful 101.

Give us Bayonetta 3 and we'll reconsider

My money is on copyright issues

Those games arent retarded, they are just silly.

Sorry boys

Yeah, KH actually went into retarded territory as the series went on.

If you're serious about trying them out the rule of thumb is to play KH1 and 2, preferably their Final Mixes on PS4, if available, and if you like that, go from there. Just let yourself be carried by 1's story. It's nothing too impressive, but it's nice. It's a comfy little tale about innocence. KH2 already started getting out of hand, but the gameplay makes up for it.

They made the deal before they find out that the PS4 outsold XBone.

At this rate it will come out 2120.

switch port?

The game is full of cute weeb anime characters if that's your thing

kek nintensoys btfo

>implying Nomura won't release it in December so it releases exactly thirteen years after KH2's Jap release.

>inb4 delayed

I've yet to see any sony fags bragging about it.

I'm curious if SE will ever port the all the other games to XB1 like they did to PS4. It's going to be strange that Xbros will be able to play KH3 with literally none of the others available to them.

You want a downgraded game on a console for children?

You've become too invested in console war shitposting lad

they said an xbone port of the collection was "under consideration" (probably not happening). but only after KH3 is already out


Well I don't think the ps4 is all that great
I just think the switch is garbage

Wrong. Square is making Nomura shove it out the door and force him to start working on FF7. Doubt he even gets a Final Mix version as Square will just force his team to do a DLC.

That scene user, was the scene where I stopped switching donald for the 'obligatory world party member'

Either because of goty final mix version, double dipping or disney doesn't want people to get their hands on disney models

Man I would buy the anthology for pc in a fucking heartbeat

I agree with the story being "too silly". When I hear shit like one character is actually another character's nobody, it just makes me think why does this need to be a thing. But I also still like Kingdom Hearts for everything else it does, I just tune out most of the plot.

Best played on the X in true 4k and a rock solid 60FPS.

Stop user, you're making me cum imagining KH III in 60FPS and i don't even own a bone

>no PC release
Good thing I picked up that ps4 on black friday I guess


>implying it'll be any different on xbone

>rock solid 60FPS.
Meanwhile in reality
>Xbox One Performance: WARNING

>honestly believing it won't be delayed into 2019

How fucking stupid can you people get? Do you never fucking learn? Square Enix NEVER sticks to release dates for big titles.

Reminder that unless you're a literal brainlet, Kingdom Hearts story is actually easy to understand.

I hate the new art style they're going with. Somehow it killed the hype for me.

>take pride over something you didn't do
>take pride in piece of corporate plastic


That really doesn't change what I posted

Not what i meant, i play plenty of silly and childish games, KH simply isn't appealing imo story-wise, it's silly as in vague and half-hassed other than childish (for the short time i played) and then becomes overcomplicated and arguably edgy (from what I've gathered about the other games)

Like, simple comparison, the game should've been Super Mario-silly but instead it's Sonic the Hedgehog-silly

The game is anything but edgy

At least we'll get a better tutorial now instead of shit Aqua

yes it does. u have base ps4 aka shit resolution shit framerate instead of true power.

>no thread is save from console war shit anymore

What thought provoking statements. Maybe someday, someone will care

Over complicated yes but it isn’t edgy

Enjoy your inferior steaming turd version ;)

have fun with the worst version of the game

Yeah, After KH 2 i was hyped for 3. a decade later? not so much.


but the first game will be RDR2

0.2 is in the 50s most of the time so it stands to reason 3 just needs to be a bit more optimized to reach and stay at 60

>anime tranny poster doesn’t enjoy a game about friendship and emotion because he drives all his actual friends away with pointless bullshit and drama

checks out

kill yourself

>shove it out the door

The game has been in full development since 2013, if it isn't nearly done at this point then something's wrong.