It's 2018. Can we agree that 60fps is the new 30fps and that anything below it is unacceptable

It's 2018. Can we agree that 60fps is the new 30fps and that anything below it is unacceptable.

by azura it's the supreme champion!

>implying anything below 144fps is acceptable

144fps is the new 60fps and anything below 90fps is unacceptable.

Trap posting should be a minimum 3 day vacation

stop projecting your closet gay

She's got a 9 inch dick.


>mfw I've been playing at 144Hz for a year now
>thinking of moving to 2k/144Hz next year or seeing how 4k performance is next year.

where can i find more pictures of her

Gonna be a long time before that happens. Every single LCD display has been 60 Hz for decades, almost all games before PlayStation were 60 FPS, and we're still releasing 30 FPS meme games today.

8ree gifs
also stop projecting your closet gay

On PC or console? Depending on your PC 60+fps has been the standard for years, on console parts 60 and parts 30 will always be the same thing because they push for visuals too hard on weak hardware, but that's the way to sell games

>finally see 144FPS
>go back to 60FPS
>Don't like it as much any more
What the fuck happened man? I thought 60fps was the shit for the longest time. Also 30 FPS needs to die off already.

Meh, I've got a gtx1070 but I still play games locked on 30fps with a controller.

>mfw playing Okami HD at 30FPS on GTX 1070
Fucking kill me.

wait for some modder to make fps unlock patch/hack?

boss get down!

post more duccs

>tfw 240hz and everything feels sooooo smooooth

That's the best we can do at this point.


>having autism
Sorry you can't enjoy anything bro

60fps is a meme

In fact we're getting more 30fps games than ever before.

You're thinking of resolution

Consoles used to be strictly 60fps. Man, I miss those times. Luckily console gaming in my country went extinct just about then.

remove honk

>mfw playing hyper light drifter at 30fps

big duck or tiny house?


Is it really that good?
You got to be fucking lying. There isn't a 60fps option?

>it's 2018

speak for yourself, it's still 2017 here

It got updated to support 60fps eventually, but people had to endure that eye-gouging scrolling for over a year.

its only good if you play alot of multiplayer FPS games, otherwise 1440p 144hz is better choice than 1080p 240hz


How well is 240Hz with ULMB?

duck house
