What is your most anticipated release of 2018?
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Harebrained Schemes BattleTech. I only want this game because I enjoyed all their shadowrun games. Most importantly the majority of AAA titles tend to bore me and SR save me from that.
You cheeky cunt OP
He does it for free
Right now its tomb kings dlc on my brand new desktop
I'm convinced that MadThad is some sort of master level troll and he's spent his entire prison sentence laughing at how many jimmies he rustled.
>McMichael claimed this post was a joke.
>\things\don't click\cp
the fucking MADMAN
Yeah, I'm sure he's laughing it up on that sex offender registry.
Horizon 4 and Halo 6. I hope we get some new Gears 5 footage at E3 too but I don't think they'd release all these 3 in the same year (sadly).
A true artist will go to extreme lengths for his art.
Pic not related.
>his flash drive filled with CP also had his resume on it
absolute madman
>the "I plead the fifth" out of nowhere
Every time
It's called commitment to the bit.
KH3 and AC7
>left his USB with child porn AND his resume on it in the library
how can you be this bad at crime
>then he proceeds to confess to the flash drive indirectly, claims a joke again
A fucking shitskin pedophile from Sup Forums
How many hours after release will he be arrested again?
Well I might finally be getting a somewhat decent computer here soon,so I'm not really excited for any "new" games as much as I am for being able to play a bunch of smaller stuff I've missed out on.
Monster Hunter World beta was kinda fun though,probably gonna get that at some point.
He will kill himself days after release cap this
Underworld Ascendant
If you know ANYTHING about gaming history this is BY FAR the biggest release of next year.
>Gets released from prison on condition that he doesn't access the internet
>Immediately accesses the internet and shitposts on his Facebook
Did everyone forget about this?
Thank God I lost my virginity and am not a degenerate pedo.
Not being a degenerate pedo is a great fucking feeling. If you don't have a job, education, any money, and no friends...it's okay, because you're still not a degenerate pedo.
>I lost my virginity
Don't worry, I'm sure it'll turn up sooner or later.
It's okay, no one besides the government knows I am a degenerate pedo.
You can't actually believe that's coming out in 2018.
fuck off, carlos
never remember his name, but somehow know what this is
Star Citizen
mechwarrior and escape from tarkov
Monster Hunter World
Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology.
am a massive fan of the original RH and im really excited for the remake
you just know he's going right back
Bloodborne 2
lmao those comments
Ace combat 7
His asshole must be as loose as his lips by now. Fucking dumb nigger
Cyberpunk 2077
idk Nintendo hasn't announced the big stuff yet so Spiderman from sony or Fire Emblem 16 I guess
>implying its coming out in 2018
>implying its coming out