Rust in 2017? Should i get it, Sup Forums?

Rust in 2017? Should i get it, Sup Forums?

its the best its ever been
which doesnt say much

>Install RUST
>Spend 3 hours gathering materials and building a base
>Someone comes along and fucks your shit within 20 seconds and blows through all your doors
>Progress completely eliminated
w o w

>Install rust.
>Character is a black dude.
>Okay how do I edit my design character?
>Turns out the randomly generated character is bound to my account because of 'bold design choices'.

Didn't they add a feature where you can assign who can mess with your stuff?

>Install rust
>Character is a completely bald female with flat chest

It doesn't help much when a clan of 20 decides to come around with full lategame gear and nothing to do

>play Rust on 100 slot vanilla server
>pick a nice remote spot
>never bother anyone, be nice to people
>build comfy as fuck house with great stone walls large enough to fit two quarries
>all on my own for three weeks
>spends hours gathering ressources
>most of it goes into upgrading house
>build a whole armory of armor, explosive, guns and ammo
>never quite enough to raid anyone
>eventually wish someone would raid me
>neighboor 4 man team finally raid me, waste twenty C4 on my base, never quite get to the heart of it
>I repair it and go all out, attack their huge ugly ass cube like base, of course with all the rockets and C4 barely manage a dent on it
>I kill them at least a dozen times though until I run out of ammo
>eventually give away all my stuff to neighboor's base

Maybe the game is great if you have friend, but as a solo roamer you either live a life of hobo or just focus everything on building a base until you get tired of it. I did it three times already, and always end up wishing I didn't.

> 'bold design choices'
He did it to cause controversy and get more public attention because he's a talent-less hack.
If you ever meet Garry Newman in real life it's your duty to attack him.

>w-wahh I need to play as something other than a white male? FUCKING SHIT GAME FUCKING SHIT DEV :,(((

>t. nigger

t. white male*
I don't see why you give so much of a fuck about what your character looks like in a game about smashing naked peoples heads in with a rock

>white male
Fucking white males

Well I'm not the guy you originally responded to. I don't care too much about playing a black guy myself. But it's pretty much a guarantee that he did it this way to cause controversy to give his shitty eternal beta game publicity.

It's not that I want to play as a white male, I just don't want to play as a dirty nigger, is that so much to ask?

>first time playing one of these meme survival games
>build a nice comfy cabin on a snowy mountain
>have lots of gear and a bed in it
>put a lock on the door and go out adventuring
>respawn in comfy cabin
>can't get out because the door is locked and key is on my corpse at the bottom of the mountain somewhere

Here in my car, I feel safest of all

So what?

I wish I could refund it.

nigger die

>spawn as a black guy
>instantly turn the server into sweden simulator
>take stuff because reparations
>build a castle because wuz kangz
>end up joining a 15 man team and destory as many bases as we can for shits

You mad?

It's pretty comfy if you have a friend or 2 to play with. Pretty sure the game gets updated once a week and it's a complete game. Looks and runs really well, and it's cheap. I have probably 120 hours and I got it for like $8 or something.