Runescape thread?

runescape thread?

runescape thread

I'm about to do desert treasure, how bad is it compared to Monkey Madness? Like is it annoying to do, or does it just take a while to do?

fishing lvl?



n i c e

>he doesn't play Sup Forumsscape
Please don't tell me you're actually paying for members on gayscape LMAOOO

paying with ingame gold because this is 2017 and bonds are a thing my nathan

It's similar to Monkey Madness in that you travel way too much. I didn't think it was crazy difficult or anything though.

It's more annoying than MM. There are parts of the quest that are just purely luck and are full pain in the ass. The bosses are easy mode tho.

it's long and annoying as you have to travel to different places, you constantly have to bank since if you hold on to even one of those gems, that dumbass stranger comes out and attacks you, and it's just an tedious task to do for rfd.
you also got that chest bit which is unnecessarily based on rng and that one ice level that loves to drain your stats.

is it worth it?




what do i fix? it's just my main, i have a void that im trying to level/fund

Fuck off phoneposter

im not a phoneposter, i just looked up some shit on google

go get all the gathering stats and you'll have enough money to get the buyables. start with hunter -> thieving -> fishing -> woodcutting. then you train magic while doing slayer. you'll 99 magic and probably 90~ base melee from it after, get your melee stats up at bandos afterwards.

Not him, but get that defense up if you're not going to powerlevel strength to 99 first. Then work on your herb skill a bit.
>Hunting level above 1
Hunting was the single most pointless skill in the game until they released Dungeoneering

Here's your phone post gay boy

>taking screenshot of post
So much autism


yes, they're pointless. they're skills you have to all do at one point if you want to max, and it does give 20m for selling all the chins. sharks from 96-99 give 45m. that makes a huge impact at the stage of the game he's at instead of doing these later where it's pointless


Recently got back into this.
Considering membership since I only have Shielf of Arrav and Dragon Slayer left to do on free.


real nice