There are people who unironically like this game

>there are people who unironically like this game

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Only retards do.

too hard for you user? did you forget to put points into adaptability?

>combat is slow and clunky
>world design is shit
>bosses are boring
>rolling/dodging just feels off
>artificial difficulty due to the aforementioned reasons plus starting off with 1 estus, slow health regen, health cap at 50% when hollow

It's tedious to the point of just being annoying. And unlike other Souls games there's nothing to explore, no reason to want to push forward. What a fucking terrible game.

>see enemy is about to attack
>hit circle
>character doesn't roll

I love unresponsive mechanics, so fun

It's the second easiest Souls game.

>ADP is bad
>RES is ok because I don't need it
logic dictates that only underages complain about the ADP stat

it's the hardest, because of the shit mechanics and it being a fucking bore to push through.

hi dsp

Yeah, I do like it. What are you going to do about it, you fucking nerd? You gonna cry? Your momma gonna cry? Go fuck a snake.

> game

It's a fine game, dlc areas in particular are really enjoyable. Then again I'm not a soulsfag cultist who worships 1 as some perfect gift from god, they're all just kinda alright games to me.

I tried to like this game.
Then I ran into a fellow autist at the gym who told me this was his favorite installment in the series and at that moment I understood why there is a "spectrum".

It's the second best game in the entire series, Dark Souls 2 is the ultimate pleb filter. Still has the best PvP in the entire series, best DLC, and most amount of actual content

It's the best souls game. Period.

sure, if you like unresponsive controls, shitty mechanics, a boring empty world, awful boss fights, and slow tedious combat

>I'll just describe the first game and make it seem like I'm deciding dark souls 2

imagine being this retarded

its kino

Of course, the only jappanese game i like, aside from DS1.

i hate so many things about this game but by far the thing i hate most is how long enemies aggro

>just want to finish this shit game so i can say i played it
>running through enemies, getting absolutely smashed because everything feels like it's in slow mo and the rolls don't work
>go through fog gate with 5 enemies on my ass
>beat the boss
>enemies immediately run into the boss arena

They were literally waiting at the fucking gate just running waiting for the fog to disappear.

yes, me.

I'm playing it for the first time right now and having fun. I usually don't like dual wielding in vidya but with power-stancing it's awesome. I can actually play a dexterous swordsman guy, and the magic seems pretty good this time. Forest of the Fallen Giants was kinda lame, but Heide's, No Man's Wharf, and the parts of Lost Bastille I've explored are cool.

>best PVP in the series
>teleporting to bonfires is unlocked from the start, saving loads of time
>best DLC's
>soul memory prevents twinks from destroying low level players
>name-engraved ring fixes DS1's co-op issues
>Majula is comfy as fuck

What's not to like?

is there any way i can like, not go hollow? Dying and then having 50% of my health is fucking annoying and ruining my fun, and human effigys are rare. I have 1 left

Who the fuck keeps making these threads?

Put your summon sign down and help others you selfish fuck

Are there still people playing this? I want to kill bosses with people, but I never see summons signs or mine never get used. I'm on NG+ but no SotFS.

is this game really active enough to do that? I thought it was dead

the ring of binding helps a lot. it decreases how much health you lose when hollow. you can find it in heide's near the dragonrider.

if you have the ring of binding then you lose less of a proprotion of your health from hollowing

Yes, though it depends on where exactly in the game you are.

>I'm on NG+ but no SotFS.
literally nobody plays the inferior version, user.

yeah, i got summoned a few times for Flexile Sentry yesterday when i wanted some souls without grinding mobs.

DS2 players can't play with SOTFS players

retarded, i know

ring of binding in heides

>game too hard
>when it's the game where you (eventually) have the highest amount of iframes in the series
poor bait

how much adp should I have to play bloodborne mode

>I thought it was dead
I get far more summons than DS1 and DS3 combined. I dunno what made you think that.

>people said sotfs fixes the game
>it actually makes it worse

what the fuck are these retards doing

I personally enjoyed the journey in DS2 far more than DS3/1, i can see why people have complains about it though, but I think the positive parts outshine the negative parts

Yeah I figured. Up until yesterday I thought I had SotFS. Something I read long ago led me to believe that when it came out, it just became "THE" version of DS2, and that the DLC was only for new areas. Also that if I could see Aldia at the primal bonfires and fight him as the last boss, I had it. I was drinking heavily at that time, so I probably just got confused and went with it. Don't care enough to buy the DLC now though.

the whole situation was confusing at the time. if you enjoy DaS2 i do think the DLC is worth it, some of the best areas in the game.

I am really trying to fucking enjoy this game but why is everything so unresponsive? I'm in the middle of a fight, I try to estus, it doesn't, I hit it again, it does. same with rolling. This just happened while standing completely still

this is a huge problem

The DLC was great, but I'm still traumatized with how bullshit had Shulva

>Imortal enemies
>Jester thomas
>Those giantic walking mouths
>The infinite poise of the enemies
>More poison
>Traps, traps everywhere
>Gank squad

The only dlc map that I didn't enjoyed.

Bonfire Ascetics and Power Stancing were incredible additions to the series, Spices were okay. PvE was largely a chore, PvP was just as janky as 1 with more variety.

Soul Memory fucked longevity and SotFS not connected to vanilla players was a cunt move.

I liked Dark Souls 2, suck off me off, faggots.

I cannot beat the Pursuer because of this, what the fuck.

>step back, use estus
>unskippable animation
>get hit mid heal
>1 estus left
>try again
>unskippable animation

Yep, uninstalling, back to DS1.

Now I'm reading about it and getting angry, because I bought DS2 AFTER SotFS came out, probably for a bit less, but not if you include all the DLC. I mean partly my fault for not doing research, but I thought it was just like a GOTY-type collection that just included DLC, not completely altered the game. That's some stupid shit. At least it's cheap now, though. I just want to play with other people, so I'll think about it.

someone fucking defend this


Defend what? The fact that you can't cancel out of estus? Do any of the other games let you do that?

Side note, that has nothing to do with what was saying, which (unresponsive controls) actually is a legitimate problem.

I'm playing SotFS for the first time and have not had these issues. If you're struggling to chug against the Pursuer you're doing it at the wrong times.

My tip for Estus though: make sure you up your agility to like 90 or more if you're a mid-fight chugger. It helps you do it faster. You can also move while chugging, not a whole lot, but it's still enough to miss some attacks and projectiles. I also haven't had trouble rolling at the end of the animation.

>complaining about losing 50% of your health for dying

Want to know how I know you're a DaS baby who never played DeS?

stop healing the first chance you get like a retard. if that's a problem for you then it's going to be a problem in the other souls games too.

best music
best armors
best covenants

wtf this game is actually very much alive, i just co op'd with 3 randoms early game, and we literally did nothing. I don't understand why this game is so shit

yeah DeS was fucking boring, just like DS2. Dark Souls was great, DS3 was good, BB was great. DeS and Ds2 are for bland people who hate fun.

lmao getting hit, nigga learn his 4 predictable moves, dodge, hit, rinse and repeat

I recently reinstalled this game.
How do I make a new fun run?
>inb4 uninstall.exe

DeS: 10/10
Dks: 10/10
Dks2: 10/10 (currently playing again since i've never had the pleasure to enjoy the DLC)
Dks3: 10/10
Bloodborne: 10/10
This is the ONLY right answer.

probably in recovery frames

>DeS boring
>when DaS has a fuckton of backtracking
>backtracking that gets old after the first playthrough

>Giving all of them 10/10

You are aware 10/10 is supposed to be a perfect score right? Not a single game in the series is perfect. 9/10s across the board maybe, but it's more like 8/10 and 7/10 splits. Not a single one of these games is without some glaring flaws, and every time they make improvements they manage to fuck something else up. There's a reason FromSoftware has always been a B-list company and not one of the big names in the industry.

I've almost beaten ng+, collecting all crowns, then leaving with a cure for the undead curse with my bro aldia. Best souls game, lucathiel best girl, ivory queen best child of the dark, eluym loyce best zone, dex build and full charred with ivory king ugs

Just sprint away to the far end and use the estus,if that doesn't work just bait him into doing his 3 hit combo and roll away.
Remember,roll towards his swings to get under them.

Powerstance dual caestus with no shirt
Powerstance 2 greatswords
Pure magic&/hex run until moonlight greatsword

Dual wield Poison Claws is pretty fun. Massive amounts of bleed and poison. Shame they break pretty quickly so you'll have to either wear the equipment ring, sit at bonfires often or bring some means of repairing them with you.

>immortal enemies

Dark infused crypt blacksword with dark weapon cast on it.
Fast greataxe moveset with like 1200ar
Use shulva crossbow l2 to demolish shitters as they're running away.
I invaded the areas before blue smelter and the run down to sinh for like 2 weeks it was so much fun

You can say what ever the fuck you want but i enjoy the Ds3 bosses Fucking Souls of Cinder Twin Princes Friede Dragonslayer and Gael you have to be fucking retarded not to love these bosses

Serious Question what the fuck do people hate about DS3? i only played Pve and i fucking enjoyed it Maybe people hate the pvp or something i dont know

Idk user, pve was great and fulfilling, pvp invasions were loads of fun in certain areas. People complaining are probably just grinding covenant rewards after suly with all the other shitters and I can't blame them for thinking it gets old after a while

People think room for criticism = bad. But I love DS3 the most because of how easy it is to pick up and kill a few hours. It got better the more I learned about it to lessen the 'bullshit' that I ran into on some occasions.

I didn't get into the PvP until the Ringed City DLC and I really enjoy the simplicity in PvP since a shitter like me can R1 and maybe get a lucky win

Will take all into considerations, thanks anons!

Bought DS1 on ebay and it came with a fucked disc, sent it back and got a refund. Immediately bought DS2 afterwards as it was cheaper than the DS1s on ebay at the time. It came and I had a blast, playing through it twice non-stop this summer just gone over the course of about four weeks. I don't understand why people feel the need to talk the game down so much, please enlighten me. I found it incredibly challenging to begin with: the controls felt very alien to me, a bit clunky and rolling/strafing around enemies was really tricky. After I managed to fight my way past the first boss the difficulty really seemed to smooth out and I had total control, everything just clicked and felt really natural. You faggots must have just played the first section then turned it off crying because it was literally exactly the same as the first one you contrarian nonces.

..because it *WASN'T* literally exactly the same..

my guess is everyones first Dark Souls is everyones hardest (and therefore favorite) DS

I played DS 2 and it was my fav, couldn't get into DS1 (because PC version is utter trash without controllers) but I do think DS2 doesn't have a great replayability factor

Boy howdy lemme tell y'all about how great this game is! First things ya have is POWERSTANCIN, only thee most MASCULINE of game mechanics! The dual weapons in DS3 can't even compete with this marvel! Not only that, but it also has a muthfuckin HA DOO KEN fist weapon that lets you shoot fucking balls of light out of your knuckles now aint that just a good fuckin time pardner? I could go on foreva bout how this here game is the Game of the forever but y'alls tiny minds wouldnt be able to comprehend the genius that is dark souls 2

Did the developers come out and explain why they (poorly) implemented ADP?

Best pvp and covenants+rewards ruined by Meta-tier fags and soul memery issues

It was fantastic to make dedicated characters to slum around in low level places like the Bell tower, and Soul memory DID make it less of a hassle and less prone to coming across twinks. + Bellbongs were a great covenant with fun looking fashion and Chunks for days to let me experiment with weapons

It only suffered when you realized you had to buy Orbs and ruin your soul memory, and that the leveling systems for Invaders (Win Arena fights) and Blueberries (Win invasions) was ass backwards. Not to mention the Havel Monscimitar fags

DS2 is a flawed but was hella fun when it was active

Yes! I love them all, I even love ds2's shitty graphics and clunkiness, it's nostalgic.

I finished 1 and 3.
I have a ps4 with bloodborne and a copy of DS2.
Should I play DS2 or is it really THAT shitty that I should just go for BB?

DS3 would be better if they didn't listen to the crybaby faggot niggers who didn't like that DS2 wasn't a literal copy of DS1.

if you played Demon's Souls and loved it you'll like 2, I didn't particularly care for Demon's so I'm not a big fan of 2. The combat is slow and clunky, some of the controls are unresponsive. It's not terrible if you can get past the mechanics

Idk about vanilla but that's fucking wrong. DaS2 SoTFS doesn't have noticeable dodge delay even compared to Bloodborne.

Play it and think for yourself. The difference between Ds1 and Ds2 is nowhere near as bad as the difference between games in other franchises. Fallout 3 vs. 4, for example.

If you're not a lorefag or butthurt about graphics, DS2 is fine.

23adp or 18adp +simpleton ring should be enough considering you left some for attunement

Do a Dual Crossbow Run. Start putting points into Faith and Int nearing the Shulva DLC so you can get the Sanctum Crossbow and Repeating Crossbow for it's shotgun function for mobs that decide to get up in your face. Don't infuse them though, just get the Dark Clutch ring otherwise you're gonna have a hell of a time with Nashandra. Solo preferably, but summon if a boss really seems impossible I guess, but Blue Smelter was possible solo.

I honestly don't get why people shit on this game so much. I really enjoyed it.

Personally I played DaS > DeS > DaS2 SotFS and I am playing Bloodborne now. I easily enjoyed it more than DeS, but I thought maybe I just had played DaS too long ago and didn't remember it enough to see how much worse 2 was by comparison. Now I'm playing BB though, which is regarded as one of the best souls games, and while I am enjoying it a lot too, DaS2 doesn't feel so OMG ABSOLUTE SHIT still at all.

Do people hate it that much just because they downgraded it a lot compared to previews and backpedaled/cancelled a lot of stuff? Or was vanilla (pre SotFS) much worse?

>stat that you need for the game to even feel responsive, the bare minimum a game should have
>stat that is just kinda a waste
gee I wonder

DS2 isn't THAT bad. People shit post about it alot.

When DS2 came out everyone shit all over DS1 for it's terrible control schemes and 1997-esque graphics.

I still enjoy playing it from time to time.

>struggling to beat the pursuer
good luck getting trough the rest of the game pleb

I still don't understand what you guys mean by unresponsive controls. I never had a problem with Dark Souls 2 not doing what I wanted to do. Is it shitposting or is this a legitimate issue on PC or something?

>2 Pursuers

Is this more SotFS "we made it herder because we could" bullshit?

>inb4 muh gael

The majority of the Souls fanbase are autistic.

It was fine on PC for me.

It's an optional fight to get Ring of Blades +2

it's not the bosses themselves that are hard, it's the mechanics, unresponsive controls that make the game difficult. The bosses are actually piss fucking easy.

You forgot that this comes from the new game plus of d2, that's right folk dark souls 2 is the only souls that is worth playing trough NG.

are you playing on M+KB? double clicking or something in the options causes MASSIVE input lag and has to be disabled EVERYTIME you launch the game