Why is Overwatch so popular even if TF2 is F2P?

Why is Overwatch so popular even if TF2 is F2P?

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>too lazy too slap some borderline nsfw overwatch pic to this post, but you get the idea

People like new shiny things. TF2 is kinda dated.

Bend overwatch has a smoother look than TF2, but TF2 still has the best community servers.

marketing and because it's not running off of an old-ass engine

All I want is a new Team Fortress with an actual focus around teamwork, only 1 set of unlockable weapons per class, and more focus around class composition/synergy

here you go fren

You should kill yourself and die you fucking fuck


wtf are you talking about this is from a muselk's video

Because tf2 is free two deal with cringe

You clearly didn't look at the links

Quite frankly no one wants to play a bunch of games with ponyfags. It's horrendous to check the boards and just see a bunch of pony anuses



I can bet no one wants to go out with OP the faggot

And that's degenerate.

I hate it

maybe in 2016

I do


kill them

Because tf2 doesn't appeal to that mlg twitch pubg kid demographic like Overwatch

This is next level autism holy shit.


quite based indeed

Fuck You!

Everyone who cared has been playing TF2 for the past 10 years. Even the hardcore have probably started thirsting for fresh experiences.

It's barneyfag, what did you expect?

Well he's at least somewhat right.

Blizzard marketing. You couldn't drive around a city without seeing at least a billboard. Also they had multiple fast food and grocery store ad campaigns.

absolutely fucking BASED! saving this board, barneyfag. Thank you!


Heh, you're welcome

TF2 is boring and p2w.
Overwatch is just boring.

mass marketing blitz and addictive lootbox system

TF2 is for furries and poor people

>drawing cartoon characters you dont like dead

Fuck off, Lee Goldson.
Obligatory filter list.

tf2 is 95% children and 3rd worlders

Fucking thank you.

Strong console support and mountains of porn.

Agreed. At this point it's literally for lesbians, people who want something easier, and somehting fuck at.

Well, they're still degenerate

Catering to as many cancerous groups as possible


Aggressive marketing, designed for mass appeal, and Blizzard's name is attached to it.
