Post your worst video game purchase of 2017

Post your worst video game purchase of 2017.

I'm getting a switch soon, but it's literally only got Mario and Zelda. I don't even want Mario kart as I already have Mario kart 8 on wii u with all dlc. Spending $80 Canadian for a battle mode and 3 characters seems like a waste.

The latest update justifies everything, you total faggot.

It's not even a bad game. Just different.

love the shit out of it
sorry you suck at fighting games

lol mad

I'm sick of all the ports and shitty old games I have on my pc and other consoles already. Can't wait to get a switch and play botw and odyssey, but I really hope Nintendo starts stepping it up. They better make a new animal crossing, more Mario party games, and possibly Wario ware, and other great series we come to expect from Nintendo, as they have the largest amount of characters and IPs out there. M$ has fuck all now, and sony barely has anything.



nah, pretty happy playing it
try selling it off, maybe the next owner won't be as shit
might give me the competition i need in online

>Ninja Theory
Pick one.

I accidentally purchased Tom Clancy's The Division for my brother because the name is similar to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.

I never actually played for more than 20 minutes.

You probably never played it past the first month. The updates made the game a complete package.

We already have a thread

A lot of exclusives coming out for PS4 2018,

If red dead 2 isn't GTA online with a horse and the Detroit game doesnt suck i might finally pick one up myself.

Gee maybe if you actually played it for more than a mere 20 minutes it wouldn't be your worst purchase, huh? Pretty much any game will look shit if you buy it accidentally and ditch it after 20 mins.

you are mad as fuck
I didn't even get it until the version 3 update was out
My thread has a timestamp because I actually own it, that thread is a falseflag shitpost thread

One thread wasn’t enough was it?
Friendly reminder that OP bought a game because Sup Forums told him to. You’re all a lost cause.

I bought stormblood
Never even made it to the new areas.
By the time it came out and I knew what was in it my friends had all quit and I just didn't feel the drive to play it.

It came out and I installed it, launched it, played with the new class skills and closed it. Shame how little it added to the game in terms of content. Especially considering it didn't change anything it's still the same formula from heavensward except less.

So you can stop playing AI?

That one started with an acclaimed and beloved PS4 exclusive though. This one is better and more reflective of a bad purchase.

Yeah but that one shits on Sony so Sup Forumstendo wont give it (you)s

t. pokkencuck

user why are you posting on Sup Forums at 3am?

Keep it one thread gents

>and the Detroit game doesnt suck
It's a David Cage game. How the fuck is it going to be anything but garbage?

why not?

>Never even made it to the new areas.

Maybe that has something to do with you not enjoying it?

It's pretty unfair to not even give the content a chance before you declare it's shit.

Monster Hunter Generations
This was my first time playing MH and I don't think I gave this one a fair chance, but I can't pull myself to give it another shot when World is around the corner, this kind of game feels much better suited to PC/Console than the fucking 3DS

Ever since the Talos Principle I've had an anything goes additude with game devs, theres always a chance.

Nintendo Switch version of Skyrim. As soon as you start up the game you're stuck on a fucking cart for ages where you can't move and nothing happens and you don't even get to make your character until after this long cart ride ends.

It just completely killed the mood and bored me to death. I never booted it up again.

Guys, one thread see

Youre first time ever playing skyrim was on the Switch? How comfy is that rock you live under?

I enjoyed Arms, was nice to have something a little different. I guess the only awful thing i purchased was Rime. That runs like dogshit on the Switch, and it killed my excitement in literal minutes. I hear the other platforms don't have it much better. Close second is Tekken 7, but that is a good game, i'm just fucking garbage at it.


No, I'm not going to that thread. If you post anything but PS4 games the OP accuses you of shitposting

OP of other thread, McFucking kill yourself you Eurotrash burger hating schlomo

The multiplayer was dead, man. My brother tried to play it after I got Rainbow Six and he didn't like it.

whatever makes you happy user :)

Nah I played it on PC but one of the first things I did was mod out that terrible intro sequence. I forgot it even existed until I booted up the Switch version for the first time.

Sitting through that long ass shite took me from hype as hell about Skyrim on a portable to being bored to death and never wanting to touch it again. I don't know how anyone thought that was a fun way to start the game.

I hope you learned your lesson, never buy Bethesda games on consoles

The Talos Principle is a fantastic puzzle game. Detroit is a other interactive film written and directed by David Cage. They are two wildly different things. Detroit will not be good.

You're contributing to this thread surviving too. Fuck off and hide the thread if you're so fucking triggered.

Tiny Metal. Holy shit it's boring, same shit of the same looking map every time

You're a fucking casual who can't learn to play. Use the joycon grip or pro controller and remap punches to ZL and ZR and get to it.

We don't need two of the same threads.

I already did use the pro controller, and I got to rank 13 just by screwing around

We heard you the first time, faggot.

I bought GTA V for $30, what am I in for?
Never played a GTA game.

Fuck the fuck off with your stupid HORIZON IS A BAD GAME HURRR

>Never played a GTA game.
I.... what?
How is this even possible?

This thread's a lot better because it actually has a contrarian game in the opening post that people are split on and isn't a fucking bait thread with a decent game.

Post these in

Friendly reminder that there is already a thread for this topic, and thus this thread is an unneccesary duplicate. Please migrate to and continue the conversation there.

>David Cage
Fuck you're right, got poo brain im three am posting like OP.

Shits its not a game, its a pretty choose your own adventure book. Im just looking for one more good exclusive to go along with Gravity Rush 2. Idk

Once again, hide the fucking thread. You must be close to tears your other thread isn't doing as well as it could if you keep posting.

Best intro heist games, plays like a movie, gets boring later when you are forced to play the nigger, he is the worst character. Trevor missions are kino.

i can't post a pic right now but it's Crash Bandimeme

kill me

>Friendly reminder that there is already a thread for this topic, and thus this thread is an unneccesary duplicate. Please migrate to → and continue the conversation there.
>Nintendoyearolds and their control/thought police obsession

tokyo xanadu

>excited to play it on vita
>finally figure out by the time i have it that the vita version has less content than the ps4/pc version


maybe you should've provided a timestamp like OP did, otherwise people will (rightfully) think you're just shitposting about a game you don't own


Do you like JRPGs? Persona 5, in my opinion, is the best game on the system. Bloodborne is an obvious choice too.

keep trying faggot
maybe one day you'll be pathetic enough to be a mod

ARMS is my most played game on the Switch, not for everybody though I get that.

I bought Poi cause I like playing platformers even if they're shitty, but the game was downright nauseating to play because of the way the used blur filters for shit thats not even that far away. Literally made me queasy to play, much faster than any of the first person games that sometimes give me the same problem.

>consolewar shitposter calling someone else pathetic

I didn't bother going since I was the only one of my friends who even bought it.
Played 2.0 and 3.0 with those guys and they had moved on.

>consolewar shitposter

Deal with it autist. Go back to your shitty thread

>doesn't understand that the random user posting isn't OP


damn is it that mediocre?it must at least be fun in multiplayer right?, what would you say would be a good price to pay for it when it ends up on the used games section

I can't choose between BotW or Mario Odyssey, so I'll go ahead and pick both.

I also agree that ARMS was terrible.

Sup Forums told me to buy it. i really like castlevania games but this was not up my alley. it felt very cheap and slapdash, which i wasnt expecting. and i didnt like the way you got items and stuff. wasn't awful though. i bought fuckloads of games this year: tekken, bloodborne, p5, berseria, momodora, re7, mario, xeno2, automata. it's been a good year.

ARMS is a shit fighting game and trying to act like it's even a decent entry into the genre really shoes how much of a scrub you are.

The entire premise of ARMS is literally that all your punches are slow, floaty projectiles. It's trash so hot I won't even touch it.

Quite frankly whoever first pitched the idea should be fired.

I didn't know Hollowknight looked this cute and sexy this whole time.

i bought destiny 2 on pc for full price

Tekken 7

Steep. All those fucking social bullshit features, a shame since the core gameplay is okay.

>that handwritting
OP stop stealing your dad's things

mario odyssey, it's fucking mario why the hell did I spend 60 bucks on this
resident evil 0, joined up with Billy and never played it again but it was 10 bucks so whatever

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

advertissing twisting history through viral marketing warfare. game forums are getting full of fake reports about how David cagegames where always "excellent" and "hidden gems" hated only by "trolls". So when the new game is release all the sheeps will follow that opinion and defend it even though they never touched any of his past products to make their own opinion.
You thing that's convoluted? That already happened to Witcher3 and you feel for it.

dude lick it its tasty

is it really bad?
It looked fun and I wanted to pick it up so I can have fun with my family.

and this children is why the fighting game scene is completely fucking dead, and SFV was a goddamned embarrassment

Fuck off waifufags. You bastards are willing to eat shit if it has an attractively drawn girl on it.

As long as you have friends and family to enjoy it with, make the purchase.
I regret purchasing it myself because while it's a good game, no one else I know has it, and it just feels shitty playing against random Japs online.

Reflex. It's a good game but it's completely fucking dead.

It's worthless as a single player game. All the levels are cramped and slow and look like they're from a Unity asset pack. Each world uses the same music and graphics for 10+ levels, so it's a real slog to get through. You can't even change which color Bomberman you are without exiting back to the menu.
Multiplayer would be like $5-10. You have to grind a lot to buy all the maps, but otherwise it's all right. Just turn off the voices. Multiplayer makes the story mode better, too.

I miss the N64 era of bomberman games.

The switch

So play locally?


There will be a Direct in a few days, most games will be announced there

there is nothing wrong with using a Unity asset packet. there is everything wrong with charging $60 for a game that looks like you did everything to a bare minimum just to say its there.

How does it feel to be retarded?

Games that have "Made with Unity" anywhere in their marketing or in the game itself are always the worst

I’ve never played Skyrim. Should I? Switch or PC version?