SMT/Persona is just Pokémon for adults. Prove me wrong

SMT/Persona is just Pokémon for adults. Prove me wrong

All video games are for children. There, proven wrong.


All the main characters are still 17?

you can't use three pokemons and fight alongside them

Collecting monsters is not something Pokemon invented

>SMT is just pokemon
This is probably the stupidest comparison between any non-Souls franchises I have ever seen. They're both JRPGs and enemy units can be recruited; that's really where the similarities end and that's a very broad generalization. And it isn't even true for all of Persona.

Pokemon has more depth.



more like smt is pokemon for edgy teenagers and persona is pokemon for teenagers who never made a single friend playing pokemon as a kid

you can't prove me wrong

>for adults.


and trained and evolved. Pokemon/Demons are more like pets than team members.

Pokemon is just SMT/Persona for kids.

Actually you can play with demons more than with pokes

You can fuse demons, inherit skills, usually demons have up to 8 skills, but pokes just 4, demons is smt have secret fusions, evolution, bosses

Smt games has (had) fucking good story and high difficulty. I cannot play pokemons after nocturne, dds, nine, persona2. Pokemons like babby food, simple primitive without any taste. For children and invalids.

>persona 2
>high difficulty
Maybe EP, IS is barely above a VN


Smart man. Anything lower is for faggots, anything higher is too much work.

>for adults
If you fuse your Demons without weaknesses the Enemy AI goes Apeshit and spamming Megidoloan.

>and trained and evolved
You can train and evolve demons but it's generally disadvantageous and discouraged to do so by nature of them all having exponential EXP requirements. The games repeatedly remind you not to get to attached and to constantly fuse / recruit higher demons, effectively sacrificing or discarding the lower ones in the process. It's very different whereas pokemon heavily rewards attachment to a single 'mon in the form of EVs.

>more like pets than team members
I always felt demons were exactly like team members. Most people will always have a support demon on hand to heal / buff / etc. just like a mage / healer in a vanilla RPG. The battles in SMT tend more toward usual jrpg stuff, with 4 guys versus 1 big guy most of the time. Pokemon lack any kind of team feeling because most of the games are all 1v1 so there's not much use for a support 'mon in single-player.

These kind of differences seem very stark and obvious to me, part of why I feel the comparison between them is unjustified and really only works with broad generalizations.

Describe the perfect adult-orientated Pokemon title. I'll wait right here.

Pokemon XD

demons that can be evolved in Nocturne and 4/4A pretty much always should be because for a lot of them the game doesn't let you fuse the resulting demons otherwise

Yeah too bad Nintendy doesn't let anyone make a spinoff using their battle system anymore.

pokemon is for adults as well as kids
its a family friendly all ages game, not the same as a kids game

Ep easy too, but you have cards system, comppability with arcanas, your stats, persona stats, cross-skills, mutations, the whole talking with demons system, demons have complicated personalities and characters, and most magic/skills types from all persona games. +coolcharacters/story

So i still would prefer persona 2 game over pokemon

>for adults

I always considered them Pokemon Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series

>use 3 pokemon
triple battles/ mystery dungeon
>fight alongside them
I mean in the mystery dungeon games you become a pokemon so you can fight alongside them technically

Isn't persona basically a "kidz rule, adults drool" power fantasy?

SMT is for teens.

Monster Rancher is for adults.

Persona is literally SMT for high schoolers according to Atlus

>Type effectiveness
>Some monsters can evolve
>You can stack buffs and debuffs

SMT has EVERY fight allow you to use multiple monsters at the field at the same time, ditto for the opponent, excluding certain boss fights. And the protagonist being able to fight along side their monsters is way more flexible in customization than any of Mystery Dungeon's selectable pokemon protagonist.

god i wanna FUCK nanashi

and pokemon is for retarded manchildren who actively enjoy eating shit.

Do not lewd the 15 year-old god

What's the point of "depth" when your singleplayer is piss easy and your MP is rock, paper, scissors with RNG thrown in?

Good post.

>for adults

Is it true that you can crossdress him by getting a certain outfit?


God what a horrible design

Yeah, and it's one of the best pieces of armor in the game.

What's it called?

SMT came out a few years before Pokémon. Pokémon is just SMT for kids.

>for adults
They are just teen fantasy book tier stories with average gameplay, the music is the only consistently good thing about that series. Not even gonna bother with Persona.

It was Megami Tensei first, SMT probably but MT was a NES game. Pokemon's for manchildren, the cool kids played demi kids

>For adults
Nice try faggot

I can't remember, but it's in the Ginza secret shop.

Wait there's secret shops this whole time?!

Just one, you have to go trough some bullshit to get into it.

Worth it just for the trap. Thanks.

Get ready, I remember the armor sets costing outrageous amounts in that shop.

One of the DLCs gives you free money if you really want to spend actual money on it.

You can also get the Demonica from Strange Journey in the same shop.

It's pokemon but actually good.


The White was the only adult faction in any videogame


you say that when smt predates pokemon

>not for children
Lmfaoo this is what weebs believe


Well after Apocalypse, I'm not so sure. I hope they tone it down a bit on the anime tropes.

Adults don't play weeaboo shit.

>Pokemon has more depth
EV/IV autism isn't depth.

I would absolutely sit a child down to a round of Texhnolyze and Lain.

Fixed for accuracy.

You should show them a nice, kid-friendly show instead.
I'd personally recommend Made In Abyss.

It came first so Pokemon is actually SMT for kids.

Most Atlus games are.

Apocalypse is more Anime than Persona 4.

at least is not a normie simulator

Agreed. It's just weeb bait.

Grew out of kiddy Pokemon to play SMT.
Grew out of edgelord SMT to go back to Pokemon.

pic related was undoubtedly the best part of apocalypse

prove me wrong

Actually Pokemon is just SMT/Persona for children.
SMT1 came out in 92 my guy. Pokemon is 96.

What accent is that anyway


No SMT is for adults , Persona is for edgy insecure teenagers and Pokémon is for anyone but not as good as SMT.

But Megami Tensei predates Pokemon by many years.
If anything Pokemon is SMT for kids.

Persona 5 does this for a reason you secondhand fuck

>edgy insecure teenagers
Apocalypse in a nutshell

expect the edgelords in smt actually bite

I can't, he really was the best
An Irish one.

MT1 came out in 1987 anyways

pokemon is about building bonds with your pokemon. unless smt let's you fuck demons, they are not like each other all

>unless smt let's you fuck demons
about that

*they are not like each other at all.

persona is also for children

if it's some offscreen nonsense it doesn't count.

>He didn’t take his angel line through to the end
What a pleb

Smt predates pokemon, though.

OP got shrekt

>on-screen sex in a video game

I'd honestly rather be handed a random pokemon game and told to play through it than do the same with persona. I haven't played pokemon or persona in years but pokemon is far less POWER OF FRIENDSHIP to me and if I wanted that I'd just watch the original YGO.
