La La La La LA LA LA

La La La La LA LA LA

I hope these guys pop up in the Nier series someday. That'd be a riot.

la la la la la

wait a minute babies don't have teeth

So, were grotesqueries the watchers, or were they and the queen beast just another tool of higher beings that remained unseen?

You might be onto something, user. It's just a theory, but I think, and don't quote me on this, but I think they might not actually be babies at all.

They mature quickly.

How much alcohol did Yoko Toro have to make these scenes

about as much as he had when the higher ups told him to make it a musou clone


I think the grotesqueries and the queen were subject to the watchers and the watchers or angels are ultimately tools of God.

So we've gone backwards, forwards, and to an alternate dimension.

Where else can a Drakengard 4 be set?

Say what you want about their weird tastes for human flesh, atleast the watchers have a good dental plan, just look at them pearly whites.


Drakengard 2 is a goddamn marvel to me in that they managed to take the idea of Manah but all grown up now and turn it into one of the most boring, lifeless characters in fiction.

Caim somehow gets thrown into Nierverse

He continues to do what he does best

Right before and after the Cataclysm, so the time loop can be completed.

The watchers realm.

to specify during Automata time or beyond

What is the Cataclysm?

Taro's original idea for Drakengard 3 - set in a Japanese high school starring a teenage girl who uses her cell phone to summon her dragon.

It's what brought the Cathedral City, dragons, and magic into the Drakengard universe.

That sounds about right. The idea of intoners unwittingly being early Queen Beasts ties into them not really being at the top of the cosmic horror food chain.

At least she's better than Nowe. She even might have escaped the hapless love interest role if he didn't exist.

More details? For some reason I've never heard of the Cataclysm but you're being very vague.

Caim and Angelus are pretty much the only good things about Drakengard 2 along with some music

It amazes me that in terms of story elements, all the most interesting moment occur when it directly relates to the first drakengard. As much as everyone shits on this game, I will still give it some love.

Caim straight up murdering a guy possessed by a grim reaper was metal.

There are not many details to begin with, but it was the event that started all this and will most likely end it.

It always felt to me like Nowe was supposed to be this super generic JRPG protagonist who decides he's going to topple the evil empire and make the world a better place only to actually make everything worse for everyone due to his ignorance, but somewhere along the way (probably due to executive meddling) they forgot to make the second part happen.

To be fair [spoiler}Drakengard 1 was the jump off point that spiraled into all the wackiness

and compared to the other Drakengard / Nier games it probably had the most fucked up shit in it on most fronts from Antagonists to the fucking party members themselves[/spoiler]

That's interesting. So extra-dimensional shit. Mag fuckin neato

I just remember it being random info during Drakengard 3 loading screens.

I'm going with world after a huge apocalyptic catastrophe from a comet strike later revealed the comet was a head from joke Ending Y.

>who decides he's going to topple the evil empire and make the world a better place only to actually make everything worse for everyone due to his ignorance
He kind of is. Everything is pretty much his fault for blindly believing that the seals needed to be destroyed because of the negative side-effects they give off. So he undoes his adoptive father's work, murders a few comrades, and nearly dooms the world.

But things turn out pretty smoothly for him, despite all of the death he caused. Hell, Manah at least has the excuse that she's still semi-possessed by the watchers. And Caim has the excuse that he only cares about Angelus regardless of what wrecking the seals will do to the world. So their motivations make sense.

But Nowe's just kind of a dunce who plays himself up as the good guy.

I feel like this fits the spirit of Drakengard the most, especially since ending Y was a pain to get

I actually really have a soft spot for the idea of Manah's role in Drakengard 2. Going from being the mouthpiece of the watchers to trying to move on with her life and help the civilians of the leftover empire, only for the watchers to exploit that part of her and try to force her to unknowingly threaten the world yet again.

Just a shame that she ended up playing second fiddle to Nowe and everything else going on. It could have been an interesting reversal of roles with her as the would-be hero and Caim acting as the villain.

What would have sold Nowe was if he realized how badly he fucked up and wallowed in it. Upon reflection he feels like what Seere was supposed to be written as, except it's his own actions that are to blame.

I am curious about how Drakengard 1's world turned out post-ending E when Caim saved his universe but wrecked Nier's.

Either way, I'd like to see another Drakengard game where pacts are a big deal in the party dynamic.

>I am curious about how Drakengard 1's world turned out post-ending E when Caim saved his universe but wrecked Nier's.

Nowe had a good enough reason to leave the knights behind after the general betrayed him.
It's just really really grating that he doesn't even try to tell anyone about it.

His best friend asks him what happened and why he's leaving, but Nowe can't take ten seconds to tell her that the general tried to poison him. So she understandably thinks that he's gone nuts.

Thats DoD 4. Which already exists. DoD5 when?

Taro has already mentioned he's interested in a highschool setting. I want Drakengard 4 to be Persona Drakengard

>Everything in the "pacific iron system" blurb

What the fuck article is this?

what a magnificent fucking moment. E3 2015 was great

>Weiss and Rubrum hanging out

>Wake up
>Notice that Zero is wearing your shirt and looks quite grumpy!

What do?

The Pacific Iron System sounds like something EA would come up with.

>The watchers realm.
You know, I've never really considered what kind of place they would have physically come from would be like.

I guess something Godhand tier?

Nier universe. Far FAR future. Both Earth, led by a merge of machines and androids and the planet colonized by N2 and 9S achieved easy space travel and became empires. Both evolved so much they cant be distinguished from humans.
They are at war.
You play as a spaceship pilot in this war, starwars style, including a companion Emil head like a R2D2.
As the things escalate, both groups start to dwelve into ancient magic.
They accidentally the watchers.

Why does brother nier love Caim? And why do the japanese not have any love for papa nier?

>play as Caim killing 2B in front of 9S as a boss fight
I would get a good chuckle.

Would Sup Forums like a Nier prequel with heavy links to DoD1?

Brother Nier loves Yonah.

>why do the japanese not have any love for papa nier?
He's less pretty.

I'd just like to see Caim run into Emil with the latter trying to be Caim's jiminy cricket of sorts

It doesn't work

>He's less pretty.
And less canon. Pic related, Emil's canon memories in Automata.



I like the idea of getting some actual answers exploring some early timeline mysteries, but I guess it would depend on how it's done.

He's canon enough in my heart.

Would it? Wouldn't it just be humanity deteriorating from the Black Scroll(?) disease?

How would they actually do it anyway? It'd have to be a pretty large open world game, no?

I'd also be fine with a D&P game as well.

You could have a fight where he has to fight Angelus and Emil nukes her when Caim hesitates after she does the same.

Yes, which is right up Taro's alley.
Open world, no. Mission based system that spans the globe, maybe.

There's a lot of content from the lore I'd like to see expanded on, but every Taro game at its core has been relatively standalone. Different gameplay, characters, themes, etc.

So I'm not where they'll take things now that Automata's actually made money.

>there will never be a game about caim wrecking shit on Earth leading an army of red eyed salt monsters

I want more Accord!


But Drakengard and Nier happen subsequently. White Chlorination Syndrome created The Legion and turned people into salt because it's interdimensional particles from the Grotesquerie Queen, and it reacts with our physiology by fucking our shit up. Timeline-wise they're completely parallel, it's just that the horrific evil of Drakenier is able to tear between universes.

Fun fact: 'magic' is just the violation of conservation of energy by pulling matter or energy from Drakengard's universe into our own. We learned this by examining Angelus's corpse after she got shot down in Drakengard Ending E.

>I'd also be fine with a D&P game as well.
I know they were just teasing when Square Enix's Pres asked Taro if he would make another game featuring his favorite characters, but I'd be all over the idea.

Legion Wars game would be great but I heard the CD Drama already covered that period so it is unlikely.

I want a game where I can protect both of their smiles.

Oh does it? I'll have to find it.

how 2 emulate drakengard?

Or at least some version of them. Somewhere.


user, you couldn't get Devola to stop smiling. No-one stops.

but I can't play otherwise


next game will have talking animals and none of the things that already exist except for a symbol or two

You don't PLAY Drakengard. Trust me on this, nobody PLAYS Drakengard.

but I don't even like video games anymore so I figured this would be my kind of thing

It's the lack of a 40 year old male's voice, user. Loses almost all of her cuteness without it.

I just got Arioch, how much longer is the game? I'm having fun but my toaster can't handle it anymore

wish it was on PSN desu

Playing Drakengard will make you hate life itself, are you sure you want to do it?

You're about 1/20th of the way through, barring repeat missions for hidden weapons. Those included, probably 1/40th.

Arioch is objectively the only useful party member, by the way.

I really like the hip tattoos she's got. Its just a small but cool design detail that I find hot.

Stop being such a faggot user, the game isnt as terrible nor long as you are making it sound

Unless you have a huge amount of time to kill I don't think it's worth going out of your way to find every weapon for unlocking the last last boss. Youtube it.

Isnt there a short story sequel to Drakengard 2 that has Nowe and Manah being so guilty over what happened that they split up? and that Eris is going through the same thing Angelus did? How sad.

The game is about 80 hours with all content, and you get Arioch fairly early at 4-ish in, and she's in your party through all routes. That's pretty spot-on with what I said.

Drakengard is awful in-game. Even as a kid I hated the fact that the framerate couldn't hold a solid 25, and it's an even blander Musou in terms of combat. The top-tier direction in every other aspect makes it worthwhile but fuck it's hard to sit through the actual meat of that sandwich.

I would recommend doing this for the whole game. Things like that old cunt whining at you and Seere are terrible and if I could've skipped them I would've.

Buy it and a ps3/2
It's a very fun game with a happy ending

Tend her flower of course!

Sorry If I'm late download the latest as in 1.5.0 and then you'll need to change skipdraw to 30 to get rid of the lines from there it's anything you want so it runs for you and ignore what that other retard is saying Drakengard 1 is fantastic

Is drakengard 2 recommended? I played the first one and I'm doing nier 1 right now

not canon

Should I play Drakengard?

I don't recall. I remember Eris made it out alright in the final ending of Drakengard 2 though. At least she didn't become goddess in all of them.

how the fuck you get drakengard on ps3

I want another Drakengard game. Caim and Angelus were the best.

Backwards compatibility and or jailbreaking

I just played it this year for the first time and enjoyed it. The gameplay is simple but not bad. It's an easy game to just zone out and murder dudes for hours. The batshit story is worth it.

It's really not very fun to play, and doesn't have Taro directing it, so a lot of people write it off.

It does have a few fun story moments though, regarding the main character of the first Drakengard.

So you could bite the bullet if you're really interested. The dark Id's text LP of it is always an option too.

I think the fireproof mages and archers are grating, but the gameplay's more repetitive than absolutely terrible.

Unless you're going for 100% completion trying to find all the hidden weapons. Then it's a pain with a guide and impossible without one.