I want to get a vita. What do I get besides this?


Odinsphere. Playing right now and it's fun lad.

All Danganronpas

Ys 8 when they unfuck the translation with a patch that they delayed to 2018.

Muramasa Rebirth
Romancing SaGa 2

Soul Sacrifice Delta. It's pretty fun

>Atari legally blocked Jeff Minter from porting TxK to other platforms because it was basically a rip-off of Tempest 2000 (which Jeff also made)
>Atari hires him anyways to do a new official Tempest since he's honestly the only man who can do it right to begin with

I'll contribute P4D and Foliage Ocean in Celceta

Gravity Rush if you have no intention of ever getting a PS4.

Catherine Full Body

Persona 4 Dancing All Night
Muramasa Rebirth
Dragon's Crown
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Freedom Wars
Disgaea 3 and 4
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Sly Cooper Thieves In Time
Tales of Hearts R
The Nonary Games

depending on whether or not you have a PS4 you could also look into games like World of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Builders, and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, but Remote Playing the superior versions is probably better unless you absolutely have to have them on the go.

Soul Sacrifice
Muramasa Rebirth

And then a bunch of PS1 classics

All good, don't see Tearaway or Unit 13 (A decent 3rd person shooter that plays with EDF style drop-in missions) And I guess EDF too.

>Unit 13
I can't in good conscience condone a game that flopped so hard it killed Zipper before we ever got a SOCOM game on the PS4

Good games worth playing.
>Soul Sacrifice Delta.
>Freedom Wars.
>Rabi Ribi.
>God Eater 1/2.
>Demon Gaze 1/2.
>Mary Skelter Nightmares.
>All the Ys games.
>Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
>Persona 1 and 2.
>Ridge Racer.

Below average games that are still fun.
>Ragnarok Odyssey Ace.
>Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed.

Stuff that seems cool, but I haven't played enough to recommend.
>Brandish Dark Revenant.

The issue was more that Vita flopped hard. The last thing they released prior was Socom 4 which faired even worse because PSN was taken offline for a month following its release due to being hacked and CC info leaked to kingdom come.
Also RIP MAG. My fav console shooter of the last generation

Most of the recs already posted + Project Diva

Unit 13 was a launch title, you can't blame the Vita for it's failure

Do people still play Killzone Mercenary online?

from what ive head people still play CoD Blops Decaf online, so probably

I was playing with some randoms a month ago, dunno how it is now.

The translation wasn't that bad though.
Admittedly it was a PR person, but I spoke to NISA about the translation and was told they're left it untouched for the most part, but just went back to fix the reported issues
This isn't including the redubbing though, but specifically the translations. It also gives them tons of free advertising too thanks to the XSEED army not seeing the benefits in the long run of this.

Get Ys Celceta but not Ys 8 if you have a ps4/pc, the vita version was the original and the HD version has added content and only came out months after.
NISA released both at the same time in the west because i dunno lol.

>Persona 4 Dancing All Night
I'll take 4 copies, please.

Soul Sacrifice

mag was shit
socom 4 didnt die because sony got hacked, it died because it completely changed the socom formula into a cod style shitfest
im a semi-hardcore socom fan, but when i played the 4 beta, I was pissed

Shantae Half Genie Hero.

P4D on PS4 too hnngh

Congrats. Now you own both PS Vita games.

>Dragon's Crown
>Odin Sphere
>13 Sentinels

It's really sad that SEGA treats the Vita far better than Sony ever did

The Vita is a Persona 4 and visual novel machine. It's all I have for it since they've been porting all its games to PS4

Yes and they are good at it.


Metal Gear HD collection

Suikoden 1 is mediocre.