Now that the rust has settled, what is the Sup Forumserdict on Nier Autismata?

Now that the rust has settled, what is the Sup Forumserdict on Nier Autismata?

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A2 is best girl.


9/10 plot compared to other videogames, 7/10 plot compared to other Yoko Taro's other works.

Knowing now that Squeenix is going to ride the Nier train until it crashes and burns, I would have rather Automata had just never been made.

It just doesn't feel right on PC where the community was ruined. It feels more wholesome with a controller and high framerates make me get a headache and look sped up like soap operas.

Alright so I beat this the other day and didn't really get what the "twist" was supposed to be. In Nier it was obvious Shades are the real humans and you've been slaughtering them over a simple communication issue.

Here it seems like it's just YoRHa and the machines are made using the same tech, meaning either both groups are soulless like the YoRHa believe the machines to be, or the Machines have souls which everyone keeps denying. If that is the dilemma though, the answer is pretty cut and dry, so personally it didn't have much of an impact.

Super boring gameplay, too much anime and great looking female animegirl


Meme fetish game.

I enjoyed it for what it was and moved on.
I wish both people who push it as a masterpiece and people who call it overrated trash fucked off already.

youtube / 10

You missed the twist. It's more about 9S and 2B's relationship.

Once you realize that 9S knew 2B was 2E, it is implied that he really did know all along and was just playing ignorant just so he could spend more time with 2B. She's already killed him countless times and it's hinted that he learns about the secret faster each time. That's the big reveal so you can go back and listen to their dialogue/interactions and it'll make perfect sense why they do certain things.

>he really did know all along
Except he didn't know from the begging and he didn't retain any memories after each wipe, he only guessed that somewhere along the route A/B
>he learns about the secret faster each time
No there is no such implication.

Is there any good trap cosplay of 2B yet? Not the guy with the abs though that ones pretty good but an actual trap.

9S side of the story was interesting but his gameplay was shit

GOTY 2017

Mediocre game, but not as bad as other Taro games.

Looks kinda like she has balls in the thumbnail.

That's not even a real twist.
The real one is true relationships and feelings between 2B/9S and how they impacted everyone around, from N2 that decided to fuck off after witnessing 9S' resolve up to Pods who decided to send their programming to hell just to save their beloved children.

Assistentialism is the best

>implying you can't use a controller with a PC
>implying you can't cap your framerate and further improve your graphics quality on top of it

i think the twist is that humans are extinct, the aliens behind the machines are dead and 9s is insane in the membrane

Sue Lightning i think

I want to fill 2B with sperm

It feels wrong.

Console version is okay.
PC version is shit and needs more support.

That aside, it suffers from the same problems Nier did. Shit gameplay, decent story, 10/10 ost.

At least they did something right.

You're autistic.

Does 2B have a vagina?

What about an anus?

Why does toobe have so much excess silicone in her butt and thighs?

Yes and yes.

The real twist is that both humans and aliens extinct. War between YoRHa and the machines are literally for nothing, but if androids learns the truth, they won't have a reason to live.That's why YoRHa created unit e. 9s was smart enough to figure it out,they sent 2B,or 2E, with him so she can kill 9s. She killed him multiple times and reset his memory, but he figured it out all the time.

Not as good as Nier, but still one of the best games of the year.

gonna need a sauce on that.

Bet she has a fat fucking bush

>That feel when your mom isn't into cosplay

this cosplay is retarded, 9S and 2B are around the same height and she's only higher because of her heels

It's a bad game with shit tier philosophy designed to make weebs feel smart.

Actually it's a game made to have fun.
If you want philosophy why don't you visit ?

It failed on that front. It's boring as fuck to slog through and you need to do it more than once. Shite game.

I want to impregnate 2b

Finished route A

6/10 so far. Nothing interesting happened and 2B has no personality.


Neither Taro or Platinum's best work

I want to fuck 2B's tight robutthole.

Overrated Game OF The Year.
Taro's weakest game so far.

That'd be Drakengard 3
DoD1 > Nier > Automata >>>>>>> DoD3

>all that work on that costume
>didn't pull the collar of the dress up a few inches to hide gigantic adams apple

You had one job faggot.

9S is best and did nothing wrong

i don't like the game
but 9s is a qt pie

You can only really say you've played the game after completing route E;

it's a great pornbait and whorebait "game".
finally closet sluts have an excuse to go full wench "I'm j-just cosplaying a character. It's not like a like being a total s-slut!!"

we get porn and whores, fucking win win!
game not so much, nobody cares about THAT lol. just look at the threads webwide. nobody discusses tactics or boss mechanics, quick runs or 100% completionist stuff. you know, GAMING topics.

but who cares, tiddies and ass!!!! I LOVE it

shes over 10 cm higher and much heavier, what was it 145kg?
you get exact numbers in the game

8, and that's including heels.
Without them they are the same height.

maybe, she looked taller in the game

9s looks exactly like one guy from my high school

well she would look taller, she's wearing heels

Just finished ending A myself and I don't really like toobie much either right now. The cool shit that went down was nice but it felt like Gravity Rush 2 where it seems to be dragging a bit with things, though not to that extreme. Hope it isn't rushed at the end and suffers like GR2 while failing to make sense.

It gets good when toobie dies

Yeah 2b DIES

7/10, overrated fapbait game


Fun times.

Insane Shota is best Shota

Nigga I already had that spoiled by looking at the trophy list for what I need to do. That said other than what I mentioned in getting Kira "I used to slut my voice around newgrounds" Fuckland was probably the worst casting choice in the entire game and I want to strangle her for that cringy sob at the end of route A. Now I'm getting the fuck outta here before anything important gets spoiled, later faggots I'm on to route B.

>this retard actually uses english dub when he could be listening to Ishikawa being a cute kuudere

to cushion falls

>mfw I fell face first into the giant hole on my first playthrough

>9s getting stabbed in one of the endings
Despite the entire game revolving around violence I didn't expect shit to get this brutal.

9S wants to fuck her so I'm guessing she's anatomically correct.

shit PC port
game is good, because there are like 0 other charatcter action games that year

overall it's my biggest 2017 dissapointment because of the port. i hate when good games are held back by shit technology, just like this or first dark souls.

The screaming and rolling around did it for me

I agree that it's horrifically overrated. Music's as good as people say, as is 2Bs ass, but the rest of the game doesn't measure up. Three plot twists (at least two of which you can see coming) doesn't make a game that shatters your understanding of reality.

man shinukki has such a great ass, shame shes gone.

Why would you include unnecessary holes in the design of your fighting android?

havent tried it yet looks too soyboyish.

>*screams and falls down a hole*

for pleasure and stress release for said android

Plus its kind of the shittiest Platnium game in terms of combat save for maybe Ninja Turtles.


After finishing this game, I lost interest in video games, because I think no game I know about will come close to this story wise.

pls help


Take a break from vidya or play a MP game

I think cuphead should be higher

>tfw no good discussions anymore

>or first dark souls.
Did you not apply the res patch stuff to Dark Souls on PC?

I play it at 1440p resolution completely shitting all over the console version.

A lot of it is disappointing as a Nier 1 and Platinum fan, but ultimately when the soundtrack starts pumping and 2B's perfect character model and legs are jumping around everywhere it just becomes a good, fun videogame.

yep, fixed resolution and framerate but introduced pink artifacts and some gameplay bugs related to 60fps

Never encountered anything pink or any bugs.

Guess I'm unlucky, and DaS will remain as my most hated entry in the series. Tried it with Dasfix, tried without, tried on PS3. Always shit.

I'm glad so many people love yoko taro's game

It's perfectly good in a year when the industry didn't know what the fuck it was doing

>hey it seems like it's raining sperm
>better get some in my eye too

Where are my Nuclear 9S dominating A2 and 2B doujins/lewdfics

9s is a sub

Not in my head. Too bad all the Dom stuff has him snuffing 2B.

It's a great game overall, the things keeping it from being perfect are the difficulty curve, as the game gets too easy in its later parts and becomes more tedious/boring due to the lack of challenge, and its technical aspect, the graphics aren't that great, environments especially, and the game doesn't run as well as it should considering its modest at best image quality.

Someone post the version of this pic with all the edgy memes

>him snuffing 2B.

Like killing her? Love me some robot gore, link it up senpai

Would the game have been better if 2B was a guy?